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Lesson for PAF TT/Decision makers


Apr 30, 2009
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United Kingdom
Indians did a great job technically when they selected Rafale over US F-18 for MMRCA. From this move, they secured their future. From the past few years, IAF has bought many US military hardware included C17, C130, and P8i. Except for P8i, none is critical, first-line, or a primary defense weapon I would say.

The selection of an “American” weapon for your core defense is like you’re calling dalal to defend you at the time of rape attempt. That's more like you’re compromising both of your offensive and defensive capabilities. Americans are historical liars and blackmailers when it comes to your defense. Though I am also a big fan of their military technology.

They sent American spy(s) in the name of Instructors at our Jacobabad. Since then they're actively monitoring our activities. We know our super-duper BLK50/50 (One of the world’s most advanced fighter jet - Hell ya) are stationed there but what Americans are doing inside the base? obviously surveillance of our movement and communication along with monitoring of ouR (Purchased) F16s. In fact, they’re doing much more than that which we might be aware of but can’t do anything because of strings attached with the deal or maybe we have no idea (which is highly unlikely).

Americans are “opportunist”. The skill of playing politics with the American establishment while purchasing their weapons is an art. Indians did the same at the time of S-400 vs Patriots. Despite American pressure, they went for a Russian. They’re well aware of future repercussions and consequences. They’ve also sent a very clear picture Of their future naval procurement to the American establishment in which again there is no sign of F35. Having said that, they’ve still bought some of the critical weapons for their Navy (IN) and the reason of that was just because of similar objectives of Indian and US Navy which is very specific to China (containment of China’s power projection in the Asia Pacific).

We've literally compromised our National Security and completely failed to identify PAF needs since 90s when the American administration blocked the sales and stopped the transfer of our “paid” F16s. Till today, we’ve just 70+ front line fighters (mix of BLK15 + MLUs and BLK50/52) which I believe should be around 250+. JF17 can’t be your front line. Gen.Musharaf diverted funds of BlK50/52 towards the 2005 Earthquake which was IMO one of the worst decisions. Else the balance of power would be different (somehow).

We had tested Typhoon and Rafale in earlier 2000 (before India). However, we went for the FC which was specifically for the replacement of old fleet and dual engines A-5 in the PAF inventory. The procurement of FC had nothing to do with our front line deterrence. Despite having enough money to make a good deal with French, we continued with the vipers. Why it has happened simply because some of the top shits were obsessed with the Americans (sorry to say) but that's what it is and that's why we are still struggling.

TOT concept (reality V Facts): TOT doesn’t mean that you will get the full capability of making everything in-house. That's more like information, research, and knowledge sharing which is consists of 50%-60% of the overall project. That has exactly happened with the Indians in the PAK-FA project. They thought that Russians will probably share all the ingredients, but it was indeed a setback for them as well despite spending a massive amount of money. The concept of TOT is very different from what we usually understand. You still dependent on foreign components for instance, Chinese are dependent on Russian for “Engines”. We’ve lost the ATAK deal just because of American Engine in Turkish 129. This is a vogue concept that you’re getting everything in the transfer.

IAF selection of non-US hardware for their front-line (primary) weapon is a great lesson for PAF decision-makers. Retrospection is very important.

@MastanKhan @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @graphican @StormBreaker
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IAF selection of non-US hardware for their front-line (primary) weapon is a great lesson for PAF decision-makers. Retrospect is very important at the national level.
Thats the reason we are not paying Money for AH-1Z vipers ( we want it from CSF , they refused we said ok leave it ) and rejected 8 expensive F-16s ( they refused subsidized ) . We react a bit later but don't worry we know now ( esp after 2011 and Indo-Pacific strategy ) . ATAK-139 / Chinese helicopters or may be Russian option if Turkish option didn't materlise , AW 139 , further developing JF 17 Thunder , SAMs and important Stuffs from China and Turkey and no big weapons for Amy and Navy from USA now are other examples . PAF can continue with lobbying for F-16 while on other hand will further Improve JF17 and may be go for order of some new fighter from China later in 2020s .
CPEC and Indo Pacific has changed everything as we are now target of USA , France e.t.c . Plus Feb 2019 helped our leadership to think about their future planning
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Our history with USA has been complex and will be complex. Agree, American hardware creates an unwanted and unpleasant dependency for Pakistan which needs to be avoided.

