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Let attempts Huge Infiltration - Kashmir on alert

he knew the importance of a strong military in order to safe guard our people, we don't believe in subservience to anyone.

I was talking about the Kashmiris, who said anything about Pakistan being subservient to anybody?! The use of the words 'our' & 'we' in the above sentence reflect the actual truth of the Kashmiri 'freedom' struggle -- it's not about the Kashmiris, it's about the Pakistanis!

Coming back... the very reason the LET has attempted such a 'huge' infiltration maybe because their masters might have felt uncomfortable about the recent comfortable atmosphere in Kashmir where terrorist activities were on the wane. Thus this attempt to relight the flames.
Yes indeed, and as the UN resolution was passed under chapter VI, it is non binding. so under UN charter the resolution is non binding. hence no conflict with the simla accord.

In any case even if it was passed under Chapter VII, the same has not been honored by pakistan as the resolution demands pakistan pull back its 'tribesmen' and army from Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, only after that India to pull back its troops to the minimum reqd level and then conduct the plebiscite. if pakistan was interested in a plebiscite, why did they not pull back?

Just one more example that you just keep breaking ur word. its a habit.
Let me just point out again that you were completely wrong on Simla, and are now trying to start a tangential argument.

On the UN Resolutions, this issue has been extensively discussed on the UN Resolutions thread. Nehru's duplicity on this has been clearly exposed through his own quotes - please read through the thread and take it up there.
Pure bollocks...some people have the right to loot plunder and rape while the rest have to put their hat in hands and take a beating? Thats utter BS, Palestinians and Kashmiri's have full rights to self defence despite what the monopolized popular media wants to portray. Why doesn't India take a stance of non violence in Kashmir, after all isn't Gandhi the founder of your nation? Jinnah was a meat eating man, he knew the importance of a strong military in order to safe guard our people, we don't believe in subservience to anyone.

Its unfortunate, when people think, indian army considers Kashmir as a whore house. Please note that incidents of rape happend due to some perverts in indian army. But kindly do not generalise. And we have taken strict action against those who have been proved guilty
Indian Army To Fire Officer In Kashmir Rape Case
Indian Army To Fire Officer In Kashmir Rape Case
These have been proponganda by the mindless mullahs to demonise INDIA and to recruit foot soliders for their vested fight against indian union.

Kindly note that when the vilonce is comming down, why do LET wants to fight again.

If you are of a perception that indian army goes around each house and pics up a women to rape everyday or randomly.. then boss i would like to tell you simply that sort happens under taliban rule not here..!!!!
I was talking about the Kashmiris, who said anything about Pakistan being subservient to anybody?! The use of the words 'our' & 'we' in the above sentence reflect the actual truth of the Kashmiri 'freedom' struggle -- it's not about the Kashmiris, it's about the Pakistanis!

Coming back... the very reason the LET has attempted such a 'huge' infiltration maybe because their masters might have felt uncomfortable about the recent comfortable atmosphere in Kashmir where terrorist activities were on the wane. Thus this attempt to relight the flames.

Kashmiri's are also Pakistani's.
Some 'freedom fighters' indeed! Sir, permit me a slight deviation here... If I'm not mistaken the photo of your avtar shows the statue of Mr.Jinnah. Mr.Jinnah and a couple of gentlemen from our side (most notably Mahatma Gandhi) were also 'freedom fighters', were they not?

Did Mr.Jinnah and Bapuji fight the British with AKs and bazookas? Didn't they achieve their objective nevertheless? Why? Because their cause was genuine and the way they went about it won the respect and admiration of the world to such an extent that the British were made to look like real jackasses and had to give up.

The reason why the Palestinian and Kashmiri 'freedom' struggles have not yet fructified is because even though these peoples are fighting for a just cause, the way they are going about it is wrong. The violent freedom movements being waged by both these peoples just gives an opportunity to the 'agressors' to show these people as ruffians and terrorists who have to be suppressed, and the rest of the world agrees! And so the story continues...

On the other hand, if both these freedom struggles would have been non-violent do you think that Israel or India would have been able to hold onto to these territories? I THINK NOT!

You are right indeed brother, but the hate that has been feed into our new generation, i really doubt such an effort would be taken or is thinkable by this generation.
Simla does not supersede the UN resolutions. The first clause of Simla references and endorses the UN charter and principles.
(i) That the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations shall govern the relations between the two countries.
As per first clause to Shimla agreement, the broader relationship between the two countries shall be governed by the "principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations". It doesn't bind the Shimla agreement to UN charters.

By virtue of second clause, any specific dispute between the two countries (e.g. Kashmir), shall be settled "by peaceful means through bilateral negotiations or by any other peaceful means mutually agreed upon between them." The wordings leave no scope for UN intervention, unless agreed upon by both the parties.

Just to summarise, the first clause deals with general relationship between the two countries, which shall be as per UN Charter, while the second clause deals with how so settle disputes between the two countries, which shall be through bilateral agreement. The scopes of the two clauses are entirely different and is very clear.

