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Legend of Ayub Khan.

My dear friend this guy is I think official historian of PAF. This article is actually about PAF. Opening lines are no doubt about Gen Eyub Khan, but this is like more than standard procedure. I am able to count about 70 lines just two and half lines even those are not convincingly written about Eyub Khan

Indeed the article is about the PAF, but the historian in question was visiting Pakistan after some 12 years and as reported elsewhere also, he observed a marked improvement. My elders tell me that during Ayub's tenure, if anyone was caught mixing or watering down subsidies, as is common these days, the culprit was meted same punishment as a hard core criminal.
No my dear not only he, every single military ruler was the best after Quaid-i-Azam.
Gen Zia-i-Haq even rose to the ranks of Amir-ul- Momenien. Quaid was not even close to that.

One thing i have noticed on some of the public transport mini buses and wagons that run between Rawalpindi/Islamabad, apart from Quaid-e-Azam and A.Q.Khan, the only image proudly and prominently displayed is that of Ayub Khan in his uniform.
I think he is better then many of leaders after Quaid-e-Azam , I am not just Praising him for Development in My City , But Because he have done Milestones in Pakistan History Like:

- Leadership in 1965 war

- Ayub Khan established Pakistan's National Space Agency, Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) on September 16, 1961.
It was Ayub Khan's administration when National Aeronautics and Space Administration began training of Pakistani scientists and engineers in the NASA's headquarters

-He established close political and military ties with Communist China, exploiting its differences with Soviet Russia and its 1962 war with India. To this day, China remains a strong economic, political and military ally of Pakistan.

-He subsidized fertilizers and modernized agriculture through irrigation development, spurred industrial growth with liberal tax benefits
No my dear not only he, every single military ruler was the best after Quaid-i-Azam.
Gen Zia-i-Haq even rose to the ranks of Amir-ul- Momenien. Quaid was not even close to that.

Gen Zia defeated USSR or not? and completed nuke dream , was greatest hero of muslim ummah.

Ayub started Terbela Dam and father of industrial revolution, did few mistakes but was not coward like Gen Musharaf .

He should not select Yahya Khan which was his biggest mistake.
If Ayub Khan was not a coward..the IOK would be Pakistani Territory today!
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Is democracy a perfect system of governance, particularly for Muslim countries?
Democracy is not a perfect system, but than none is. However, democracy is the system that comes closest to what might be called a perfect system. At least in today’s world, the only practical and widely accepted method of governing is democracy.And what is so special about Muslim counteries? The people living in those countries are any different than the human beings living in the non-Muslim countries? Do they not eat, drink, and sleep, and marry and carry out al other chores?

Is it divine and ordained by God himself? If so, prove it in the light of Islamic teachings.
Is dictatorship divine and ordained by God himself in Quran? Can you give me one reference from Quran or Hadith pointing to the fact that dictatorship is the only acceptable form of government?

More importantly, did the Muslims rule by this system? Last I checked we have a far superior ''caliphate'' system.
Caliphate was never a superior system; it is just another form of feudal rule and it was practical and acceptable in its time because Muslims or non-Muslims, all were governed through the autocratic rulers.

If not, then shut your trap. It's a western democracy designed by the British for their "slave subjects" in much of the world and largely caters their "interests", it doesn't serve the locals.
There is no such thing is western or eastern democracy; Democracy is just democracy. This is pure BS that democracy was designed by the British to control their colonies; You seems to lack severely in the knowledge of history. It indeed serves the local and ordinary people and all the social and related development and advancement of the European countries is not but the result of democracy in those countries. Quite contrary to what you see in the countries like Burma, Pakistan, North Korea and several other dictatorship-stricken African nations.

Here's one fact to burst your whole bubble of hatred for the military: When Ayub Khan became President literacy rate was at 15%, so how any sane person say or justify a democratic system when 85% of the people can't even define the system that governs them??
If the democratic system could be initiated in India with similar or perhaps even lower overall literacy rate, what stops it happening in Pakistan? MA Jinnah and his colleagues were idiots who’s entire struggle was through democratic process and within the constitutional boundaries of Government of India Act 1919 and 1935?

By any chance are you aware that Government of India Act, 1935 served as the first constitution for Pakistan (until the 1956 constitution) and was endorsed by no one else but MA Jinnah himself? What made him do so? He could have easily declared himself as the new ‘Caliph’ and imposed his own version of LFO instead of the GOI Act, 1935, but he never did that, care to think why? Was he any less aware about that literacy rate of the newly born Pakistan than you are?

What is really going on here? Is it that you are really not aware of all these historical hard facts or you think others are retards and uneducated and will submit themselves to your will?

That 15% were the rich elite lords and nawabs who worked for and under the British Raj and they later transferred powers to run their interests.
Those 15% could easily be put on leash if democratic system was allowed to work in Pakistan. You may want to learn from the Indian democracy where people like Sardar Wallabh Bhai Patel effectively controlled the feudals and passed on the power to the common people.

Seriously you and Marshall 're so full of sh!t and hatred and venom. open your eyes and look at the broad picture.
Please open up your eyes and see carefully around what is happening in the world.
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Gen Zia defeated USSR or not? and completed nuke dream , was greatest hero of muslim ummah.

Ayub started Terbela Dam and father of industrial revolution, did few mistakes but was not coward like Gen Musharaf .

He should not select Yahya Khan which was his biggest mistake.

Gen Zia did not defeat USSR nor was he such a hero.
Heroes are like Quaid e Azam or Salahuddin...whose values and qualities are acknowledged even by their enemies and rivals.

