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Learning Vietnamese gaining popularity in Taiwan


Mar 6, 2015
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By Victoria Jen, Channel NewsAsia's Taiwan Correspondent

POSTED: 27 Dec 2015 00:45 UPDATED: 27 Dec 2015 01:49

TAIPEI: Learning Vietnamese is gaining growing popularity in Taiwan. Many students in a university language class consider Vietnam a stepping stone for their future careers.

“Vietnam, China and Taiwan share similar cultures. So my company and I want to learn more about Vietnam and start from there,” said one student.

Another added: “Vietnam has Taiwanese schools. I want to learn the language and hopefully find a teaching position there.”

The school also offers classes for other Southeast Asian languages such as Thai and Indonesian, and the numbers are growing fast.

Chou Shou-Ann, National Chengchi University Language Training Division Chief, said: "In the past 10 years, the number of our students has grown 20 times. The ASEAN market has become very important in the world.

"Taiwan’s economic and cultural exchanges with Vietnam, Thailand and other ASEAN countries have also become more frequent. So many students come here to study for business purposes.”

Its goal of becoming a single market and production base by 2015 has made ASEAN an increasingly popular destination for young Taiwanese looking for jobs overseas.

China has been the number one destination for Taiwan’s investment and talents, but ASEAN is quickly catching up.

“Many Taiwanese businesses in China are slowly moving to ASEAN due to higher property and labour costs. This has prompted more talent from Taiwan and China to move to ASEAN as well,” said Jason Chin, senior vice president of 104.com.

This job bank now has some 4,000 job opportunities in ASEAN countries. That is only one third of the jobs available in mainland China, but the growth in ASEAN career openings in the past two years has nearly quadrupled compared to that of mainland China.

So for many young Taiwanese who missed out on the China boom, ASEAN could be the next big thing.

Learning Vietnamese gaining popularity in Taiwan - Channel NewsAsia
I pity them, is there any use for their knowledge of vietnamese language. But who am I to judge them, if a paltry economy of $200 billion is rosy for them, then good for them.
This is great news! As I said before consolidation of Asia is a great thing - but I thought you said in another thread, foreign work force in Vietnam is embarrassing and not a good thing?
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