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LCA LSP-3 with ELTA radar to fly today

Angle of Attack: LCA Radar is a AESA.

Angle of Attack has learnt that the Radar tested on India's Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) was Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radar. Complete information is still not available but it is confirmed that the radar was AESA bring India in a club of select few nations. So far only the Americans have a AESA radar in service on their F/A-18 Super Hornet and the F-22 Raptor. UAE also has AESA radar on their F-16 Block 60 which is also of American origin. Many other countries are currently testing and developing AESA radar.
According to past reports the AESA radar could have had a Indian Antenna, radome and scanner with a Israeli processor. This might be sketchy but this all Angle of Attack knows right now. The aircraft also had a new air data processor, Radar warning receiver and a new navigation and communication system bring the aircraft very close to its IOC standard.
Project director P.S Subramanyam said that all the testing necessary to receive the IOC certificate are done except the flight testing and demonstration of sensors and weapon performance which will be done once LSP-4 and LSP-5 start flying. According to him LSP-4 will be ready in a month and the LSP-5 will be ready a week later after LSP-4. Hence we can conclude that IOC certificate could be received by the Tejas within 6-7 months from now.
Angle of Attack will relay more info as soon as it gets it.

Guys info is from the same source who first broke abt LCH first flight even before DRDO release .
Also one of my friends on IDRW - very reliable source .
Great news
I may catch some flack for saying this but I'm not even sure the LCA is relevant anymore?;) Are the design considerations of the 80's still valid? Is it wise to build a carrier version of a delta wing? After 27 years have the program objectives been met? You could argue spin offs but aren't the subsystems built for the LCA nearing obsolescence?
Just 2 pooints here..

The design considerations have not stayed static since 80's. Which is also why DRDO says it took so long as specs kept changing.

Also this may not be a Typhoon or a Rafael, but you need to keep in mind what is this plane expected to go up against. On the western front, the most modern plane has the design specs of the same era...

It amazes me that Indian's expect a government run organization to produce a world best fighter, had the LCA contract been awarded to a private firm you would have likely had a really good plane deployed in the late 90's.

Agree 100%..
In such threads, we see the difference, 3 pages, not a single Pakistani member derailed or posted a flame post, rather Indian members themselves tried best to do that.

While if there had been a Pakistani news of jubilation of such nature, it would have been ruined by our good neighbors right at the first page.

anyhow, good news, hope to keep hearing more.

And no need for an idiotic reply to this one, as I know what I am talking about and you guys don't, so keep it shut.

Thanks Taimi Sir..

Can you please merge this thread with

btw, the above thread has enough flames for both these threads...
some more pics from yesterdays successful flight pics are of the twin seater,notice the helmet again,ohh by the by its now confirmed that LCA flew with an AESA
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As of now , we get a 4th gen Multi role platform for 25 million a piece.

by 2015 , we shoud get a 4.5 gen Multi role platform for a little over 25 million.

And carrier 4.5 gen aircraft for a little over 30 million.

An off topic question...If LCA can be 4.5 gen for $25 million plus, then why do many members keep saying that when Jf-17 becomes near 4.5 gen (due to electronics upgrade) then its cost will easily exceed $25 - 30 million ? Surely LCA and Jf-17 must be similar in many aspects.
An off topic question...If LCA can be 4.5 gen for $25 million plus, then why do many members keep saying that when Jf-17 becomes near 4.5 gen (due to electronics upgrade) then its cost will easily exceed $25 - 30 million ? Surely LCA and Jf-17 must be similar in many aspects.

JF-17 is a completely different plane. It was made in such a way that almost all of its parts are of chinese origin except the engine. But as we all know chinese parts are not reliable or competitive internationally. So in order to upgrade these a lot of money needs to be spent to buy upgrades. Also not a lot of countries are ready to sell these upgrades. Also number of upgrades will matter. A less number means more money per part.

India on the other hand is manufacturing majority of parts in house which reduces costs and also all the parts that are being imported will be either from Israel or US/France for engine, who are good allies of ours and price negotiation won't be a problem. And in future we will have our engine engine too. Israel is our ally and we can easily get ToT and manufacture parts in India. For LCA, all the parts whether indigenous or not will be manufactured in India.
Angle of Attack: LCA Radar is a AESA.

Angle of Attack has learnt that the Radar tested on India's Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) was Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radar. Complete information is still not available but it is confirmed that the radar was AESA bring India in a club of select few nations. So far only the Americans have a AESA radar in service on their F/A-18 Super Hornet and the F-22 Raptor. UAE also has AESA radar on their F-16 Block 60 which is also of American origin. Many other countries are currently testing and developing AESA radar.
According to past reports the AESA radar could have had a Indian Antenna, radome and scanner with a Israeli processor. This might be sketchy but this all Angle of Attack knows right now. The aircraft also had a new air data processor, Radar warning receiver and a new navigation and communication system bring the aircraft very close to its IOC standard.
Project director P.S Subramanyam said that all the testing necessary to receive the IOC certificate are done except the flight testing and demonstration of sensors and weapon performance which will be done once LSP-4 and LSP-5 start flying. According to him LSP-4 will be ready in a month and the LSP-5 will be ready a week later after LSP-4. Hence we can conclude that IOC certificate could be received by the Tejas within 6-7 months from now.
Angle of Attack will relay more info as soon as it gets it.

