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Leaders of China, Japan, South Korea discuss cooperation

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Leaders of China, Japan, South Korea discuss cooperation


Leaders of China, Japan and South Korea met here Saturday to exchange views on trilateral cooperation and regional and international issues of common concern.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak were meeting on the occasion of a series of meetings for East and Southeast Asian leaders in this Indonesian resort city on Friday and Saturday.

Speaking at the meeting, Wen said the cooperation between the three nations currently had good momentum, which was not only in line with the interests of the three sides but also contributed to the stability and development of the Asia and the world.

As the coordinator of next year's China-Japan-South Korea cooperation, China would like to further enhance high-level exchanges, policy coordination and strategic trust between the three countries, providing political impetus and promoting more advancement in trilateral cooperation, Wen said.

He said next year marked the 40th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea.

In the meeting, Wen proposed the joint research into a free trade area between the three countries be completed this year, and negotiations start in 2012.

Wen also suggested enhancing trilateral cooperation in the fields of transportation, finance and environmental protection, among many others.

Also speaking at the meeting, the Japanese prime minister and the South Korean president said the cooperation between the three nations had seen remarkable achievement and its prospects were promising.

The three sides should continue to deepen their exchanges and cooperation in various fields including economy and trade, finance, investment, disaster relief, culture, education and tourism, and strengthen the coordination in regional and international issues to promote common development, according to them.

During the meeting, the three leaders also exchanged views on other regional and international issues of common concern.

Leaders of China, Japan, South Korea discuss cooperation
undermining US containment strategy! quick, provoke china then blame china for being aggressive! hurry uncle sam!
A breaking hope for India, bad news! :cry:

there was never a hope. it's just delusional yindians who want to make themselves seem important.

India Measures Itself Against a China That Doesnt Notice

Published: August 31, 2011

MUMBAI, India It seems to be a national obsession in India: measuring the country's economic development against China's yardstick.


Indians, in fact, seem to talk endlessly about all things China


But if keeping up with the Wangs is India's economic motive force, the rivalry seems to be largely one-sided.

. . .

Evidence of the Indo-Sino interest disparity can be seen in the two countries' leading newspapers. The People's Daily, the Chinese Communist Party's house organ, had only 24 articles mentioning India on its English-language Web site in the first seven months of this year, according to the Factiva database. By contrast, The Times of India, the country's largest circulation English-language newspaper, had 57 articles mentioning China in July alone.
here is the real japan and its lapdog vietnam:

Vietnam-Japan issue joint statement

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and his Japanese counterpart Yoshihiko Noda have signed a joint statement on the implementation of action within the framework of the Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia between the two countries.

The joint statement said Vietnamese PM Dung paid an official visit to Japan from October 30 to November 2 at the invitation of Japanese PM. This was the first visit to Japan by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung after he was re-elected as Prime Minister of Vietnam at the 13th National Assembly in July, 2011.

During the visit, PM Dung met the Emperor of Japan and held talks with Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, met with leaders of the Japanese parliament.

PM Dung made a tour of Sendai city and Natori city, Miyagi prefecture.

The statement emphasised Vietnam-Japan solidarity following the earthquake in northeastern Japan, saying that the two leaders described the goodwill acts and warm sentiment as evidence of the friendship built over past years by the two governments and peoples.

Regarding the achievements made by the two sides after the Vietnam-Japan Joint Statement in 2010, the statement said Vietnam and Japan once again affirmed their intention to strengthen and deepen cooperation in main fields.

On enhancement of exchange and dialogue, the two sides reaffirmed the importance of increasing high-level exchanges and dialogue between the two countries, especially maintaining high-level visits every year. The two sides also reaffirmed a commitment to boost bilateral relations at all levels and in all fields, as well as through existing dialogue channels.

They spoke highly of outcomes of the Vietnam-Japan first strategic partnership dialogue in December, 2010. They reaffirmed that the dialogue mechanism helped to increase and deepen the strategic partnership between the two countries and contributed to regional peace, stability and prosperity.

They decided to conduct the second strategic partnership dialogue in Tokyo in December.


In preparation for the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Vietnam-Japan diplomatic ties (1973-2013), the two sides decided to name 2013 as the “Year of Vietnam-Japan Friendship” and promote cooperative organisation of activities to celebrate the friendship year.

On economic cooperation, the Vietnamese side highly valued Japan’s assistance and progress in implementing projects stated in the 2010 Joint Statement.

PM Dung spoke highly of Japan’s continuous assistance to Vietnam’s prioritised infrastructure projects.

PM Dung also lauded the Japanese Government’s decision on provision of an official development assistance (ODA) loan worth 71.6 billion yen to Vietnam.

He hailed the signing of diplomatic notes and loan agreements for four projects on construction of the north-south highway (Ben Luc-Long Thanh section), the use of satellites for natural disaster control and climate change monitoring, construction of the Nghi Son thermal electricity plant and a climate change resilience support programme.

