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Leaked Pentagon documents suggest US is pessimistic Ukraine can quickly end war against Russia


Feb 4, 2014
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Leaked Pentagon documents suggest US is pessimistic Ukraine can quickly end war against Russia​

Jeremy Herb
By Jeremy Herb, CNN
Updated 3:06 AM EDT, Wed April 12, 2023

The highly classified leaked Pentagon documents posted to social media offer a pessimistic US viewpoint about the state of the war in Ukraine, highlighting weaknesses in Ukraine’s weaponry and air defenses and predicting a stalemate in the war for months to come.

The documents, which appear to date from February and March, detail many of Ukraine’s perceived military shortfalls as Kyiv prepares for a spring counteroffensive against Russia.
Several of the classified documents warn that Ukraine’s medium-range air defenses to protect front-line troops will be “completely reduced by May 23,” suggesting Russia could soon have aerial superiority and Ukraine could lose the ability to amass ground forces in a counteroffensive.

The documents also underscore lingering problems with Russia’s own military offensive, predicting that the result will be a stalemate between the two sides for the foreseeable future.
“Russia’s grinding campaign of attrition in the Donbas region is likely heading toward a stalemate, thwarting Mosco’s goal to capture the entire region in 2023,” states one of the classified documents.

FILE PHOTO: The Pentagon is seen from the air in Washington, U.S., March 3, 2022, more than a week after Russia invaded Ukraine. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts/File Photo
Investigations of leaked Pentagon documents take shape as DOJ probes source of leak
Officials familiar with the situation tell CNN the documents appear to be part of a daily intelligence briefing deck prepared for the Pentagon’s senior leaders, including Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley.

The leaking of the documents, many of which are marked top secret, represents a major national security breach, and the Justice Department has launched a criminal investigation into who may have leaked them while the Pentagon is investigating how the leak impacts US national security. In addition to the assessment of the Ukraine war, the documents include intelligence gathered on allies and adversaries alike.

Retired Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, a CNN national security and military analyst, said that the challenges Ukraine faces with its planned counteroffensive have been clear for weeks, including the need to integrate new equipment and new troops and ensure that a sufficient supply chain is in place. He did not think that the document leak would alter Kyiv’s plans.
“I haven’t seen anything in the documents I’ve seen that would cause me as a commander to change my plans,” Hertling said. “It’s given some information to the Russians in terms of unit locations and ammo and equipment capabilities, but I would venture to say the Russians already knew all that anyway.”

US officials have warned publicly the war could drag on​

In many ways, the assessment of the Ukraine war is similar to what US officials have said publicly, as top Biden administration officials have said the conflict is likely to drag on for months, if not longer.

But the detailed and unflinching assessment of the war is laid out starkly in the briefing slides about the challenges Ukraine faces despite its successes more than a year into the war.
An official from a country part of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing agreement with the US told CNN previously that it was alarming to see the leaked Ukraine war information handicapping the country on the battlefield.

“Gains for Ukraine will be hard to accomplish, but it does not help to have the private US assessment pointing to a likely yearlong stalemate revealed publicly,” the official said.
Publicly, US and Ukrainian officials have downplayed the significance of the classified documents.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has reassured Ukraine of the United States’ “ironclad” support for the country, following the Pentagon document leaks, according to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

During a call on Tuesday Blinken “reaffirmed the ironclad U.S. support and vehemently rejected any attempts to cast doubt on Ukraine’s capacity to win on the battlefield,” Kuleba wrote Tuesday on Twitter.

“The U.S. remains Ukraine’s trustworthy partner, focused on advancing our victory and securing a just peace,” Kuleba said.

At a press conference Tuesday, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that the department will “turn over every rock until we find the source” of the leaked intelligence documents.

DONETSK OBLAST, UKRAINE - APRIL 3: Ukrainian soldiers of Da Vinci Wolves Battalion firing artillery in the direction of Bakhmut, 3 April 2023. (Photo by Diego Herrera Carcedo/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Leaked Pentagon documents provide rare window into depth of US intelligence on allies and foes
CNN has reviewed 53 leaked documents, all of which appear to have been produced between mid-February and early March.

At least one of the documents appears to have been altered, CNN previously reported, which listed Russian and Ukrainian casualty numbers and more than halved the number of Russian deaths before being spread on pro-Russian Telegram channels.

Still, US officials have acknowledged the bulk of the documents appear to be genuine. Ukraine has already altered some of its military plans because of the leak, a source close to Zelensky told CNN.

