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Latest news about Oil Gas possible discovery

Even then, gas is cheap in international market. Also, gas is used mostly for power generation and not for transport. So, gas is not as valuable as oil.
Pakistan has massive investment in GAS for transportation. Due to lack of gas many gas CNG stations have shutdown and vehicles have gone back to using petrol.

So if its gas it still is massive news as we need Gas for consumers, industries and transportation. There is a reason we have Iran Pakistan Gas pipeline, TAP gas project and LNG from Qatar.
So if its gas it still is massive news as we need Gas for consumers, industries and transportation. There is a reason we have Iran Pakistan Gas pipeline, TAP gas project and LNG from Qatar.

Iran Pakistan gas pipeline and TAPI have not been build and might never be built. IP has been discussed since the 90s and is never going to happen because of US sanctions on Iran. TAPI is just being used by the GoP as a negotiating tool. It too will never be built because it passes through Afghanistan which is not a safe place for a gas pipeline. The Taliban will blow it up every day and twice on public holidays!

LNG from Qatar is the only project that was actually implemented. However it isn't feasible to use this imported gas for transportation because it is expensive. CNG overall was a huge mistake because it lowered the lifespan of our cars and wasted our precious local gas supply. What was needed was the removal of protectionist measures that protected the auto sector from foreign competition and allowed them to get away with producing fuel inefficient cars.
Iran Pakistan gas pipeline and TAPI have not been build and might never be built. IP has been discussed since the 90s and is never going to happen because of US sanctions on Iran. TAPI is just being used by the GoP as a negotiating tool. It too will never be built because it passes through Afghanistan which is not a safe place for a gas pipeline. The Taliban will blow it up every day and twice on public holidays!

LNG from Qatar is the only project that was actually implemented. However it isn't feasible to use this imported gas for transportation because it is expensive. CNG overall was a huge mistake because it lowered the lifespan of our cars and wasted our precious local gas supply. What was needed was the removal of protectionist measures that protected the auto sector from foreign competition and allowed them to get away with producing fuel inefficient cars.
I am not an expert but CNG/LNG is half the price or even less when takaing into account the transport cost and refining of oil and engine effiency

LNG prices in world are in free fall because there is so much gas
I am not an expert but CNG/LNG is half the price or even less when takaing into account the transport cost and refining of oil and engine effiency

LNG prices in world are in free fall because there is so much gas

Maybe the world needs some Hazmola
I am not an expert but CNG/LNG is half the price or even less when takaing into account the transport cost and refining of oil and engine effiency

LNG prices in world are in free fall because there is so much gas

CNG is subsidized in Pakistan so that's why its cheap. It's not cheap if you take into account the reduced lifespan of converted vehicles i.e. the total cost of ownership.
CNG is subsidized in Pakistan so that's why its cheap. It's not cheap if you take into account the reduced lifespan of converted vehicles i.e. the total cost of ownership.
No its not, domestic gas and power sector gas is
And i was talking about international LNG not domestic
No its not, domestic gas and power sector gas is

If you say so. Domestically produced gas is priced lower than the international imports. There are price controls at work.

You should look up the fuel efficiency of japanese kei-cars. They get like 30-36KM/liter of petrol. With mileage like that there is no need to convert to CNG. Our locally assembled cars are much less fuel efficient which is why people resort to CNG conversion.
You should look up the fuel efficiency of japanese kei-cars. They get like 30-36KM/liter of petrol. With mileage like that there is no need to convert to CNG. Our locally assembled cars are much less fuel efficient which is why people resort to CNG conversion.

How much of our annual oil import bill is for car and motorcycles consumption? Do we even have such statistics? What % of local CNG is consumed in vehicles?

And small modern diesel engines can return 80-90 miles per 4.5ltrs (motorway). 28-32kms per litre, for midsize saloons.
Final phase of drilling at Kekra-1 continues

ISLAMABAD: At last the drilling at Kekra-1 well in G-bloc, Pakistan’s ultra-deep sea has begun after a long pause of over almost 23 days and entered the final phase by reaching the depth of 5,148 meters and will reach at the required depth of 5,460 meters within days, a senior official told The News.
The joint venture headed by ENI is operator comprising Exxon Mobile, OGDCL and PPL started the drilling on January 13, 2019 at the cost of sunk money of $75 million, which has increased to $90 million so far.
When the drilling reaches the depth of 5,460 meters, the official said, the operator will likely do wire line logging which could take another three or four days. This will likely be followed by another casing and cementing exercise that can take four to six days. At this stage a substantial amount of information regarding the well prospects will be known, however, the results (discovery or dry well) will require completion of proper testing.
Spokesman for the Petroleum Division Additional Secretary Sher Afgan confirmed that the drilling has entered the final phase and reached the depth of 5,148 meters and only 312 meter is left to be spudded as it has to reach almost 5,500 meters. He said after reaching the required depth the operator will get the specimen that will be sent to Italy for information if there is a reservoir of oil and gas in the well or not.
The last snag hit the drilling when the blowout preventer (BOP) that prevents from any blow out or any kick pressure that can result into eruption of fire, had gone out of order and its repair took some days and then its testing took the reasonable time. Before it, the drilling stopped on April 8 because of the cementation and casing continued owing to which the drilling could not start.
So far the drilling witnessed many upheavals starting from January 2019 up till now and it has got delayed by one month as it was earlier scheduled to get completed by April end which is now rescheduled up to the middle of May at the maximum.
The drilling was initiated with 19 percent probabilities, which, according to the experts, get reduced when side tracking starts taking place. In Kekra-1 well case, second side tracking was underway. Officials said when side tracking process is initiated, this means that first plan of drilling was not well worked out.
Earlier when at Kekra well vertical drilling reached at depth of 4,799 meters on February 21, a high pressure was felt causing huge mud loss and because of unsafe operation the well was plugged by March 23. Then the first side tracking started and when it reached down to 3,100 meters, it again met failure, which is why the hole was also blocked. After that the second side tracking began which is still underway and may reach at the required depth within days.

The News

Khalid Mustafa

May 07,2019
No it's a lie. There is still a little more drilling the results will be out by end of May.
Oh, I thought you said Indians have got the news from Vedic sources and have started Diwali Holi
Jang group showing its auqaat.... labelling the money spent on drilling as "sunk money"...... so they were happy to defend Nasoor Sharif's billions of loot and plunder but are having issue with a few million spent on drilling which has potential payback in the tens to hundreds of billions.

With media houses like these who needs enemies.
Jang group showing its auqaat.... labelling the money spent on drilling as "sunk money"...... so they were happy to defend Nasoor Sharif's billions of loot and plunder but are having issue with a few million spent on drilling which has potential payback in the tens to hundreds of billions.

With media houses like these who needs enemies.
Or maybe the PM should not have announced it prematurely and this whole hype wouldn't have even developed in the first place. If this drill turns out to be unsuccessful, future drillings will be unnecessarily hyped up again and criticized by opposition and media - which may result in no future drillings. Its an all or nothing scenario which has been created by our PM.
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