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Lanti Mullahs Kill more Ahmadis, including old woman.

Terrible and disgusting.
Very sad incident, yet another source of shame for us is the plight of minorities. Very shameful.
Excuse moi ?
Where did I say Ahmadis had it coming ?
Stop imagining perceived insults.

I noted the point that Ahmadis wanted a nation based on an ideology that religion trumps humanity.
And they have got it in the end.

Nowhere did I say they deserve it.
Please shove the holier than thou crap.

We did not shout up and down in 47' to separate from "kuffars". There were "kuffars" still living in areas that became Pakistan when Ahmadis joined Pakistan movement. You are just posting garbage, we didn't make demand of Pakistan because we hated Hindus or Sikhs. Idiot. Even today Christians live peacefully in Rabwah. We don't hate anyone. Take your hateful nationalistic garbage somewhere else.
People keep saying to me that Ahmadis just whine and there is no violence against Ahmadis in Pakistan. Every single time I present them with facts and every single time they choose to wilfully ignore the presented facts. If this isn't hypocrisy then I don't know what is. @Pakistanisage You say I am anti Pakistani, but the truth is Pakistani is anti me. Even though people in Pakistan are ready to dispatch me to hell for a free ticket to heaven, I still pray that all the problems Pakistan faces are sorted out and ALL Pakistanis can once again live peacefully with each other.

An Ahmadiyya teacher of a private university and his mother were found murdered here, in the latest incident of violence against minorities in Pakistan.

Mubashir Ejaz Ahmad, 27, and his mother were killed in G-11 area last night, his brother Mujadid Ejaz Ahmad said.

"Police has registered a case and launched investigation but so far they have no idea who killed them," Ahmad said.

"We do not have enmity with anyone," he said, adding that the possibility of extremists' involvement in the murder cannot be ruled out.

Police officials were not available for comments.

Mubashir was a qualified Electronic Engineer and was teaching at Muhammad Ali Jinnah University in Islamabad.

Pakistan's Ahmadis consider themselves Muslim but were declared non-Muslims through a constitutional amendment in 1974. A decade later, they were barred from proselytising or identifying themselves as Muslims.

Some 1.5 million Ahmadis live across the country.

Ahmadiyya teacher, his mother killed in Pakistan | Business Standard
I pray for my brothers.....i pray for my nation.........:cry:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said: “I swear that you also will follow the footsteps of the nations that preceded you [e.g., Jews and Christians]. (Tirmidhi)

The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said: “Surely you will follow the ways of those nations that were before you, span by span and cubit by cubit [inch by inch], so much so that even if they entered a lizard’s hole, you would follow them.” (Bukhari)
I think Ahmadis are even more oppressed than Hindus in Pakistan. At least Hindus aren't directly forced to renounce their religion, Ahmadis on the other hand can't even call themselves Muslims and that is constitutional.
Maybe you can politely leave the thread. Your contribution doesn't seem to go past "karma is a bitch".
Using the deaths of these people to take pot shots on Pakistan. Classy

Showing the mirror isn't the same as taking pot shots.
Accepting criticism is the first step towards learning.
I am always open to criticism of my country as long as its constructive unlike most Pakistanis here who go into a shell at any suggestion that something could be wrong.
I have been to Qadian(Gurdaspur) many times since I have relatives there. The Ahmadis I have met are very good and humble human beings. They are very educated, their children are well behaved at a time when children have forgotten the meaning of good behavior. They never disrespect you or react in anger no matter how much someone tries to provoke them.
Personally I don't give two hoots. Temple can built somewhere else and same with mosque.

Good for you. Now stop trolling and saying 'Karma is a bitch'' because i can tell you exactly what your kind deserve. If you have something constructive to add then please do so.
Showing the mirror isn't the same as taking pot shots.
Accepting criticism is the first step towards learning.
I am always open to criticism of my country as long as its constructive unlike most Pakistanis here who go into a shell at any suggestion that something could be wrong.

Here you are defending in the indefensible. You're not showing us anything we don't already know and in my case are not trying to change. You cannot help or do anything regarding this situation, and your "karma is a bitch" comments clearly showed your malicious intention. Your comment was not constructive at all.
Showing the mirror isn't the same as taking pot shots.
Accepting criticism is the first step towards learning.
I am always open to criticism of my country as long as its constructive unlike most Pakistanis here who go into a shell at any suggestion that something could be wrong.

You are not showing any mirror. You are taking random swipes by posting half baked lies that you conjured in your own head. I don't understand how even one of your post on this thread so far has been on topic.
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