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Lanti Mullahs Kill more Ahmadis, including old woman.

You are not showing any mirror. You are taking random swipes by posting half baked lies that you conjured in your own head. I don't understand how even one of your post on this thread so far has been on topic.

As long as they can bash Pakistan it's all good. Damm all the victims, which he clearly stated. As long as we can get at Pakistan in any way, shape or form it's all good.
I apologize if my Karma is a bitch offended you.
Though I am suspicious if you are actually hurt or using the statement to deflect criticism
Anyways I digress

Clearly we have different sensibilities.
Its ironic that I living in India have more of western mindset than the posters living in UK.
People keep saying to me that Ahmadis just whine and there is no violence against Ahmadis in Pakistan. Every single time I present them with facts and every single time they choose to wilfully ignore the presented facts. If this isn't hypocrisy then I don't know what is. @Pakistanisage You say I am anti Pakistani, but the truth is Pakistani is anti me. Even though people in Pakistan are ready to dispatch me to hell for a free ticket to heaven, I still pray that all the problems Pakistan faces are sorted out and ALL Pakistanis can once again live peacefully with each other.

An Ahmadiyya teacher of a private university and his mother were found murdered here, in the latest incident of violence against minorities in Pakistan.

Mubashir Ejaz Ahmad, 27, and his mother were killed in G-11 area last night, his brother Mujadid Ejaz Ahmad said.

"Police has registered a case and launched investigation but so far they have no idea who killed them," Ahmad said.

"We do not have enmity with anyone," he said, adding that the possibility of extremists' involvement in the murder cannot be ruled out.

Police officials were not available for comments.

Mubashir was a qualified Electronic Engineer and was teaching at Muhammad Ali Jinnah University in Islamabad.

Pakistan's Ahmadis consider themselves Muslim but were declared non-Muslims through a constitutional amendment in 1974. A decade later, they were barred from proselytising or identifying themselves as Muslims.

Some 1.5 million Ahmadis live across the country.

Ahmadiyya teacher, his mother killed in Pakistan | Business Standard

this was a domestic dispute
RIP. No one is safe, specially minorities.

They were one time. What changed? The introduction of crazed, alien beliefs that Pakistan had nothing to do with, neither did our forefathers.

I remember some idiot criticising Sufism on here. I suppose what we see now is the Islamic "progression" they talk of......
As long as they can bash Pakistan it's all good. Damm all the victims, which he clearly stated. As long as we can get at Pakistan in any way, shape or form it's all good.

I have seen this on multiple threads. It's disgusting how victims of a crime in a country they hate are used as political footballs to score cheap "points". It's a sign of severe mental illness which strips the humanity from victims and makes them a statistical argument that they can use to put down anther country. Absolutely pathetic.
this was a domestic dispute

Because Leader, the all knowing Pakistani sitting on the internet says so. Okay, whatever. All Ahmadis killed in Pakistan were victims of a domestic dispute or a conspiracy and all the victims of drone strikes are shaheds. Try to troll a bit harder.
Because Leader, the all knowing Pakistani sitting on the internet says so. Okay, whatever. All Ahmadis killed in Pakistan were victims of a domestic dispute or a conspiracy and all the victims of drone strikes are shaheds. Try to troll a bit harder.

"Police has registered a case and launched investigation but so far they have no idea who killed them," Ahmad said.

"We do not have enmity with anyone," he said, adding that the possibility of extremists' involvement in the murder cannot be ruled out.

I think the police have said it all. Had this been a "domestic" they would have known.
Because Leader, the all knowing Pakistani sitting on the internet says so. Okay, whatever. All Ahmadis killed in Pakistan were victims of a domestic dispute or a conspiracy and all the victims of drone strikes are shaheds. Try to troll a bit harder.

I dont need to, but every ahmadi killed is not necessarily a case of hate violence.. this was one such case.
Most probably some retard Wahabo/Deobando was criticizing sufism, that too because he doesn't not understand the meaning of peace. Don't worry, we shall prevail.

They were one time. What changed? The introduction of crazed, alien beliefs that Pakistan had nothing to do with, neither did our forefathers.

I remember some idiot criticising Sufism on here. I suppose what we see now is the Islamic "progression" they talk of......
I apologize if my Karma is a bitch offended you.
Though I am suspicious if you are actually hurt or using the statement to deflect criticism
Anyways I digress

Clearly we have different sensibilities.
Its ironic that I living in India have more of western mindset than the posters living in UK.

I am not hurt by anyones statements here or anywhere else. I don't mind people forming an opinion, but they should form it on the basic of all available facts and knowledge. When people rush to pass remarks that are only half true, it makes them look uninterested in facts and only trolls.
"Police has registered a case and launched investigation but so far they have no idea who killed them," Ahmad said.

"We do not have enmity with anyone," he said, adding that the possibility of extremists' involvement in the murder cannot be ruled out.

I think the police have said it all. Had this been a "domestic" they would have known.

second marriage is not a tolerated social trait in Pakistan. fair enough not to rule out the possibilities...
I dont need to, but every ahmadi killed is not necessarily a case of hate violence.. this was one such case.

How do you know? Did the people who kill them phone you to let you know? Or are you also just passing random remarks because you have in inward bias. The police don't know, their family says they have no enmity with anyone but "leader" on PDF says its domestic case. o_O
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