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Largest Annual Gathering of Muslims in Britain Rejects ISIS

Pakistani E

May 8, 2013
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The rise of Isis has raised the threat of terror in the UK and led to a summer of negative headlines about Islam – even pushing leading British imams to call for a fatwa prohibiting Muslims from joining the terror group.

But in a field in Hampshire on Sunday, more than 30,000 Muslims gathered to celebrate a very different face of their religion.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, whose motto is “love for all, hatred for none”, gathered in a specially created tented village for the largest Muslim convention in Britain. Their message was simple: peace, not jihad, is the true meaning of Islam.

Sunday was the final day of the Jalsa Salana (annual convention in Urdu). The three day event attracted Muslims from more than 80 countries around the world, who met to reaffirm their commitment to Ahmadi ideals of non-violence, neighbourliness and charity.

Jamal Akbar, 34, was among those volunteering at the event. He works in investment banking IT and coordinates Ahmadiyya charity programmes in his spare time. “I am very frustrated at other Muslims who portray this negative view of Islam because it’s not Islam they’re portraying,” he said.

“There’s so much love and peace in the atmosphere here ... I hope non-Muslims and Muslims alike will see the message that we’re portraying, that this is what Islam is all about.”

The current leader, or caliph, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, led tens of thousands of worshippers in Sunday’s pledge ceremony. Known as Bai’at, it involves followers pledging to keep to 10 main promises of the faith, including to pray regularly, not be overtaken by extremes of passion and be humble and cheerful. The proceedings were transmitted to a potential audience of 80 million Muslims worldwide.

Preaching earlier in the weekend, he said: “Terrorists who seek to justify their hateful acts in Islam’s name can only be condemned. They are motivated by a selfish desire to fulfil their own personal interests and ambitions ... ignorant of the true teachings of Islam – of peace and tolerance.”

Ahmadiyya Muslims are not accepted in some countries, which is part of the reason the annual international convention is held in the UK and attracts so many worshippers from overseas. In Pakistan, for example, Ahmadis are a persecuted minority and the state refuses to acknowledge them as Muslims because they do not recognise Muhammad as the final prophet.

Ahmadiyya Muslims: British convention of a religious minority persecuted abroad spreads a message of love and peace - Home News - UK - The Independent
I am a strict person when it comes to Islam or a Muslim Country ok here it is mr. They are living in England build better future for them self's and British when their own country is at stake they provide resource and Economic to the west which is later on used on us the East in the form of Rockets, Tanks etc.

and Look at their life style totally looks like a bunch of disco dancers.
If you want to Serve your Country more then your Religion then come back and here find jobs and make your country proud.

If i was in England the only thing i was going to do a protest to stop killing the muslims or to stop sending Weapons to the ISIS if this fails for me its total War. Kill dozes before you die its enough blood shed we have seen on our side.
I am a strict person when it comes to Islam or a Muslim Country ok here it is mr. They are living in England build better future for them self's and British when their own country is at stake they provide resource and Economic to the west which is later on used on us the East in the form of Rockets, Tanks etc.

and Look at their life style totally looks like a bunch of disco dancers.
If you want to Serve your Country more then your Religion then come back and here find jobs and make your country proud.

If i was in England the only thing i was going to do a protest to stop killing the muslims or to stop sending Weapons to the ISIS if this fails for me its total War. Kill dozes before you die its enough blood shed we have seen on our side.

@Jaanbaz @Pakistani Exile
I am a strict person when it comes to Islam or a Muslim Country ok here it is mr. They are living in England build better future for them self's and British when their own country is at stake they provide resource and Economic to the west which is later on used on us the East in the form of Rockets, Tanks etc.

and Look at their life style totally looks like a bunch of disco dancers.
If you want to Serve your Country more then your Religion then come back and here find jobs and make your country proud.

If i was in England the only thing i was going to do a protest to stop killing the muslims or to stop sending Weapons to the ISIS if this fails for me its total War. Kill dozes before you die its enough blood shed we have seen on our side.

Ahmadis cannot live normal lives in Pakistan. In my views it is obligatory upon all Ahmadi Muslims to migrate out of this cursed land. Pakistan has failed to protect the lives and freedom of Ahmadi Muslims. Despite that Ahmadis have never raised arms against the state, we could have done the same, we could have started militancy and started taking revenge for the Ahmadis that have been murdered by Sunnis but we didn't. We are a peaceful community but not cowards.
I am a strict person when it comes to Islam or a Muslim Country ok here it is mr. They are living in England build better future for them self's and British when their own country is at stake they provide resource and Economic to the west which is later on used on us the East in the form of Rockets, Tanks etc.

and Look at their life style totally looks like a bunch of disco dancers.
If you want to Serve your Country more then your Religion then come back and here find jobs and make your country proud.

