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Leaders Of Turkic-Speaking States Gather In Azerbaijan

Now that is cute. Buddy, these Turks take their ethnic business seriously. Notice @tesla disqualifying Recep Erodogan from being a supreme Khan. You are not even Banaspati (fake) Khan. You have no chance man. You do not have the genes.

Better go to Gwal Mandi and have some Siri Paye to soothe your achy-breaky heart.

Being a Kashmiri I could pass for a Turk as my Dad did when visiting Istanbul ! :smokin:
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Whats ironic is to see Turkish - Erdogan going around turkish speaking muslim countires forging allegiances and at the same time helping destroy the very fabrics of a secular state such as arab Syria. What is he all about?

You wear your sectarianism on your sleeve (PDF name) and you are worried about a 'Secular Syria' as if you do not know what went on over there ever since French left the country to Alevi minority?

Wish I could say welcome to PDF, but you are sectarian in outlook and posting irrelevant questions on a thread about Turkic matters.

Being a Kashmiri I could pass for a Turk as my Dad did when visiting Istanbul ! :smokin:

You are still Banaspati Turk if you can fake it. I can not even fake it man, you know I do not have the fierce looks or the right skin color for that.
@T-123456 @Neptune - Why wasn't I invited ? :pissed:

I've been forced to see enough Turkish Soap Operas by my Mom & Sisters that I could be considered an Honorary Turk too ! :whistle:
Remember the last time?
You and your friend Neptune tried to hit on the female asistents of the representatives of the states?
If it wasnt for my good contacts you would both have ended up in a Gulag.
So,you are both out!
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Whats ironic is to see Turkish - Erdogan going around turkish speaking muslim countires forging allegiances and at the same time helping destroy the very fabrics of a secular state such as arab Syria. What is he all about?
And you are?
You are still Banaspati Turk if you can fake it. I can not even fake it man, you know I do not have the fierce looks or the right skin color for that.

Sir I've put my Profile Picture uppp....I think I can fake it ! :ashamed:
Now that is cute. Buddy, these Turks take their ethnic business seriously. Notice @tesla disqualifying Recep Erodogan from being a supreme Khan. You are not even Banaspati (fake) Khan. You have no chance man. You do not have the genes.

Better go to Gwal Mandi and have some Siri Paye to soothe your achy-breaky heart.

He is stll an honorary Turk,we dont sell out our people.
When Deno(she wont) comes back,we see what happens(he will be declared persona non grata).;)
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Whats ironic is to see Turkish - Erdogan going around turkish speaking muslim countires forging allegiances and at the same time helping destroy the very fabrics of a secular state such as arab Syria. What is he all about?

he saw the treu face of secterian shia in the middle east:laugh:...
Turkic-speaking countries have agreed on a single flag at their summit in Bishkek.

The statement came from Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.


He said the flag combines the symbols of four countries.
“The flag combines the Sun on the flag of Kyrgyzstan, blue color of the flag of Kazakhstan, the star of the Azerbaijani flag and the crescent of the Turkish flag. Our countries will move forward thanks to this unity”.

He said that no project are possible in Eurasia without the participation of a Turkic state
Turan in the making - another news article from the summit:

May the unity of Turkic peoples be always strong - Nazarbayev

May the unity of Turkic peoples be always strong and their independence eternal. The statement came from President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev speaking at the third summit of the Council for Cooperation of the Turkic-speaking states in Gabala.

According to 1news.az, the head of the Kazakh state thanked the Azerbaijani President, Ilham Aliyev for hospitality.

Nazarbayev said that in order to raise the influence of the Council for Cooperation of the Turkic-speaking states, it is necessary to strengthen the institutional base of the organization.

“To this end, it is necessary to complete the process of ratification of several document”, he noted stressing the importance of the activity of the Council’s secretariat.

The Kazakh president stressed the need for the active development of economic ties between the Turkic speaking states.

“Currently, the overall volume of domestic turnover of the six independent Turkic-speaking states has reached $1,150,000,000. Despite this, the trade between our countries does not meet the existing potential”, Nazarbayev said.

The Kazakh president noted that by results of 2012, the volume of trade between his country and Turkic-speaking states made just $8bn which is only 6% of the overall turnover of the country.

Nazarbayev noted that Kazakhstan has set the task to add to the number of 30 most developed countries.

The, the president of Kazakhstan offered to create a work group for development of the tourism sphere.

“It is necessary also to pay attention to development of communications between the Council member-states. Transport and communications must become a basis for strengthening of the strength of our countries”, Nazarbayev said. He said that Kazakhstan plans to increase the power of our countries”, Nazarbayev said. He said that Kazakhstan plans to raise volumes of transit twofold by 2010 and 10 times by 2020.

In conclusion, the head of the Kazakh state accentuated the need to preserve and multiply the Turkic heritage.


Tosunum :D
Turkey to host fourth Summit of Turkic Speaking States in 2014

The fourth Summit of Turkic Speaking States will be held in 2014 in Turkey. Such decision was made at the third Summit of Turkic States in Gabala, Azerbaijan.

Turkish President Abdullah Gul came up with the suggestion to hold the next summit in Turkey. The Turkish President invited Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to attend the event. The leaders of Turkic states expressed satisfaction over progress reached in all spheres of cooperation since the summits held in Astana and Bishkek. They vowed to enhance political and economic security of the Turkic speaking states with respect of principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of state borders. CA-NEWS: Turkey to host fourth Summit of Turkic Speaking States in 2014
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