I dont think Israel will be able to do large scale ethnic cleansing anymore. They would if they could off course, but the dynamics are different.
They are under the scope and is today seen by the world as the Goliath. At least by most nations except US, Canada...
Besides, Palestinians in West Bank are several millions. They would put up fierce resistance (much more violent intifada than ever) and Israel would find itself in an uncontrollable situation.
I agree that it is time to dissolve that PA/Fatah.
They are worse than animals, because they are emplloyed by Israel and essentially is a subcontractor for the Israeli occupation.
Israel doesn't have to kill every single Palestinian to achieve its goal. They are all ready starving, bullying and destroying the identity of the people. Once Israel has all of the lands it will weaken the Palestinians. Some Palestinians will start migrating out again to Jordan and Lebanon. The rest who will be left will be too weak to resist Israel and will become 2nd class citizens within Israel.