“These documents are static. They’re a picture of a specific time. Both United States and Ukraine have the ability to modify what they’re doing and how they’re approaching this issue, and we certainly have plenty of time for Ukraine to do so,” House Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Monday.

Additional documents have also emerged. The Washington Post reported Monday on another leaked document with a bleak assessment from February that challenges with troops, ammunition and equipment could cause Ukraine to fall “well short” of its goals in its planned spring counteroffensive.

A document from February states that the US assesses Ukraine can generate 12 combat brigades for the spring counteroffensive, including three trained in Ukraine and nine trained and equipped by the US. Six of the brigades would be ready by the end of March and the remaining six by the end of April, according to the document.

The leaked documents include a detailed maps of battlefield positions, statistics on the number of troops killed and wounded and estimates of tanks, fighter jets and other weaponry that’s been fielded as well as destroyed.

One slide provides a timeline for when Ukraine’s ground will be frozen, when it will be muddy and when it will be favorable to move through.

There are assessments of Ukrainian forces around Bakhmut, where some of the fiercest fighting between the two sides has taken place this year. In one update in February, the intelligence assessment includes details on villages where Ukraine’s military had withdrawn and which positions it was still controlling.
Natasha Bertrand and Alex Marquardt contributed to this report.
That’s nothing new. This is a war of attrition. The Russians totally miscalculated. So now as it stands, neither Russia nor Ukraine will score a decisive quick victory. I bet on Ukraine. I don’t see any scenario where Russia will win.

The joker however is Russia nukes. Or China or India jumping in and join the war.
Ukrainians are losing the war of attrition, both personnel & equipment, & they're losing it badly even with the help of the west. Hell, even NATO countries are being demilitarized.

On top of that Russia is invading territory that is largely pro-Russian.

Anyone who thinks Russia is losing needs to get their head checked. The only thing that can save Ukraine now is a direct NATO intervention
The war is going to drag on for a few years at least, so yeah it's gonna take a while. Still the chances of Ukraine winning are increasing every single day.
In a long haul, i think Ukraine can possibly lose, not because of man power, but NATO's will to sponsor the war.
Ukrainians are losing the war of attrition, both personnel & equipment, & they're losing it badly even with the help of the west. Hell, even NATO countries are being demilitarized.

On top of that Russia is invading territory that is largely pro-Russian.

Anyone who thinks Russia is losing needs to get their head checked. The only thing that can save Ukraine now is a direct NATO intervention

You could have a point. Only thing is the financial toll and human toll on Putin's side:

That’s nothing new. This is a war of attrition. The Russians totally miscalculated. So now as it stands, neither Russia nor Ukraine will score a decisive quick victory. I bet on Ukraine. I don’t see any scenario where Russia will win.

The joker however is Russia nukes. Or China or India jumping in and join the war.

How are nukes in the realm of possibility? Moscow is only 400 miles from the Ukraine border. This was the fallout area from Chernobyl which wasn't even a bomb blast.

There's just too much ignorance in this world of what are the ramifications of a bomb blast as people think they can casually be used without any long-term repercussions.

Is Moscow really going to risk poisoning their country over Ukraine?

35 years later Chernobyl radiation in soil over 1000km away in Finland still makes edible mushrooms radioactive.
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It doesn't need a classified document to know this.

But at least Pentagon admits it.

I thought the people who work in Pentagon are very smart.

Despite being late, finally, they know it.
2024 war is going to be bloody. US civil war was bloodiest in its 3rd year with Gettysburg. WW1 was bloodiest in its 3rd year with Verdun, Somme.

You could have a point. Only thing is the financial toll and human toll on Putin's side:

Not really. Russia gained more people than Russia lost. Hell, Taurida and Donba regions gained nearly 10 million people for Russia. In terms of KIA in battles, Russia lost less than 1 million people.
Translation of these American psy-ops: "Send your entire military equipment to Ukraine, duped and foolish Europeans."

As with wikileaks against the election of Democrats, these leaks are rarely unwanted leaks, these are deliberate leaks to sway public opinion. That was the entire wikileaks, "Her emails", civilian leaks of Hunter Biden, and so on. The Washington deepstate wants these leaks out to sway you to the exact position Washington wants of you.
Russia built the most hardened trenches and fortifications ever known to mankind. British army was not able to break through German lines in WW1 despite losing 1 million young men. There's no way Ukrainian army can break through Russian lines with only 40,000 troops.

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