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Lashkar planning to target Mosques in India

Halaku Khan

Nov 14, 2008
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Lashkar planning to target Mosques in India

ABC News: Mumbai Terrorist Wanted to 'Killl and Die' and Become Famous

Commando Tells Cops He Murdered For Money and Offers to Help Police For Cash

December 3, 2008—

Captured Mumbai Lashkar e Taiba terror commando Mohammed Ajmal Amir Qasab told police in a videotaped confession on the night of his arrest that he turned to violence in part because his impoverished family was promised almost $4000 US dollars if his attack succeeded.

"We were told that our big brother India is so rich and we are dying of poverty and hunger. My father sells dahi wada on a stall in Lahore and we did not even get enough food to eat from his earnings. I was promised that once they knew that I was successful in my operation, they would give Rs 1,50,000 [almost USD 4,000] to my family)," said Qasab.

He also naively begged police to not reveal he had survived since Lashkar e Taiba had sent him to die,and if it was revealed he had survived, he later would be killed by other members of his terrorist organization.

"Please do not tell anyone that I am caught alive otherwise they will kill me. They had told us that they would shoot us even if we returned to Pakistan," Asian Age reported.

According to Asian Age newspaper in Mumbai, Qasab also told authorities that he and the other nine members of his attack squad all carried student identification cards in an effort to hoodwink authorities should they have been stopped enroute to their targets in Mumbai. And he shocked police by his readiness to switch loyalities now that he was caught.

"If you give me regular meals and money I will do the same that I did for them," he said.

Intelligence and law enforcement sources in Mumbai tell ABC News that Qasab continues to be cooperative and is providing authorities with "new revelations" every day.

According to Asian Age, Qasab's original statement was written as well as video taped by police and took place very quickly following his arrest.

As has been publicly acknowledged by Indian authorities, Qasab told police that the group was trained to handle sophisticated weapons and to be at sea for up to a month, surviving on limited food and other resources. A student ID card of a college in Bangalore was also found on Qasab's person. "Qasab told us that all of them were carrying student identity cards to mislead the coastal guards in case they were questioned enroute," an officer present at the confession, who requested anonymity, said.

Terrorist Says Jihad "Is About Killing and Getting Killed and Becoming Famous"

According to the officer, Qasab spoke Pathani Hindi and told the police that he threw up the moment he saw all the blood and gore. "Qasab said that he could not bear the sight of dead bodies and after creating enough havoc wanted to go back to Pakistan," the officer said.

Qasab had but a limited understanding of jihad, based on the statements he made to authorities. He told interrogators "it is about killing and getting killed and becoming famous." "Come, kill and die after a killing spree. By this one will become famous and will also make Allah proud," is what the suspect said when police asked him what he understood about jihad. He also said that initially the plan was to carry out the carnage in the month of Ramzan but their handlers could not arrange resources at that time," Asian Age reported. Qasab told his interrogators that he could not pursue his education because of the meager income of his father and, hence, had to drop out of school after his fourth year.

"When we asked whether he knew any verses from the Quran that described jihad, Qasab said he did not," police said. "In fact he did not know much about Islam or its tenets," according to a police source.

Police said that the original plan was designed to cause even more chaos than the mass casualty attacks that have pushed India and Pakistan into a period of tension and heated rhetoric that threatens to spill over into violence.

According to Asian Age, this LeT module was going to carry out the carnage in the month of Ramzan (Ramadan). "He said that they were going to carry out a similar strike in mosques in the city which would spark communal riots causing more casualties making their operation far from accomplished. However he said that they could not come at that time as their handlers could not arrange or the resources," Asian Age's police sources said.

Contrary to a number of published accounts, according to Asian Age, Qasab in his statement also told the police that the group had come to India for the first time and that there was no advance reconnaisance done in the city. Instead, he said, the attack team was shown detailed "videos of the two hotels and CST railway stations during training. Videos of the lobbies and the lifts, the structure, entry and exit points of the hotels and detailed videos of Nariman house too were shown to them. Qasab said they knew everything about the adjacent roads as well but knew nothing about the rest of the city," the newspaper reported.