On trade and investment, the two sides affirmed the essential role of the Vietnam-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (VJEPA) and the Vietnam-Japan agreement for liberalisation, promotion and protection of investment to step up bilateral economic ties, and acknowledged the importance of the effective implementation of these agreements.

They expressed their wish to at least double two-way trade by 2020.

On cooperation in energy, natural resources and climate change, the two sides hailed progress reached in cooperation over use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

The Japanese side committed to increase nuclear safety through sharing experience and recent lessons relating to the nuclear incident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in a most transparent manner and explain its plan to step by step to improve nuclear safety.

The Vietnamese side welcomed Japan ’s efforts, explained the need for nuclear energy to ensure the energy supply in Vietnam and expressed its wish that Japan provides nuclear technology.

The Japanese expressed its intention to provide Vietnam with technologies ensuring safety at the highest level in the world and praised the Vietnamese Government for its approval of the Vietnam-Japan agreement on use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

The Vietnamese side also expressed its hope that the agreement would be ratified soon in Japan after fulfilling necessary procedures.

The two sides reiterated the Vietnamese Government’s decision in choosing Japan as a cooperative partner to build two nuclear reactors at the proposed nuclear power plant 2 in Ninh Thuan province.

They hailed progress reached since the talks in October, 2010 and documents affirming the progress between the two governments.

The two sides also welcomed progress after the summit talks in October 2010 relating to cooperation in joint development of rare earth minerals in Vietnam and documents on the progress between the two governments, saying that this would promote cooperation between the two countries in surveying, exploring, exploiting and processing rare earth minerals in Vietnam.

They also hailed cooperation in the first project on rare earth minerals, which will begin in Dong Pao, Lai Chau province and is expected to be carried out after the document is signed.

The two sides reaffirmed the urgency to respond to climate change as well as the importance of implementing Cancun agreements.

The statement also mentioned cooperation in science and technology and human resource development, and increase in mutual understanding between the two countries’ people.

On regional and international cooperation, the two sides reaffirmed the importance in beefing up the ASEAN connectivity toward building the ASEAN Community by 2015. The two sides also welcomed progress in cooperation since the second Mekong-Japan high-level meeting in 2010 and acknowledged that the progress in the implementation of the “Mekong-Japan Action Plan 63” contributed to ASEAN connectivity.

The two sides acknowledged the importance of promoting cooperation in regional frameworks such as Mekong-Japan, ASEAN-Japan, ASEAN+3, EAS, ARF and APEC in order to build an Asia of prosperity and stability.

The two sides affirmed that peace and stability in the East Sea was the common interest of the international community. They welcomed the adoption of the Guidelines for the implementation of the Declaration of the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and called for the full implementation of the DOC and build a code of conduct (COC) soon, in line with existing international law.

The two sides affirmed that freedom of navigation, trade without barriers and observation of existing international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and peaceful solving disputes were in line with the interest of countries in the region.

They also acknowledged that common interests need to be promoted and protected in the East Sea .

The two sides reaffirmed a resolve to accelerate cooperation to reform the UN Security Council, including expansion of permanent and non-permanent member numbers.

Prime Minister Dung reaffirmed that Vietnam backs Japan to become a UN Security Council permanent member.

Japan seen as Vietnam’s prime important partner

(VOV) - Vietnam has always regarded Japan as its most important partner and will do its best to continue to develop the crucial partnership between the two countries.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung announced this at a meeting with Japan’s Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko in Tokyo on November 2.

PM Dung said he is very happy to revisit Japan and meet the Japanese Emperor and Empress in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual trust and understanding based on the Vietnam-Japan strategic partnership which is continuing to grow.


Vietnam praises and thanks the Japanese Emperor and Empress for their good sentiments towards the country as well as for helping to strengthen the friendship between the two countries. The Vietnamese Government and people are ready to share solidarity with the Japanese Government and people over the extraordinary losses caused by catastrophic earthquake and tsunami of March 11. Vietnam is committed to doing anything within its capacity to support Japan in dealing with the consequences of the natural disasters and reconstructing the country, Mr Dung said.

Regarding the outcome of talks with PM Yoshihiko Noda and meetings with Japanese officials, PM Dung said both sides agreed upon specific measures to further enhance the strategic partnership and to coordinate practical activities for the 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties in 2013- the Year of Vietnam-Japan Friendship.

Emperor Akihito spoke highly of PM Dung’s visit as a new impetus for promoting cooperative relations between Japan and Vietnam. The Emperor also said he hopes the two countries will continue their close cooperation in the sprit of friendship and mutual trust to make the Japan-Vietnam strategic partnership more substantial and effective, which would benefit the people of both countries.

Emperor Akihito thanked the Vietnamese Government and people for supporting Japanese people who suffered great losses due to the tragic earthquake and tsunami. This support is a vivid testimony to the close-knit relationship between the two countries, Mr Akihito said.


The same day of the meeting, PM Dung received the President of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) ,Sadakazu Tanigaki, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Takeshi Maeda, and leaders of Japan’s major banking, steel and chemical groups.

