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Lanka won’t share her fishing sea with India

then why getting your panties in a bunch when we come to vietnam....:lol:

Getting your panties in a bunch ...are you kidding me?, Indian Navy is not seious threat as U.S navy...we just use your little Indo-vietnamese event as excuse to dig a bigger hole in Indian's wall...as I said before India will lost more that It gains by defying China :lol:
Getting your panties in a bunch ...are you kidding me?, Indian Navy is not seious threat as U.S navy...we just use your little Indo-vietnamese event as excuse to dig a bigger hole in Indian's wall...as I said before India will lost more that It gains by defying China :lol:

and your excuse went up the cpc's shining hole.....we are still there...:lol:

try setting up the bases in SL...it will be a good excuse to teach some manners to the lankans as well.....:agree:
and your excuse went up the cpc's shining hole.....we are still there...:lol:

try setting up the bases in SL...it will be a good excuse to teach some manners to the lankans as well.....:agree:

Woo..sound threathening...If India bully SL...then we will call up U.S ...Pakistan..Nato ...Europe..and ..and UN to beat the hell crap of India :lol:
Woo..sound threathening...If India bully SL...then we will call up U.S ...Pakistan..Nato ...Europe..and ..and UN to beat the hell crap of India :lol:

What are you smoking these days man??NATO and US coming to rescue SL.And then Pakistan navy!!With what??Those fast attack crafts you donated??Seriously man,your brain seems to has got damaged beyond repair.A psycriatist won't do,you gonna need a brain transplant.
Woo..sound threathening...If India bully SL...then we will call up U.S ...Pakistan..Nato ...Europe..and ..and UN to beat the hell crap of India :lol:

What are you smoking these days man??NATO and US coming to rescue SL.And then Pakistan navy!!With what??Those fast attack crafts you donated??Seriously man,your brain seems to has got damaged beyond repair.A psycriatist won't do,you gonna need a brain transplant.
Woo..sound threathening...If India bully SL...then we will call up U.S ...Pakistan..Nato ...Europe..and ..and UN to beat the hell crap of India :lol:

nato cant do s*it in afghanistan,iraq,sirya,etc what can they do in india,plus they wont declare war on india because we go fishing in sri lankan waters :laugh:
why are we all being such a bunch of jerks , SL has full rights to deny indian fisherman from fishing in their water. Its a totally different matter if they assault indian fisherman near our territorial waters, but otherwise ,they are doing nothing wrong.
What are you smoking these days man??NATO and US coming to rescue SL.And then Pakistan navy!!With what??Those fast attack crafts you donated??Seriously man,your brain seems to has got damaged beyond repair.A psycriatist won't do,you gonna need a brain transplant.

Wooo...somebody got hurt, Learn not to do to other if you don't want other to do the same to you...Strategic calculate aggressif will not pay well in your advanture in south China sea, China will always find the way to dig a bigger hole in Indian wall.

nato cant do s*it in afghanistan,iraq,sirya,etc what can they do in india,plus they wont declare war on india because we go fishing in sri lankan waters :laugh:

Are you sure about that??? Nato certainly has enough of military fire power to balkainze India...:lol: I don't said it too loud if I was you.
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