Pakistan saw some 3 decades of bad economy and it shifted its focus from military growth to sustainability mindset. We did make mistakes on the way (diverging of F-16 funds) but where we stand today is not a bad milestone. We can have different opinions about JF-17, but it is termed as the second-best thing that happened to Pakistan after nuclear deterrence. If Paksitan had procured 36 additional F-16s, it would not have been enough for Pakistan's defensive needs anyway, so regardless of what we did with F-16 decision, JF-17 is a gift for us.

TOT is not as pretty as it seems, yet TOT is still your next step on your road to self-sufficiency. In 20 years we will look back and feel happy about areas where we started co-development and joint-ventures. It is like planting a baby-tree that produces its fruit in the long run.

For front-line deterrence, Paksitan has a gap to fill. Maybe Block-III would fill it as much we need, maybe Project Azam would, but today we have some cards to contemplate about. Also in the post-Corona world, countries will have less buying power and they would retain business within as much they can and from that point of view, we are not in a bad shape.
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Thats the reason we are not paying Money for AH-1Z vipers ( we want it from CSF ) and rejected 8 expensive F-16s ( they refused subsidized ) . We react a bit later but don't worry we know now ( esp after 2011 and Indo-Pacific strategy ) . ATAK-139 / Chinese helicopters or may be option Russian if Turkish option didn't materlise , AW 139 , JF Thunder 17 , SAMs and important Stuffs from China and Turkey and no big weapons for Amy and Navy from USA now are other examples . PAF can continue with lobbying for F-16 while on sideline will further Improve JF17 and may be go for order of some new fighters from China later in 2020s .
CPEC has changed every thing as we are now target of USA , France e.t.c . Plus Feb 2019 are helped our leadership to think about their future planning .

Brother for me JF is an ordinary absolute ordinary aircraft but for PAF fanboys and for many, JF is basically raptor's competitor. I've already mentioned in my post the reason of JF17's induction.
Indians did a great job technically when they’ve selected Rafale over US F-18 for MMRCA. From this move, they’ve secured their future. From the past few years, IAF has bought many US military hardware included C17, C130, and P8i. Except for P8i, none is critical, first-line or a primary defense weapon I would say. They’ve also signed for MH60R ASW which is again secondary.

Selecting an “American” weapon for your core defense is like you’re calling dalal to defend you at the time of rape attempt. This is more like you’re compromising your offensive and defense (both) capabilities. Americans are historical liar and blackmailer when it comes to your defense. Tho I am also a big fan of their military technology.

They’ve sent American spy on the name of Instructors/so-called experts at Jacobabad. Since then they're actively monitoring our activities. We know our super-duper BLK52 (world’s one of a most advanced fighter jet - Hell ya) are stationed there but what Americans are doing there inside the base? obviously surveillance of our movement and communication along with monitoring of OUR (Purchased) F16s. In fact, they’re doing much more than that which we might aware of but can’t do anything because of strings or maybe we have no idea (which is highly unlikely).

Americans are “opportunist”. Selecting non-US for your major front line weapon is a good strategy. Indians did the same with S-400 V Patriot. Despite American pressure, they went for Russian. They’re well aware of future repercussions and consequences once you’re in the US trap. They’ve also cent a very clear picture to the American administration about their future procurement for their Navy in which again no plan for F35.

Yea they’ve bought some critical ones from the US for their Navy. The reason for that was USN and IN has similar objective and interests which are very specific for the containment of China’s power projection in Asia Pacific.

We literally compromised our National Security and completely failed to identify PAF needs since 90s when the American administration has blocked the sales and stopped the transfer of our “paid” F16s. Till today, we’ve just 70+ front line fighters (mix of BLK15 + MLUs and BLK50/52) which I believe should be around 250+. JF paper can’t be your front line. Mushy diverted funds of BlK50/52 towards the Earthquake which was IMO one of the worst decisions else the balance of power would be different (somehow) but again US manufacturer.

We have tested Typhoon and Rafale in early 2000 (before India), however, we went for the FC which was specifically for the replacement (to get rid of old fleet + dual engines A-5) in the PAF inventory and technically has nothing to do with our front line deterrence which was and will remain F-16. Despite having enough money to make a good deal with French, we continue with the vipers (keep in mind, there was no issue of cash either at that time). Why it has happened simply because some top shits were obsessed with Americans (sorry to say) but that's what it is.... and the reason we are still struggling.