Zia is hated by many Pakistanis as the worst thing that happened to Pakistan, so i am afraid it is your personal view that he is a hero.
Many including myself have read and heard about the ugly part of Zia's era and will always dislike him.
I always hear that there were no good leaders in subcontinent other than jinnah and mahatma gandhi.
I feel that Gen Ayub and the senior Bhutto were good leaders for pakistan though they had some negetive characters with them, these negetives didn't affect the country of pakistan.
Infact it was at these ppl's time pak grew well

I certainly dislike dictators because they always cripple the constitution.
What Quaid e Azam envisioned for us was certainly not what has come to pass yet. Military rule is wrong but so is the democratic looting which has been perpetrated by the politicians.
Let us hope that this government serves its time and Pakistani really learn their lesson for supporting names and such instead of voting based on the character and capabilities of a person.

Ayub Khan did some good things which we should acknowledge but he had no right to rule Pakistan.
He had a very good chance to give up power to Fatima Jinnah who was the heartbeat of the nation but he was greedy and arrogant.
He did the same thing which later Musharraf did...he tried to legitimize his illegal ascend to power...had he been 100% sincere he would have been a dark knight...one who is willing to purge the corruption and then fade away into the darkness even if he is demonized...instead he decided to reign on and on...
Similar thing Musharraf did...had he cleaned the ranks and then resigned...he would have done much better.
When someone take power illegally on the pretext that it is for the survival of state...then it is their job to ensure that they remain as pure as saints while displaying the righteous wrath onto the corrupt and the miscreant...after that however they should relinquish power and even await trial or death... a very difficult thing to do but all such people have claimed themselves to be brave and selfless...i think this is what a brave and selfless person would do...or maybe i am a hopeless romantic at heart who believes in heroes and selfless men...

Coming back to the Field Marshall...
When China and India went to war, Pakistan should have availed the opportunity to secure Kashmir...from military perspective it was a very logical thing to do, clearly even Ayub thought so because he launched a war for this purpose in 65 as well...
Still he was so strategically incompetent that in 62 he did not grab an opportunity to give Pakistan a secure future, which literally fell into his lap.
I am not saying this because i am a war mongering maniac, i say this because from 65 it is clear that Kashmir was worth fighting a major war for, so when the heavens presented the great commander an opportunity when his enemy was distracted...he developed principles...which he again abandoned in 65?
Incoherent and inept strategist...nothing more.
He has no right to call himself field Marshall, the fact that he called himself such reflects his pride and arrogance.

He was a good administrator and really did some excellent work to improve the industry of Pakistan and those who deny this are living in a utopia as well.
The economic progress in his era was phenomenal and it is sad that our politicians currently cannot emulate his meticulous long term planning.
The five year plans were a great success and five years is not that long a time.
It has been 2 years since our current government has taken office and no planning is evident in this tenure...this is the issue which is not being resolved...the sheer lack of will by the politicians to plan and execute nation building projects.
We shall spend billion rupees on a monument to Benazir but we shall not provide any relief to the poor and the needy...that is what our politicians are indulging in...and we wonder why Ayub is considered as the best after Quaid e Azam...
I would rephrase it as he was far less hate worthy than most...he may have been a crook...but he really kick started a lot of projects.

However the overwhelming truth is that Ayub had no place to be where he sat for a good decade...that is the simple conclusion which may not take into account the fact that he did some excellent work as well.

To suspend or overrule the constitution is an insult to the memory of Quaid e Azam and of course treason to Pakistan.
No matter how sincere the person is he will never be called Mr. Clean, even if he is much better than all the politicians in the country...the fact that he too makes light of the law of the land means that he is also a crook; of a different kind perhaps but one nonetheless.
However when such a person legitimizes his rule and collaborates with the same dirty politicians...then he becomes something worse for the overall political evolution of the nation...
We have to feel the pangs associated with a political evolution...Coups will never help in this even though our politicians are mostly grade A rascals...the sifting has to be done through a proper system as per constitution...to me it is evident that even a sincere person cannot just override the constitution and expect to achieve 100% success...all such a person can aspire to do is to deal the corrupt elements a fatal blow ... based on experience...this does not happen...so we should never go down this road again.
Totally Agree with you All Green.Ayub is the most destructive person in the history of Pakistan after Ghulam who broke several governments.
Guys i have a question about Ayub khan origin...some people claim he was Pashtons...but i know someone who was very close to him during his rule and he told me Ayub khan could not speak a word of Pashto. Was he using fake his original for political agenda?
Guys i have a question about Ayub khan origin...some people claim he was Pashtons...but i know someone who was very close to him during his rule and he told me Ayub khan could not speak a word of Pashto. Was he using fake his original for political agenda?
People are not dumb in Pakistan:lol:

he was from Hazara part of NWFP, they speck Hindko and his first choice for Pakistani capital was Abbottabad too. his son specks perfect Pashto

Hazara, Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
People are not dumb in Pakistan:lol:

he was from Hazara part of NWFP, they speck Hindko and his first choice for Pakistani capital was Abbottabad too. his son specks perfect Pashto

Hazara, Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's the point...if they speak Hindko then that means he is not a Pashton! The problem is people claim to be a lot of things in sub continent... there are more Syed, Qurish, and what not in Pakistan then whole Arabia put together. :rolleyes: I know for a fact he could not speak Pashto...one of my uncle was PA officers..he told me once he try to talk pashto with him but Ayub khan could not understand.

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