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LeT: Ready to end Jihad in Kashmir

Oh please, I've heard enough of that bollocks.

The LeT has been engaging in Jehad using Pakistani help for decades, and how you guys want "proof" of their involvement.

It would be the biggest joke in the world if it weren't so damn sad.

'Jihad' against an occupation force is fine by me - I don't consider it terrorism. Some of India's own revered figures engaged in violence against the British, as did those of the US.

The LeT did diverge into terrorism later, and it is banned. However, Saeed has distanced himself from those acts of terrorism and condemned them (though he was involved in the fight against occupation, which is not terrorism) so unless he can be shown to have supported those acts, I do not consider him to be guilty.
Pakistan will get its proof alright - its quite obvious that India is currently building a strong case against these guys - but its a crying shame that it took arm-twisting from the only superpower in order for Pakistan to atleast pretend to prosecute a bunch of terrorists.

Every time pressure is put on the GOP to act, a few guys get put into house arrest and released some time later. Its now common knowledge that these guys are treated like national assets by the Pakistani administration - I fail to see why you guys need to even deny it any longer.

As you said yourself, India is still building a case - she hasn't offered Pakistan anythign except a bunch opf papers and images in some 'dossier'. Let us know when you have something tangible to work on and we'll work on it as we have indicated already.

In the meantime as a gesture of goodwill, despite the belligerence and irresponsible behavior from the GoI, we have detained some suspects. They will be tried when and if India cooperates and shares evidence, or our own investigation brings something up.
The Mumbai attacks were truly a Himalayan blunder for LeT. They crossed the line by killing Americans and they know it, hence the sudden paradigm shift. They can wave the white flag or rename themselves Timbuktoo Brigade but the game's over. They should settle their matters and wait for the Predators to arrive to deal the coup de grace...
The Mumbai attacks were truly a Himalayan blunder for LeT. They crossed the line by killing Americans and they know it, hence the sudden paradigm shift. They can wave the white flag or rename themselves Timbuktoo Brigade but the game's over. They should settle their matters and wait for the Predators to arrive to deal the coup de grace...

Those that were involved in planning and carrying out the attack will be punished.

Others, say for example Hafiz Saeed, who (at this point) do not have any evidence implicating them, and have condemned the attacks, will not be.

Any organization, especially insurgent groups, will have people with different views on how to approach things. Those who do not condone the Mumbai attacks will survive and continue the struggle to free Kashmir from Indian occupation, through attacking Indian occupation forces or peacefully - nothing wrong there.

The US is not going to go beyond FATA with the Predators, though India would hope that it would. The US will put pressure on Pakistan to punish the perpetrators, and like I mentioned, we have arrested Shah and Lakhvi. Now it is up to all the concerned parties to cooperate and share evidence and information to bring the perpetrators to justice.
'Jihad' against an occupation force is fine by me - I don't consider it terrorism. Some of India's own revered figures engaged in violence against the British, as did those of the US.

The LeT did diverge into terrorism later, and it is banned. However, Saeed has distanced himself from those acts of terrorism and condemned them (though he was involved in the fight against occupation, which is not terrorism) so unless he can be shown to have supported those acts, I do not consider him to be guilty.

You are really serious when you say this?

Would you say the same if the likes of Maulana FM and Baitullah condemn some attack within Pakistan that they are widely believe to have orchestrated in the first place?
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Once leT payback to you Indians and slay each soldier in occupied Kashmir for the murder genocide terrorism killing 85,000 confirmed civilian Muslim Martyrs by u extremist fundamentalist hindus..then will they throw their Arms for peace...
You are really serious when you say this?

Would you say the same if the like of Maulana FM and Baitullah condemn some attack within Pakistan that they are widely believe to have orchestrated in the first place?

They are actively involved in terrorism and leading organizations actively involved in terrorism.

Saeed was involved in an organization that was fighting the occupation in Kashmir, and one that eventually digressed into terrorism by attacking civilians, and he left it, and he has condemned their actions.

I would consider Saeed to be similar to Sufi Mohammed of the TNSM, though of course the environments in which the two operate and their causes are dissimilar.
Once leT payback to you Indians and slay each soldier in occupied Kashmir for the murder genocide terrorism killing 85,000 confirmed civilian Muslim Martyrs by u extremist fundamentalist hindus..then will they throw their Arms for peace...

