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LeJ terrorist to kill to Hyder Abbas Rizvi

Problem is that poison of bigotry and sectarianism is now deeply rooted across the society. All of us must share blame. Silence of the leaders of the religious parties and those well versed in Quran & Hadith makes them equally culpable.

For example the holy Quran clearly forbids 'Suicide' and I asked a very knowledgeable member Honourable Zarvan 'Weren't people who carry out suicide bombings going against a directive of Allah?'

Reply to this question was ignored.

Editorial the Dawn of today:

Society’s silence: Sectarian and minority killings

2013-07-20 07:45:23

ACCORDING to the findings of a report by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bipartisan body of the US government, more than 700 people have been killed in sectarian and minority attacks in Pakistan in the last 18 months. Of this number, 635 were from the Shia community. Despite having witnessed the human face of the tragedy that such attacks have left in their wake in the shape of countless deaths of and injuries to innocent citizens; the unburied bodies of small children; and then mass funerals, the hard, cold statistics still manage to shake us to the core. The loss of so many lives over a year and a half means more than one death per day — every day — for 18 months. But if there is a greater tragedy than these unrelenting attacks, particularly on the Shia community in terms of numbers, it is the indifference they have elicited from state and society.

From the military to the political parties to others such as those who profess to be our spiritual and religious leaders, there is no condemnation and no plan of action to stem this killing spree. The mainstream political parties have rarely found the courage to condemn the militant outfits by name; the military leadership can occasionally find the voice to speak out against ‘extremism’ as a whole but not specific groups; and our religio-political leadership can mobilise against drone attacks but not against the murder of innocent children in Quetta.

But the fault is not the state’s alone though it has to answer for a number of sins of commission and omission. Equally at fault is the society in which these militants exist and operate. The quiet acceptance of their violent agenda is a result of the prevalence of their hate ideology in the society at large where literature targeting sectarian and minority beliefs is widely available and banners and posters expressing similar sentiments are publicly displayed. Apart from a few individuals whose voices are barely heard against the loud militant voices baying for blood, when have we ever witnessed a sustained campaign for the rights and safety of such communities? It is this silence of the rest of society that has allowed the state to remain apathetic; for the political parties to stay quiet and for the militants to continue killing. Till this silence is not replaced by a strong demand for an end to this madness, this killing spree will continue.

Society?s silence: Sectarian and minority killings - DAWN.COM
We shall witness more positive results, by simply removing right hand of Zardari, from post of interior ministry.

I believe the whole idea of public parade, was to put pressure on judiciary.

let's see how cheap justice of PTI will handle this high profile case..
Army should launch an operation in Punjab against these LeJ terrorists & Raiwind Palace masters.

We Sunnis Muslims love our Shia Muslim brothers, down with sectarian t-rst & their masters.
Operation clean up will never be conducted against LeJ because this is pro LeJ government ..........
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