Prior to commiting himself to LeT, police said that Qasab was a laborer working for a daily wage of Rs. 50, or about 63 cents.
The Hindu : Front Page : Policeman injured as terror suspect opens fire

Policeman injured as terror suspect opens fire

Marri Ramu

HYDERABAD: A terror suspect wanted in the Mecca Masjid blast case and his associates escaped after firing at three members of the police Counter Intelligence wing who tried to nab them near a bustling junction here on Wednesday.

A bullet pierced through the abdomen of head constable Guru Ram Raju, while his colleague, Mohammad Jaffar, suffered a fracture in the right hand in a scuffle when they tried to overpower the wanted suspect, Vikar Ahmed.

Raju was admitted to a corporate hospital where doctors operated on him.

The shootout at the crowded Indira Seva Sadan crossroads in the Santoshnagar area created panic for a brief while.

The presence of Vikar Ahmed, his associate Amjad, and two others, all of them reportedly possessing firearms, suggested that they could be plotting a major attack but their targets and plans could not be ascertained, police added.

Police had been trying to track the movements of Vikar Ahmed as he was among those who disappeared after the bomb blast at the Mecca Masjid on May 18, 2007. On a tip-off that Ahmed returned to the city a month ago, a special police team kept surveillance on him.

When cornered inside a public telephone booth, Vikar Ahmed offered resistance and his associate, believed to be Amjad, came running and fired at the policemen with a pistol. Vikar too fired at them with a 9 mm country-made pistol. Raju collapsed and his colleagues scurried for cover while Vikar and Amjad fled the scene with an accomplice waiting on a two-wheeler.
(Although this article has been posted before, it is of great relevance in this thread)

DNA - Bangalore - 81 held guilty in 2000 church blasts - Daily News & Analysis

M K Madhusoodan

BANGALORE : A Special Court, which was holding trial into the 2000 serial church blasts in Karnataka, held 81 persons guilty of the crime on Friday. Special judge S M Shivanagoudar will pronounce the quantum of punishment to the guilty on Saturday.

The special court was constituted by the state government. Though the cases were initially investigated by the local police, it was later handed over to the Corps of Detectives (CoD), which filed chargesheets against the accused too.

The serial blasts occurred between May and July 2000 in various churches within Karnataka, Goa and Andhra Pradesh, creating panic among the people and leaving the police completely clueless.

However, on July 9, the perpetrators fell into a trap of their own making in Bangalore. The extremists were returning by a Maruti van after bombing churches in Jagajeevanramnagar when several bombs kept in their vehicle went off. According to police, it occurred when their van shook while negotiating a road hump. Two occupants of the van, Zakir and Siddiqi, died on the spot while the third, S M Ibrahim, sustained injuries.

Soon afterwards, the police raided Ibrahim's house at Murugeshpalya and seized several documents and a computer hard disk - which led to the arrests of several others in the three states. All of them belonged to an outfit called Deedar Anjuman (Religious Association), an unknown terrorist outfit till that time.

Deendar Anjuman

Deendar Anjuman was founded by Hazrath Moulana Siddique - alias Deendar
Channabasaveshwara - at Bellampet, Gulbarga district, in 1924. Its head office was at Asif Nagar, Hyderabad. Though the organisation operated behind the façade of establishing religious equality, it had a hidden Jehadi agenda, which aimed at achieving the Islamisation of India.

Soon after the death of Moulana Siddique, his eldest son Zia-ul-Hasan became its religious head. The present headquarters of Deendar Anjuman is located at Mardan in Pakistan, where Zia is settled with his family. Though it initially claimed to be a Sufi sect, the Deendar Anjuman floated a terrorist outfit called Jamat-e-Hizbul Mujahiddin (JHM) with the patronage of Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI).

Every year, on the second week of Muslim month of Rajab (October), a religious function resembling Urs was arranged by the Deendar Anjuman centre at Hyderabad to mark the death anniversary of its founder. Zia and his family members used to visit India and meet members of the outfit across it. They also used to visit various places in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Goa to collect funds and contact followers. The visits of Zia and his family were aimed at exhorting Muslim youths in India to get trained in Pakistan on matters relating to handling of weapons and explosives.

During one of the visits in October 1999, the family held a secret meeting of 'faithfuls' at Deendar's Hyderabad Ashram and conspired to wage a war against India. It was at this meeting that they decided to target churches, bridges and rail tracks so as to create communal tension and destabilise the Indian economy. The outcome of this meeting resulted in church blasts in Bangalore, Hubli, Batakurki and other places.