If i was in England the only thing i was going to do a protest to stop killing the muslims or to stop sending Weapons to the ISIS if this fails for me its total War. Kill dozes before you die its enough blood shed we have seen on our side.

Are you going to guarantee that when I come back to Pakistan that some holier than thou jihadi isn't going to blow my head off? If you can then I will return at once. In our understanding of Islam, if you are persecuted in a land then the first thing you should do is migrate. This is what a large number of Ahmadis have done.

I do however have a hard time understanding what your post means, 90% of Ahmadis of Pakistani origin are still in Pakistan. The Pakistani Ahmadi diaspora is in hundreds of thousands, while there are still millions of Ahmadis in Pakistan. Just because you don't see us, doesn't mean we have all left.
The rise of Isis has raised the threat of terror in the UK and led to a summer of negative headlines about Islam – even pushing leading British imams to call for a fatwa prohibiting Muslims from joining the terror group.

But in a field in Hampshire on Sunday, more than 30,000 Muslims gathered to celebrate a very different face of their religion.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, whose motto is “love for all, hatred for none”, gathered in a specially created tented village for the largest Muslim convention in Britain. Their message was simple: peace, not jihad, is the true meaning of Islam.

Sunday was the final day of the Jalsa Salana (annual convention in Urdu). The three day event attracted Muslims from more than 80 countries around the world, who met to reaffirm their commitment to Ahmadi ideals of non-violence, neighbourliness and charity.

Jamal Akbar, 34, was among those volunteering at the event. He works in investment banking IT and coordinates Ahmadiyya charity programmes in his spare time. “I am very frustrated at other Muslims who portray this negative view of Islam because it’s not Islam they’re portraying,” he said.

“There’s so much love and peace in the atmosphere here ... I hope non-Muslims and Muslims alike will see the message that we’re portraying, that this is what Islam is all about.”

The current leader, or caliph, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, led tens of thousands of worshippers in Sunday’s pledge ceremony. Known as Bai’at, it involves followers pledging to keep to 10 main promises of the faith, including to pray regularly, not be overtaken by extremes of passion and be humble and cheerful. The proceedings were transmitted to a potential audience of 80 million Muslims worldwide.

Preaching earlier in the weekend, he said: “Terrorists who seek to justify their hateful acts in Islam’s name can only be condemned. They are motivated by a selfish desire to fulfil their own personal interests and ambitions ... ignorant of the true teachings of Islam – of peace and tolerance.

Ahmadiyya Muslims are not accepted in some countries, which is part of the reason the annual international convention is held in the UK and attracts so many worshippers from overseas. In Pakistan, for example, Ahmadis are a persecuted minority and the state refuses to acknowledge them as Muslims because they do not recognise Muhammad as the final prophet.

Ahmadiyya Muslims: British convention of a religious minority persecuted abroad spreads a message of love and peace - Home News - UK - The Independent

I don't know what's your take on these guyz but they are doing some real good stuff out there......Fatwa on such thing is good idea.
Best line "They are motivated by a selfish desire to fulfil their own personal interests and ambitions ... ignorant of the true teachings of Islam – of peace and tolerance.
I think guyz like you who care should raise your voice.
Ahmadis cannot live normal lives in Pakistan. In my views it is obligatory upon all Ahmadi Muslims to migrate out of this cursed land. Pakistan has failed to protect the lives and freedom of Ahmadi Muslims. Despite that Ahmadis have never raised arms against the state, we could have done the same, we could have started militancy and started taking revenge for the Ahmadis that have been murdered by Sunnis but we didn't. We are a peaceful community but not cowards.

Haahhaa for me now you are out of Islam because for me there are only two kinds in this World Muslims and NON-Muslims those saying them selfs Ahmadi's are just totaly hindus Allah knows the best tho but my loyalty to Allah is alone and i can say proudly you guys are just following wrong path i never till now could understand the Groups Islam is divided well now i think Islam can never be Divided those who saying them selfs Ahmadi's ,Shia's,Sunni are out of Islam for me i only said myself a muslim not a Sunni not a Shia(Ahmadi i dont count them). that's why we say if Death comes please Allah give it to us in a Good place.(not in Bath). i hope this will piss you off.:nana:
Haahhaa for me now you are out of Islam because for me there are only two kinds in this World Muslims and NON-Muslims those saying them selfs Ahmadi's are just totaly hindus Allah knows the best tho but my loyalty to Allah is alone and i can say proudly you guys are just following wrong path i never till now could understand the Groups Islam is divided well now i think Islam can never be Divided those who saying them selfs Ahmadi's ,Shia's,Sunni are out of Islam for me i only said myself a muslim not a Sunni not a Shia(Ahmadi i dont count them). that's why we say if Death comes please Allah give it to us in a Good place.(not in Bath). i hope this will piss you off.:nana:

