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Last chance for Israel

Last Hope

Oct 18, 2010
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Israel destroying chance for peace’


Israeli bulldozers demolish the Shepherd Hotel in East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, on Sunday

RAMALLAH: Israel is destroying any chance of a return to peace talks by carrying out demolitions in annexed East Jerusalem, a spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Sunday.

"By doing this, Israel has destroyed all the US efforts and ended any possibility of a return to negotiations," Nabil Abu Rudeina said in a statement after Israeli forces demolished part of a former hotel in east Jerusalem. The Hotel Shepherd is being partially demolished to make way for 20 new homes for Jewish occupiers in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.

"Israel has no right to build in any part of east Jerusalem, or any part of the Palestinian land occupied in 1967," Abu Rudeina said, calling on the United States to "stop Israeli tampering."

On Sunday morning, three bulldozers tore down part of the dilapidated hotel, which was once the home to Jerusalem's mufti religious leader, Haj Amin Al-Husseini.

The Jeddah-based Organization of the Islamic Conference blasted the demolition as a "flagrant violation of international law."

An estimated 2,000 Jewish occupiers live in Palestinian neighborhoods in annexed east Jerusalem, although the exact number of properties they own is unclear.

Peace talks are currently stuck over Israeli construction in East Jerusalem, which the Palestinians see as their future capital. The Palestinians say they will not renew talks without an Israeli settlement freeze that includes the area, which was captured along with the West Bank in the 1967 Mideast war.

Israeli and Palestinian envoys are heading to Washington this week in an attempt to move talks forward, but the Palestinians say the envoys will not talk directly to each other. The people behind the project “want to settle here and make the situation in Jerusalem even more problematic than it is now,” said Mossi Raz, an Israeli peace activist and former lawmaker, at the demolition site.

Mark Regev, an Israeli government spokesman, refused to discuss the Shepherd Hotel project but called on the Palestinians to return to talks. Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat condemned the project. “As long as this government continues with settlement and acts like the demolition of the Shepherd Hotel there will be no negotiations,” Erekat said.

The Shepherd Hotel project is funded by Jewish American millionaire Irving Moskowitz, a longtime patron of Jewish occupiers. Sheikh Jarrah is the scene of a weekly protest against the evictions of Palestinians to make way for occupiers.

The 250,000 Palestinians who live in East Jerusalem consider the Jewish neighborhoods to be illegal settlements.
Talks, discussion, negotiations become meaningless when other party shows aggressions.
There can not be a peace in a land that is occupied by people coming from other (Europe,America,Russia,x soviet state's..) part's of world, killing & destroing the property of the people of the land ,saying that it is "a land with No people for the people with no land".
the only solution that the occupier has is to change the fact's over & under the land so it erasis the sign of the original people, like what every occupier do,in USA they did the same with the red indion's, in australia they did the same with the local comunity, the same in africa.....
The thing is that the Palestinian's ar not red Indian's or .....,
they have proved that by the last 100 year's, the fought the English & after ward's the Zionist regime ,by giving sacrifices and did not changed there love & passion for there land Palestine , every new generation that came carried the goal of there father's the Independent land of Palestine all Palestinian.
yes they paid for this and ar paying till now and pay every day till indepandence. This is the price of independance no matter what they call u a terrorist or hard linere etc ..., zionist's should know they can not kill a nation nor they can stay in other's land for ever.

south africa is a good example the apartheid regime was one of the best friend's of zionist's but what happened to them, they ar history now wanished from the map of the world. They know this fact, it is matter of time a may be we can see this happen in aware lives.who know's.



I have got pictures of Israeli terrorists in uniform (So called Army) and I cannot upload them here, as mant people are weak hearted and I will surely get Banned, as the pictures are too brutal and harsh. :angry:

'What goes around, comes around'

why muslim world is silent..

atleast why pakistan is silent..

plzz fire some warheads on israel head and get this drama over.

Or give palestine permanent to them and move all the palestinians to KSA.
why muslim world is silent..

atleast why pakistan is silent..

plzz fire some warheads on israel head and get this drama over.

Or give palestine permanent to them and move all the palestinians to KSA.

Its because we cant do that now.
Israel is far ahead of us, and we are helpless. We are developing ICBM for them, as a major threat.

In 1960, the Arab-Israel war could have been successful if Hussein didnt go and warn them :frown:

After some years, they shall see the real Muslim Unity!

We are progressing, with little speed but.

If we go and declare a war now, Russia, India, US and other major countries will help Israel but ONLY China will help us.
why muslim world is silent..

atleast why pakistan is silent..

plzz fire some warheads on israel head and get this drama over.

Or give palestine permanent to them and move all the palestinians to KSA.

And then what? Pakistan kaput?
Its because we cant do that now.
Israel is far ahead of us, and we are helpless. We are developing ICBM for them, as a major threat.

In 1960, the Arab-Israel war could have been successful if Hussein didnt go and warn them :frown:

After some years, they shall see the real Muslim Unity!

We are progressing, with little speed but.

If we go and declare a war now, Russia, India, US and other major countries will help Israel but ONLY China will help us.

China will not help Pakistan fight a war with Israel what ever makes you say this?

China has defence relationship with Israel not to mention trade ties
China will not help Pakistan fight a war with Israel what ever makes you say this?

China has defence relationship with Israel not to mention trade ties

I was talking about Weapons.
Its because we cant do that now.
Israel is far ahead of us, and we are helpless. We are developing ICBM for them, as a major threat.

In 1960, the Arab-Israel war could have been successful if Hussein didnt go and warn them :frown:

After some years, they shall see the real Muslim Unity!

We are progressing, with little speed but.

If we go and declare a war now, Russia, India, US and other major countries will help Israel but ONLY China will help us.

How will China help ? Off course China will sell its weapons to anybody for a price as they proved in African conflicts. Then again why turn to the Chinese for weapons? The Russians will also sell their weapons to the Muslim nations and so will the Swedish and so will most other nations..for the right price off course.
Netanyahu won the election due to support of the right wing Likud party in turn he has to give them something back which is settlements.

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