Guys info is from the same source who first broke abt LCH first flight even before DRDO release .
Also one of my friends on IDRW - very reliable source .
Great news

If true than........

The first image of the AESA is from Aero India 2009, labeled as Active Electronically Scanned Phased Array for Light Combat Aircraft, have discussed in keypub forum but couldn't decide whether it is for Tejas or not. Its most probably a version of CAESAR that EADS offered for Tejas. If the radar is AESA than its most probably Indian antenna with Israeli T/R modules.


Lets wait till evening , everything will be clear.
Hope for best.

LSP4 and LSP5 before year end and IOC by DECEMBER looks reality now

This is from todays newspaper print edition

Imp part-
"The LSP-3 is the quantum jump in terms of the equipment fit on the aircraft and is almost the final configuration including the new air-data computers, multi-mode radar, new communication and navigation equipment and radar warning receiver."

Guess what - new RWR - MAYAWI starting to take shape????
New communications - IODL ( Faster ODL india trying to complete by 2012 for all jets)
New computers - If you want AESA ( something like COTS is necessary)

I am keeping my Fingers crossed.
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request to MOD please merge this thread with LCA sticky thread
JF-17 is a completely different plane. It was made in such a way that almost all of its parts are of chinese origin except the engine. But as we all know chinese parts are not reliable or competitive internationally. So in order to upgrade these a lot of money needs to be spent to buy upgrades. Also not a lot of countries are ready to sell these upgrades. Also number of upgrades will matter. A less number means more money per part.
I am not following that developments of Jf-17 that closely, but couldn't it be possible that Pakistan can get the airframe+engine only from China+Russia. This reduces the basic cost. Then all the subsystems and electronics can be outsourced. The cost will come down since it is said that around 150 - 250 Jf-17s will be in PAF's inventory. PAF will negotiate for a decent number of packages to be manufactured in-house due to the large numbers involved.

India on the other hand is manufacturing majority of parts in house which reduces costs and also all the parts that are being imported will be either from Israel or US/France for engine, who are good allies of ours and price negotiation won't be a problem. And in future we will have our engine engine too. Israel is our ally and we can easily get ToT and manufacture parts in India. For LCA, all the parts whether indigenous or not will be manufactured in India.
Agreed that most of the components manufactured in India will reduce costs, but when one asks for ToT, then i believe that the cost of the component includes some of the designing cost also, thereby escalating the price, at least initially. It may benefit us in the long run as technology stays with us, but unit cost will be relatively higher.
I am not following that developments of Jf-17 that closely, but couldn't it be possible that Pakistan can get the airframe+engine only from China+Russia. This reduces the basic cost. Then all the subsystems and electronics can be outsourced. The cost will come down since it is said that around 150 - 250 Jf-17s will be in PAF's inventory. PAF will negotiate for a decent number of packages to be manufactured in-house due to the large numbers involved.

Agreed that most of the components manufactured in India will reduce costs, but when one asks for ToT, then i believe that the cost of the component includes some of the designing cost also, thereby escalating the price, at least initially. It may benefit us in the long run as technology stays with us, but unit cost will be relatively higher.

ToT price doesn't include the cost of designing the product. It is just the license fee to manufacture the product in house. It depends upon the number of products to be built. And the unit cost gets lower as the number of units increase. In case of LCA, where 300 units are expected at least, I expect the unit price to be about 50-60% to cost of buying directly.
ToT price doesn't include the cost of designing the product. It is just the license fee to manufacture the product in house. It depends upon the number of products to be built. And the unit cost gets lower as the number of units increase. In case of LCA, where 300 units are expected at least, I expect the unit price to be about 50-60% to cost of buying directly.

Till this time only 7 squadrons are confirmed for LCA (2 Mk-I and 5 Mk-II) and that will be 140 fighters. Not sure IAF will be including more than 140-150 LCA in its inventory.
An off topic question...If LCA can be 4.5 gen for $25 million plus, then why do many members keep saying that when Jf-17 becomes near 4.5 gen (due to electronics upgrade) then its cost will easily exceed $25 - 30 million ? Surely LCA and Jf-17 must be similar in many aspects.

Simply put JF-17 has to import many of its upgrades , and even many of its parts.

Its s huge increase in cost.

HAL on the other hand has its own systems , And the only major imports are the Engine and Radar . Which drive up the cost.

For example the quoted price for the LCA-mk2 , is 25 million plus .
But that depends a lot on imports. If we pick the Ej-2000 as the engine for example.The LCA-mk2 will cost nearly 30 million a piece.

Since the only other major imports come from Israel(possibly radar) , which always offers us good price. We can keep our prices low.

In fact the only major reason for the Price increase in the Mk-2 is the different engine and its cost.
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