1889 Jamaat Ahmadiyya starts with 40 people, today around 100 million people claim themselves to be Ahmadis Muslims. Last year more then 500000 people joined Jamaat Ahmadiyya from Mali, Ghana, Nigeria to India, England, Albania, USA to Fiji. If I were you I would be really ''pissed'' off at the progress of Jamaat Ahmadiyya.:D
much better than the sickening wahabi/salafi cult. Kudos to them!

btw they have one of the biggest mosque Europe in UK
But in a field in Hampshire on Sunday, more than 30,000 Muslims gathered to celebrate a very different face of their religion.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, whose motto is “love for all, hatred for none”, gathered in a specially created tented village for the largest Muslim convention in Britain. Their message was simple: peace, not jihad, is the true meaning of Islam.
The Muslims don't consider Ahmediyas as Muslims. So this one's a non starter. They couldn't care less what others like the Ahmediyas think.
1889 Jamaat Ahmadiyya starts with 40 people, today around 100 million people claim themselves to be Ahmadis Muslims. Last year more then 500000 people joined Jamaat Ahmadiyya from Mali, Ghana, Nigeria to India, England, Albania, USA to Fiji. If I were you I would be really ''pissed'' off at the progress of Jamaat Ahmadiyya.
Ok then you guys just shitting at yourselfs creating hell for your self. you all call your Evil Father who started all this said that "Christ is not coming back he is dead" well that makes you out of Islam as you do not obey the Holy Quran. now have a nice day and go to hell.
Brace for statements like "These murderers are not real Muslims", "This is not Islam".
My impression is that these ISIS fellows do not even consider Ahmediays are Muslims too...So how does it matter what Ahemdiayas Muslim presents to outside world. In any way, Ahemdiyas and Shia Muslims are not so radical or violent people among their Muslim people...And by denouncing ISIS, it increases their reputation of being a peace loving Muslim people...

The rise of Isis has raised the threat of terror in the UK and led to a summer of negative headlines about Islam – even pushing leading British imams to call for a fatwa prohibiting Muslims from joining the terror group.

But in a field in Hampshire on Sunday, more than 30,000 Muslims gathered to celebrate a very different face of their religion.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, whose motto is “love for all, hatred for none”, gathered in a specially created tented village for the largest Muslim convention in Britain. Their message was simple: peace, not jihad, is the true meaning of Islam.

Sunday was the final day of the Jalsa Salana (annual convention in Urdu). The three day event attracted Muslims from more than 80 countries around the world, who met to reaffirm their commitment to Ahmadi ideals of non-violence, neighbourliness and charity.

Jamal Akbar, 34, was among those volunteering at the event. He works in investment banking IT and coordinates Ahmadiyya charity programmes in his spare time. “I am very frustrated at other Muslims who portray this negative view of Islam because it’s not Islam they’re portraying,” he said.

“There’s so much love and peace in the atmosphere here ... I hope non-Muslims and Muslims alike will see the message that we’re portraying, that this is what Islam is all about.”

The current leader, or caliph, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, led tens of thousands of worshippers in Sunday’s pledge ceremony. Known as Bai’at, it involves followers pledging to keep to 10 main promises of the faith, including to pray regularly, not be overtaken by extremes of passion and be humble and cheerful. The proceedings were transmitted to a potential audience of 80 million Muslims worldwide.

Preaching earlier in the weekend, he said: “Terrorists who seek to justify their hateful acts in Islam’s name can only be condemned. They are motivated by a selfish desire to fulfil their own personal interests and ambitions ... ignorant of the true teachings of Islam – of peace and tolerance.”

Ahmadiyya Muslims are not accepted in some countries, which is part of the reason the annual international convention is held in the UK and attracts so many worshippers from overseas. In Pakistan, for example, Ahmadis are a persecuted minority and the state refuses to acknowledge them as Muslims because they do not recognise Muhammad as the final prophet.

Ahmadiyya Muslims: British convention of a religious minority persecuted abroad spreads a message of love and peace - Home News - UK - The Independent

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