Why there was peace in valley up to 1980s..
What you think Indian army will welcome all those terrorists with folded hand ..Supporters of terrorism are solely responsible for death of our kashmiri people and jawaans...Each and every worm will be cleared from Indian land..No one wants peace with you..
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the LET issue is a bit of a red herring.

Everything that goes wrong in Bharat is pinned at LET, SIMI, or ISI, and many times at all three.

The GOI blamed LET the very day the terrorists struck, so all that they then proceeded with was to 'find' evidence that supported this theory, and silently ignoring any contradictory evidence.

LET has not been a functional group for a number of years, and the Kashmiri Freedom struggle has progessed, and distanced itself from violence for a couple of years now. The odd guerrilla action notwithstanding.

Bharat has to accept, that this recent wave of terrorism is inspired and directed by people from within, although certain logistical support from like minded gruops throughout south asia cannot be discounted.
Why there was peace in valley up to 1980s..
What you think Indian army will welcome all those terrorists with folded hand ..Supporters of terrorism are solely responsible for death of our kashmiri people and jawaans...Each and every worm will be cleared from Indian land..No one wants peace with you..fight like a dog and die like a dog..

Being a guest on a Pakistan forum, i advise you to desist from using deragotary terms.

I'm sure we have quite a few members of our own who can reply in the same vein, and much more besides.

I personally salute the Kashmiri Youth who have sacrificed their lives to attain their dream of Freedom.
Being a guest on a Pakistan forum, i advise you to desist from using deragotary terms.

I'm sure we have quite a few members of our own who can reply in the same vein, and much more besides.

I personally salute the Kashmiri Youth who have sacrificed their lives to attain their dream of Freedom.
I thought I was a member..thanks for removing my illusion..Have you noticed the post to which I replied..
They are actively involved in terrorism and leading organizations actively involved in terrorism.

Saeed was involved in an organization that was fighting the occupation in Kashmir, and one that eventually digressed into terrorism by attacking civilians, and he left it, and he has condemned their actions.

I would consider Saeed to be similar to Sufi Mohammed of the TNSM, though of course the environments in which the two operate and their causes are dissimilar.

You mean it is seriously believed in Pakistan that he is no longer the Emir of LET and has distanced himself from the terror activities?

It is difficult to believe for me. The LET has only gone underground but is very much active. The closing of 5 camps by Pakistan earlier this month proves that. The likes of Lakhavi etc. are still actively in LET.

Who is the new Emir if not Saeed?
You mean it is seriously believed in Pakistan that he is no longer the Emir of LET and has distanced himself from the terror activities?

It is difficult to believe for me. The LET has only gone underground but is very much active. The closing of 5 camps by Pakistan earlier this month proves that. The likes of Lakhavi etc. are still actively in LET.

Who is the new Emir if not Saeed?

No idea -There is a possibility he is still involved in operations against Indian occupation forces in Kashmir, but I do not think he was involved in the Mumbai attacks or other such incidents. I could be proved wrong as more evidence emerges, but based on the information so far he seems to have distanced himself from such acts.
How can a group which does not exist, have an Emir? The LET has been banned, and was disbanded.

There is no leadership in hiding.

Of course, keeping it alive in the media is in the interest of the GOI.
the LET issue is a bit of a red herring.

Everything that goes wrong in Bharat is pinned at LET, SIMI, or ISI, and many times at all three.

The GOI blamed LET the very day the terrorists struck, so all that they then proceeded with was to 'find' evidence that supported this theory, and silently ignoring any contradictory evidence.

If there is a murder or incident in SWAT, how long would it take for Pakistan to know (or at least guess) who was the perpetrator!

There are some things that are self-evident. From the previous pattern and knowing the motives of people who would want to do such acts and have the capability and motivation.

It is this talk of how many minutes or hours it took for the finger of suspicion to point to the accused that I feel is the red herring.

LET has not been a functional group for a number of years, and the Kashmiri Freedom struggle has progessed, and distanced itself from violence for a couple of years now. The odd guerrilla action notwithstanding.

I am sure you would not want to be caught in that "odd guerrilla action"! Nor would you want any innocent Pakistani to be the target of that.

If the frequency of their terror attacks has not reduced that does not take away from the fact they are still a terrorist organization that needs to be taken out.

As much for Pakistan as for us.

Bharat has to accept, that this recent wave of terrorism is inspired and directed by people from within, although certain logistical support from like minded gruops throughout south asia cannot be discounted.

Yes, ISI and LET have tried to make some groups in India autonomous in carrying out the terror attacks. The blame still lies on them if their proteges carry out those attacks.
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