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Largest Emerging Economies, E7+Pakistan, growth prospects and challenges

Pakistan economy is in bad shape due to extremely worst governance. The corrupt mafia of elites are busy looting the wealth of the country & saving it in their foreign accounts. 4.5 years of democrazy & whole country is destroyed economically, zardari regime had done nothing for Pakistan, infact he had created millions problem for the next ruling govt. The electricity crises had worsened, textile industry is moving towards collapse, IT industry almost collapsed, electricity/gas/petroleum etc charges jump to triple times, national institutions such as PIA/PR/PSM etc collapsed, all the development works started during last govt term has been terminated or stopped, TIP reports of almost 100billion US$ corruption in just 4 years. Coming towards media, the so called free media is not even free & must be puppet of some external force. Corrupt media, instead of exposing & criticizing fail govt is busy in bashing of Military institution & call it that they are working for strengthen of democrazy, someone plz tell these jokers that a common Pakistani wants jobs, education, food & that comes by good govt be it democrazy or military rule.

Pakistan will never ever manage to go beyond 2.5-3% annual economic growth unless it focus exclusively on bad governance issue, corruption & making a decision & vision to reach top economic might countries. Hell guys, it is 60+years pass since indepandance & Pakistan can't even manufacture a small car lets say comparable to Mehran. Pakistanis need to get out of PA's fear, PA will only coup if there is bad governance or so, so it is simple don't give them chance, don't do bad governance, focus on building economy.
How come there are lot of trolls & troll posts in this thread & no action against them? Why would any one be worried that why is this country in this list or not?

I'm hoping Mods will take required action from page 1.
Pakistan shouldn't be in this list................better put bangladesh in it

Pakistan has a very strategically important geographical location, mineral rich with over 30mil middle class right now. their population is 180mil and they may convert half of it into middle class by 2030 if they may get a good leadership, which will be almost equal to total population of Turkey, one of E7? Sindh of Pakistan has ability to perform as good as Gujrat, Pakistani Punjab can have as much per capita income as Indian Punjab/ Haryana, Baluchistan is full of resources, Pak's Kashmir has minerals and can have good source of electricity supply through the dams and north west of Pakistan is on the direct trade link with Central Asia. hence, they just need a good leadership to guide them thats it :meeting:
How the fu** will Mexico be such a big economy, bigger then Russia too?
First of all .... Those who are furious and angry about Pakistan being in the list.... Its his list not some official one... SO BE HAPPY AGAIN....

2ndly As far i can assume the countries above at some point did had situation (economic) just like Pakistan... SO as he said Challeges and recommendations......

First we have list of investment to GDP ratio of E7+SA+Pakistan as below:

2 China 54.20%

26 Indonesia 32.00%

29 India 30.70%

58 Mexico 26.00%

99 Turkey 21.80%

106 Russia 21.10%

134 Brazil 19.00%

144 South Africa 18.40%

178 Pakistan 11.80%

OK so you gave rankings, so what exactly do you wanna talk about? The predictions are BRICS + US and EU and followed by the N -11 according to Goldman Sachs predicted in 2005. The N-11 being (Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Turkey, South Korea, and Vietnam).

There is a difference between E7 and N11, that is, E7+South Africa falls among the G20, the 20 largest economies of the world and please have a look on the title of this thread its about the "Largest Emerging Economies". And among the rest of E7+South Africa, we have G7 among G20 and only Canada of G7 would maintain its economies size by 2030 due to hefty natural resources. The representative of EU27, South Korea would face the similar economic problems in future as rise of China would take their export business in future. And again the rest of 3 of G20s, Saudi Arabia/ Argentina and Australia have hefty natural resources so they would also maintain their status in future. But among G20 economies, only E7+South Africa have true 'emerging capabilities' and I find Pakistan capable enough to catch up with Indonesia, Turkey, South Africa, Mexico of E7+SA in terms of economic size/ growth rate :meeting:
Average growth rate of last 3 years:

1. China 9.6%
9.2% (2011)
country comparison to the world: 7
10.5% (2010)
9.2% (2009)

2. India 8.2%
7.8% (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 15
10.1% (2010 est.)
6.8% (2009 est.)

3. Indonesia 5.7%
6.4% (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 37
6.1% (2010 est.)
4.6% (2009 est.)

4. Brazil 3.2%
2.7% (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 130
7.5% (2010 est.)
-0.6% (2009 est.)

5. Turkey 2.7%
4.6% (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 84
8.2% (2010 est.)
-4.7% (2009 est.)

6. Pakistan 2.65%
2.4% (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 143
3.8% (2010 est.)
1.7% (2009 est.)

7. South Africa 1.5%
3.4% (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 118
2.8% (2010 est.)
-1.7% (2009 est.)

8. Mexico 1.0%
3.8% (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 108
5.4% (2010 est.)
-6.2% (2009 est.)

9. Russia 0.3%
4.3% (2011 est.)
country comparison to the world: 91
4.3% (2010 est.)
-7.8% (2009 est.)

with 180 million people Pakistan can grow between 4-8 % annually by locally generated demand, provided the peace and stability.
Pakistan is a country in state of war....

Even than we have great potential of exporting cotton, Textile, Cement, Footballs and other sport stuff, Masajat (chilli powder etc ),

There is still potencial for much more...... Tourism industry have lots to offer if used/advertised correctly.... These are just a start by layman.... Rest experts will post.....


Tourism? Seriously? Well, if you're into being kidnapped I guess...

more about Public Debt to discuss the way governments of E7+SA+Pakistan may learn from the fall of OECD economies while investing more in infrastructure also at the same time, as below:
Public debt, which is also called "government debt" or "national debt," includes money owed by the government to creditors within the country (domestic, or internal debt) as well as to international creditors (foreign, or external debt).

Public debt as a percent of GDP in OECD countries as a whole went from hovering around 70% throughout the 1990s to more than 100% in 2011 and is projected to grow to almost 110% of GDP by 2013, possibly rising even higher in the following years. It could already be higher, as potential costs of aging populations may not be entirely reflected in the budget projections of some countries.




World debt comparison: The global debt clock | The Economist

new members would raise the questions to discuss with here and I will try to answer with best of my knowledge :tup:
Tourism? Seriously? Well, if you're into being kidnapped I guess...

Why not.... I am talking about natural beauty ..... If little effort is put in providing sense of security to foreigner i dont see why Tourism can't earn Pakistan money.... And that sense can be provided by little security arrangements and educating people who want to visit that everything is not as bad as it looks.
Why not.... I am talking about natural beauty ..... If little effort is put in providing sense of security to foreigner i dont see why Tourism can't earn Pakistan money.... And that sense can be provided by little security arrangements and educating people who want to visit that everything is not as bad as it looks.

Pakistan should better pay more attention to streamline its fiscal management instead of asking more foreigner in your country. Dont look for FDI neither tourism at this stage of economy. These are quick fix and will shadow your long term reform that needed in the economy. Just see how Indian economy is going down too. PK and India followed the same path only that PK failed earlier and India still sitting on a bomb.
OK so you gave rankings, so what exactly do you wanna talk about? The predictions are BRICS + US and EU and followed by the N -11 according to Goldman Sachs predicted in 2005. The N-11 being (Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Turkey, South Korea, and Vietnam).

Goldman Sachs predicted in 2005 about N11 but they didn't predict 2008.:rofl::what:

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