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Featured Largest Iranian Navy ship sinks after mysterious fire


Sep 18, 2019
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United States
Tehran, Iran – One of Iran’s largest navy ships has sunk after catching fire near the Strait of Hormuz under unclear circumstances.

The Kharg, named after an island nearby that serves as a key oil terminal, caught fire in the early hours of Wednesday local time and more than 20 hours of rescue operations failed to save it, the army said.

An image taken late at night showed crew in life jackets running away with a fire raging behind them. Another image, taken in daytime, showed heavy smoke billowing to the sky and fire still burning.

Iran’s army also identified the Kharg as a “training ship” and confirmed there were almost 400 crew and trainees on board, before adding all of them were safely evacuated.

Translation: PR of the second maritime district of Jask has announced that after a fire broke out at the Kharg vessel and personnel were moved to the beach, the rescue operation for the training vessel failed after 20 hours of all-out work due to the spreading of the fire and the vessel rested in the Jask waters.

A local army official told the semi-official Tasnim news agency that 20 people suffered minor burns.

No reason was provided for the cause of the fire.

The vessel sank close to the port of Jask in the south of the country, near the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic waterway.

The vessel was built in Britain and launched shortly before Iran’s 1979 Revolution and entered the Iranian navy in 1984 after several years of negotiations.

The army official told Tasnim that much of its equipment had been overhauled by Iranian engineers in recent years.

It was capable of providing replenishment at sea to help other ships, could lift heavy cargo and also had launch and landing pads for helicopters.

The Kharg’s sinking marks the latest big naval incident for Iran in recent years.

Last year, a missile was mistakenly fired during a military training exercise at sea, killing 19 sailors and wounding 15 others.

An Iranian navy destroyer also sank in the Caspian Sea in 2018.

Cmon guys, we know the usual supsects, I dont believe in coincidences
We had in the past already incidents in the gulf of oman
avia.pro is reporting an unidentified drone hit the ship
I hope it will be properly dealt with the aggressors

Unknown drone attacked an Iranian warship in the Gulf of Oman

An Iranian warship is attacked in the Gulf of Oman.

A few hours ago, an Iranian warship in the Gulf of Oman was attacked by an unknown unmanned aerial vehicle. As a result of the explosion, a fire started on the ship - the crew was urgently evacuated due to the threat of the ship sinking.

According to the Iranian news agency FARS, the Iranian navy ship was in the Gulf of Oman on a training mission, but an explosion occurred on board the ship. The nature of the explosion was not named by representatives of the Iranian Ministry of Defense, but the Arab media reported that it could be an attack of an unmanned aerial vehicle, and, judging by the power of the explosion and the evacuation of the crew of the Iranian Navy warship, the ship received quite serious damage.

Previously, Iranian ships have already been attacked in this region, moreover, analysts suspect Israel of this - in a similar way, but already in the waters of the Mediterranean, several Iranian civilian ships were attacked on their way to Syria and Lebanon.

At the moment, the Iranian Ministry of Defense does not comment on the information about the attack on a warship in the Gulf of Oman, while the nature of the damage to the vessel remains unknown.
And so the psyops and sabotage continues... Unless of course this was an accident.

If not, then let me stress: timing, gentlemen, timing is of essence. Not easy to keep chronology in mind in the day and age of peacemeal Twitter-newsfeeds and other stultifying internet trickery.

But just as the ins and outs of Zarif's controversial "leaked" interview (regardless of what party exactly had it published and why they did so) cannot be correctly decrypted unless the chronological context including its timing is taken into account, this incident too will not be correctly analyzed unless a contextual approach is adopted (if it was no accident, that is).

Again, if this was an attack or sabotage, then it wouldn't surprise me to witness a steady crescendo until the day of the presidential election. Possibly (but hopefully not) followed by some sort of an attempt by liberal fifth columnists and nofuzis in concert with their handlers in Washington and Tel Aviv, to instigate a domestic political deflagration. Naturally, I hope and pray that this hypothesis is going to be invalidated, or that Sarbazane Gomnan will preemptively do what is necessary to prevent it from coming to fruition. But one always needs to be on guard when one's existential foes are called US regime and zionist regime. And there really is a lot at stake in the upcoming Iranian election, one cannot stress this enough in my opinion.

If fifth columnists are planning anything funny, I certainly hope all their moves are being watched as we speak, their plans and networks carefully identified and placed in the crosshairs by Iran's security agencies for a concentrated decapitating strike at the most opportune moment.
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To many coincidences in the last few days.. There was an explosion at a drone factory if memory serves me right and then there was another fire that broke out somewhere else just 1 or 2 days after that and now the largest naval ship just sinks in the ocean after a fire? It was 3 incidents right after each other?
drone factory if memory serves me right and then there was another fire that broke out somewhere else just 1 or 2 days after that and now the largest naval ship just sinks in the ocean after a fire? It was 3 incidents right after each other?

The drone factory one was fake news, debunked by western or zionist journalists themselves later on (the factory is located miles away from the site which caught fire).
I believe the poor Zionist wanted to hit the ship just to cause some minor damage but instead they sank it unintentionally. Now they have to brace hard for what comes next.
The ship was close to the port..I suspect sabotage...but not Drone..
only an internal high intensity fire could take a ship that big. Remember ships have very extensive fire fighting systems...

This was a supply ship which means many items are brought in..imagine a barrel of lubricant being intentionally filled with fire accelerant and brought in and set fire by remote ..(fire started at 2am while most everyone is sleep).... Iranian security officials can not get this to their heads that they are in a silent war ..every important asset or facility is a target...the war is silent and not public but will be ongoing...some one should tap Iranian security officials on the shoulder and remind them ..it is a war buddy wake up and smell the cordite!.
They can seize a Bahraini tanker anytime to remedy the cost. Bahrain is their buddy here.

Yet the silent war caries on and you cannot import western technology safely. They can have hidden parts for when needed.
I believe the poor Zionist wanted to hit the ship just to cause some minor damage but instead they sank it unintentionally. Now they have to brace hard for what comes next.
There is no evidence that Israel is behind this incident. Stop making propaganda for them.
By attributing every thing that goes wrong in Iran to Israel, you people are doing the propaganda work for them!
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Big question is where is Israel staging these attacks from. UAE? Yemen?
mysterious kosher fire?

They should publish more details about the nature of the fire, where, when and how.
observing the images, the fire seems to be in the vicinity of the helicopter hangars.
I ask a couple of questions:
were there helicopters on board?
if so, did they manage to save them?

my consideration:
the fire is very intense and being in the vicinity of the helicopter hangars, could it have reached the storage tanks for refueling aviation fuel to the helicopters which is notoriously highly flammable?
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