In the late afternoon, PM Dung, his wife, and entourage left Tokyo for Hanoi, concluding their official visit to Japan.

---------- Post added at 10:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:45 AM ----------

Vietnam, RoK issue joint statement


Vietnam and the Republic of Korea (RoK) have issued a joint statement on the state-level visit to the RoK by State President Truong Tan Sang, affirming their determination to boost multifaceted cooperation.
President Sang visited the RoK from November 8-10 at the invitation of President Lee Myung-bak, the statement said.

During his stay, President Sang held talks with President Lee and met with Speaker of the National Assembly Park Hee-tae and Prime Minister Kim Hwang-sik.

At their talks, the two Presidents reached common consensus on ways to further increase bilateral cooperation, as well as cooperation at regional and international forums.

They declared 2012 as the “Vietnam – RoK Friendship Year” and decided to organise various activities of exchange and celebrations and to promote symbolic cooperative projects for the following 20 years.

The leaders agreed to make a greater effort to fulfil the target of US$20 billion in bilateral trade ahead of 2015 and balance two-way trade.

The Vietnamese side acknowledged contributions made by RoK businesses to Vietnam’s socio-economic development and reaffirmed its commitment to further improve its investment and business climate.

The two sides agreed on the need to cooperate closely in nuclear energy development, contributing to responding to climate change, reaching the target of sustainable, low-carbon growth and promoting economic development in the two countries.

They wanted to promote bilateral cooperation in use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, and acknowledged the necessity to take measures to ensure nuclear non-proliferation, security and safety in line with international practices.

The two sides also acknowledged and welcomed cooperative results reached in the proposal on a joint master study on nuclear electricity development cooperation in Vietnam. The proposal will be used as a basis for following cooperative steps agreed by both countries.

They acknowledged the RoK’s desire to cooperate in developing nuclear power plants in Vietnam, training human resources, studying technology transfer and other related issues.

The Vietnamese side said that development cooperation with the RoK is an important momentum for Vietnam’s socio-economic development and asked the RoK to continue viewing Vietnam as a key cooperation partner.

The RoK side will continue to cooperate systematically based on the medium- and long-term strategy for the 2011-2015 (the National Partnership Strategy) in accordance with Vietnam’s socio-economic development.

The two leaders held that the two countries closely cooperated at regional and international forums in the past years and agreed to continue increasing cooperation in international issues.

They welcomed the establishment of the ASEAN-RoK strategic partnership in 2010 and agreed to enhance cooperation to build the ASEAN community and implement the ASEAN Connectivity Master Plan in an effective manner.

Determined Tiger:

Which part you are "happy" and called its as a "lapdog".I don't think you read so well in English besides you just using broken English as a tool to cursed at Viet Nam. That tell me you are a trouble maker and start trashing on somebody topic creator.

Is that the very best shot you have?
Determinded Tiger:

Which part you are "happy" and called its as a "lapdog".I don't think you read so well in English besides you just using broken English as a tool to cursed at Viet Nam. That tell me you are a trouble maker and start trashing on somebody topic creator.

Is that the very best shot you have?

here another niceguy fake ip troll, sorry looser but I don't give a damn care 4 what you poeple talking to me, all you say must be a trash and i never take that too seriously!!

so forget your dream of trolling me!!!

right in your face is a symbol of desperation and stupidly, you must learn more about yourself and your ignorant shameless leaders going around to beg people 4 helps like a pathetic lapdog!!!

your vietnam never be a "country" as you used to proud of, you are just a tiny lapdog that its live depended on other power support, decades ago, China had helped you out from Western aggression and domestic conflicts, today when you can stand on your own feet you become arrogant and bite back at your benefactor!!! vietnam, you are so lame, you are too greedy and lying, you must be destroyed by hell fire and disappeared in this world would worth the human. your vietnamese are nothing but a bunch of fagots!!! see how a bunch of shameless viets keep changing it ips and creating new accounts to troll here!!!???

vietnam = you are so shameless!!! you need to get some self esteem to not to be called an animal!!!
here another niceguy fake ip troll, sorry looser but I don't give a damn care 4 what you poeple talking to me, all you say must be a trash and i never take that too seriously!!

so forget your dream of trolling me!!!

right in your face is a symbol of desperation and stupidly, you must learn more about yourself and your ignorant shameless leaders going around to beg people 4 helps like a pathetic lapdog!!!

your vietnam never be a "country" as you used to proud of, you are just a tiny lapdog that its live depended on other power support, decades ago, China had helped you out from Western bulling and domestic conflicts, then today when you can stand good on your feet you become arrogant and bite back at your benefactor!!! vietnam, you are so lame, you are too greedy and lying, you must be destroy by hell fire and disappeared in this life would worth the human. your vietnamese are nothing but a bunch of fagot!!!

Determined Tiger:

Wow? Alright ... I may troll. Have fun with yours "trophy".
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