Terror track

1. On June 8, 2000, two crude bombs were set off at Saint Anne's Church in Wadi, Gulbarga District. The church was damaged and two persons were injured. Chargesheets were filed by the CoD against 19 persons and 15 faced trial in the case.

2. On July 9, 2000, bombs were set off at St Peter Paul Church in Jagajeevanaramnagar, Bangalore. Of the 29 accused, 17 accused faced trial.

3. On July 8, 2000, the group triggered off bombs blasts at the St John Luthern Church in Hubli. Sixteen persons faced trial in the case. The final blast occurred when a bomb went off accidentally while the terrorists were transporting them in a Maruti van on July 9.

In all the four cases, 27 common accused persons were tried together. Members of the Pakistan-based outfit, its present head Zia-ul-Hassan, and his four sons are still absconding. Red corner notices were issued against each of them and efforts are being done to extradite them from Pakistan. One of the accused died during the trial.
The video confession with a rifle pointing at his head?

Why do you think we, or anyone else believes these sorts of confessions? He's simply telling you, what you want to hear. The scripting is so poor, it's probably done by a Bollywood producer.
"We were told that our big brother India is so rich and we are dying of poverty and hunger. My father sells dahi wada on a stall in Lahore and we did not even get enough food to eat from his earnings. I was promised that once they knew that I was successful in my operation, they would give Rs 1,50,000 [almost USD 4,000] to my family)," said Qasab.

A son of poor "Dahi Wada" seller managed to learn to speak fluent English yet not get enough food to eat but wears a Versace T-shirt and trendy matching trousers and shoes?

Man..the story gets better every day! :rofl:
A son of poor "Dahi Wada" seller managed to learn to speak fluent English yet not get enough food to eat but wears a Versace T-shirt and trendy matching trousers and shoes?

Man..the story gets better every day! :rofl:

Well observed and put together Neo. Fluent English speakers in the subcontinent do not come from such poor family backgrounds. The idiots in India still haven't realized this while doing their latest Bollywood production.
Well, now that it is proven that he is willing to take any side for money, no one should believe a thing coming out of his mouth. LeT does not hire mercenaries who are dying of hunger, and for a big operation such as this they would have sent their best trained most loyal and senior operatives not a random person they picked off the street who would switch sides on them if caught.

This is not any Lashkar, but a giant organized domestic crime.
Well, now that it is proven that he is willing to take any side for money, no one should believe a thing coming out of his mouth. LeT does not hire mercenaries who are dying of hunger, and for a big operation such as this they would have sent their best trained most loyal and senior operatives not a random person they picked off the street who would switch sides on them if caught.

This is not any Lashkar, but a giant organized domestic crime.

RAW or Indian Police must have doubled the amount to $8.000 to tell their story. :pop:
A son of poor "Dahi Wada" seller managed to learn to speak fluent English yet not get enough food to eat but wears a Versace T-shirt and trendy matching trousers and shoes?

Man..the story gets better every day! :rofl:

I will u get u versace t- shirt for say 100 rs or less after bargaining.
RAW or Indian Police must have doubled the amount to $8.000 to tell their story. :pop:

And spent $10,000 finding a script writer and producer from Bollywood. Perhaps this is all a big trailer for a new movie and India forgot to tell Pakistan?

When Col. Purohit admits his involvement in Malegaon blast in front of Mumbai ATS, everyone starts building theory of Hindu terrorism around it. When a terrorist confesses his crime in front of "SAME" ATS, people are telling it is fake and conspiracy.

If this terrorist is lying or fake, then Col. Purohit is also innocent. We can not have double standard.
When Col. Purohit admits his involvement in Malegaon blast in front of Mumbai ATS, everyone starts building theory of Hindu terrorism around it. When a terrorist confesses his crime in front of "SAME" ATS, people are telling it is fake and conspiracy.

If this terrorist is lying or fake, then Col. Purohit is also innocent. We can not have double standard.

Hand over the terrorist to Pakistan, and he'll sing a different tune, I can assure you. Hand over your colonel to Pakistan, he'll sing the same tune. A big difference, no double standard.
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