(ii) That the two countries are resolved to settle their differences by peaceful means through bilateral negotiations or by any other peaceful means mutually agreed upon between them. Pending the final settlement of any of the problems between the two countries, neither side shall unilaterally alter the situation and both shall prevent the organisation, assistance or encouragement of any acts detrimental to the maintenance of peace and harmonious relations.
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Let me just point out again that you were completely wrong on Simla, and are now trying to start a tangential argument.

On the UN Resolutions, this issue has been extensively discussed on the UN Resolutions thread. Nehru's duplicity on this has been clearly exposed through his own quotes - please read through the thread and take it up there.

I read the thread and my thoughts are not changed. Where the UN charter is not binding, the specific provisions of bilateral accord apply.

In case of kashmir, hence, simla accord applies.
Yeah pretty frustrated when you could not handle few armed men during mumbai carnage. Grow up and quit wet dreaming about creating another BD.[/QUOT

Mumbai attack was done by cowards terrorists and so called non state actors of your state... Taking a gun and fighting a empty handed civilian is wat makes u feel proud i think....
Mr. Dabong, by sending few hundred terrorist does not show any advantage, infact, it reiterates Pakistans policy on terrorism. This one act if true, will create more isolation to Pakistan as well as any future gains in Kashmir issue. .

9/11 saved the indians from the next phase of the freedom fighters push for total victory in kashmir.......you had the last 10 years to move on kashmir but you just wasted time and now you have to face the consequences.

The other big issue here is Pakistan is order by the UN to stop these people from planning, recruting, and comminting terrorist acts. Indian intel shows that is nowhere close. These tactics has not worked in the past and it will never work in the future.

Well why dont we start with india forfilling its promise to the kashmiris via the UN first.......you must be dreaming if you think was just going to sit by and let the indians have kashmir on a plate......dream on.
That does not justify, that they are not terrorist..

Do tell us your definition of a freedom fighters.

It is to be noted that Pakistan troops have been firing throughout the last night at Indian posts in Uri sector. Pak troops have earlier resorted to such tactics to give cover to militants crossing over. Indian Army has lodged a formal protest with their Pakistani counterparts on the same.

This sentence from the article that started this thread.

and punjabis of LET are hardly 'domestic freedom fighters'. its a terrorist org, even when they fight our soldiers they still terrorists.

Well once you get a total kashmiri only unit of the indian army to fight in kashmir then we will play by you rules of having only kashmiris do the fighting from our side.
Obviously not when they in the process of infiltrating, but there have been several instances of terrorists using Kashmiris as human shields:

Instance 2:

Instance 3:

Instance 4: HRC report:

Need I say more? This is how you support Kashmiris?

DailyMuslims - Kashmir: Abdullah?s Belated Realization
Reyaz Ahmad Sofi, was killed by Indian army in Damhal Hanjipora village of south Kashmir recently. While army said Sofi was killed in crossfire, the civil administration hinted that he may have been used as a human shield by the troops.

By Adbul Ruff Colachal
freelance analysis and columnist based in india new delhi

I got a long list of indian killing of kashmiris...facts figures ect.

I should like to make it clear that question of aiding Kashmir in this emergency is not designed in any way to influence the State to accede to India. Our view which we have repeatedly made public is that the question of accession in any disputed territory or state must be decided in accordance with wishes of people and we adhere to this view, it is quite clear. I have thought it desirable to inform you of situation because of its threat of international complications."
(Excerpts of telegram dated 26 October 1947 from Jawaharlal Nehru to the British Prime Minister, Clement Battle)

" We have declared that the fate of Kashmir is ultimately to be decided by the people. That pledge we have given, and the Maharaja has supported it not only to the people of Kashmir but the world. We will not, and cannot back out of it. We are prepared when peace and law and order have been established to have a referendum held under international auspices like the United Nations. We want it to be a fair and just Reference to the people, and we shall accept their verdict. I can imagine no fairer and juster offer."
(On 2nd November, 1947, broadcast to the nation over All India Radio, Pundit Nehru, PM of India)
We are fighting for our nation ....Ram is with us , Jesus is with us , and allah is also with us... and people in kashmir has support for India too thats why we are in kashmir for 62 years.... and will be their forever....... .

Shame that the only people that count..... the kashmiris are not with you.:pop:

You people of pakistan dont want peace in kashmir . Otherwise you havent sent this terrorist who killed hundreds of citizens .....
True faces of pakistani have come up........
These are the people who were saying we are for peace ...
we want terrorist to be killed....
we dnt support terrorist ....
mumbai attack not planned in pak...
ISI doesnt support millitants....
Indians are doing propoganda...
Pakistani people want peace with India....

You indian are to blame for not wanting peace.......we stopped cross border movement and you did nothing in return........you had you taste of peace in kashmir and thought it will last forever if you did nothing.

See at above comments and understand the truth....

Pakistan is exposed to world....................

Good work GOI ...
I am proud to live in India.

Take your own advice and understand the truth.....we stopped cross border movement of freedom fighters for years....you gave nothing in return.

It is india that is exposed to the world as a nation you can not have a deal with.

You be proud of living in india and let the kashmiris be proud of living in a joint nation of pakistan and kashmir
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