TOT concept (reality V Facts): TOT doesn’t mean that you will get the full capability of making everything in-house. That's more like information, research, and knowledge sharing which is consists of 50%-60% of the overall project. That has exactly happened with the Indians in the PAK-FA project. They thought that Russians will probably share all the ingredients, but it was indeed a setback for them as well despite spending a massive amount of money. The concept of TOT is very different from what we usually understand. You still dependent on foreign components for instance, Chinese are dependent on Russian for “Engines”. We’ve lost the ATAK deal just because of American Engine in Turkish 129. This is a vogue concept that you’re getting everything in the transfer.

IAF selection of non-US hardware for their front-line (primary) weapon is a great lesson for PAF decision-makers. Retrospect is very important at the national level.

@MastanKhan @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @graphican @StormBreaker
Having an indigenous or a “not so common (less Air Forces use it that is)” combined with the secrecy of Included tech gives you an upper hand (Thunders for PAF), No one knows much about the Fighter, atleast the critical details of mission profiles.

So this is a psychological victory or sort of an upper hand over enemy, Keeps them guessing.

IAF has been lucky since some years, They finalized Rafale, Then they now finalized Tejas.

We can talk all crap we can about LCA but I am pretty optimistic, The present plans of IAF with regards to MK1A and MK2 pose a serious threat to PAF, A really serious one, One that will leave our usual brag of Block 3 insignificant.

Plus, We are stuck with the stupid notion of Light fighter, Medium sized fighters are the power horses, Their range and Weapons capacity with enough size to accommodate some important avionics as well as lethality, Makes them the best choice for Air forces with restricted budgets.

But still... “Thunder thunder”, “Block 3” bla bla bla.

Neither are we aiming for numbers, What a joke really...

There is always a room for J-10C but that is not the topic for discussion here...

AZM should be delayed, Block 4 should be worked on with heavy reworks to bring it into a full Medium weight fighter.
Brother for me JF is an ordinary absolute ordinary aircraft but for PAF fanboys and for many, JF is basically raptor's competitor. I've already mentioned in my post the reason of JF17's induction.
The jets JF17 are replacing or replaced and the roles that JF17s can play ( air , ground and anti Ship ) which F-16 cant play (all 3 ) shows its not an obsolute aircraft . Its our baby we will further improve it . You ignored my other points . Tell me Besides F16s that too in past what are we are buying from USA ??? nothing . We slowly moved towards China , Turkish , Russian for our needs . I think u didn't read SIPRI reports of 2017-2019 and latest March-April 2020 where they explained it how Pakistan moved from US to other countries ???
India is new buyer of US weapons , wait for sometime .
I don't agree with this assumption.

so what was the reason of oversight and later ignored Typhoon and Rafale when we don’t even have funds issue. Also please do let me know why after 4 decades, we only have 70+ Frontline fighter esp in our current situation where we need at least 200+ to counter large advisry...

The jets JF17 are replacing or replaced and the roles that JF17s can play ( air , ground and anti Ship ) which F-16 cant play (all 3 ) shows its not an obsolute aircraft . Its our baby we will further improve it . You ignored my other points . Tell me Besides F16s that too in past what are we are buying from USA ??? nothing . We slowly moved towards China , Turkish , Russian for our needs . I think u didn't read SIPRI reports of 2017-2019 and latest March-April 2020 where they explained it how Pakistan moved from US to other countries ???
India is new buyer of US weapons , wait for sometime .

seeing is believing... I can’t agree with JF logic. I can perhaps if PAF put them on a front line or even second line engagements against the opponent on 27 Feb? The reason to sent Delta and F16, PAF also not sure about the capabilities. They don’t want to take a risk. PAF had zero option so to get the job done “without an error”, they had chosen the competent ones...
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When it comes to Rafael, India has developed a liability instead of an asset. Their platform diversity will be their biggest disadvantage in the upcoming war. They will not only be uncoordinated but will also lack the ability to maintain/service their fleet.

After Paksitan makes a loaf of bread out of Indian land forces, the condition of India's airforce will be worth seeing.
Thunders bomb the targets too

the story is opposite of what you’ve stated

. Block 4 should be worked on with heavy reworks to bring it into a full Medium weight fighter.
then it will be a different jet altogether
to accommodate everything at medium class level you will need to rework from start bigger fuselage bigger engine bigger wings it will be another jet with only similarity in name.

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