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LandWind vs RANGE ROVER, XiaoMi HuaWei vs Iphone ... 'Copy' is a good thing !

Cheap domestic cars for China middle-class families, Part VII
奇瑞汽车 - E3 / Chery Auto - E3, 1.5L price 50~60 thousand RMB

E3 1.jpg

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E3 8.jpg

Just take an extra step and be original with the designs, this isnt something these Chinese companies cant do, but they choose to copy.
We should say ... China is copying the "Life on Wheels" like the developed nation by "Made in China" cars, Does India need it ?
I dont know, but why dont Chinese companies bring their cars to the Indian market?
Well ... the XiaoMi, HuaWei, Lenovo, Asus r selling their smartphones in Indian market ... at the early time those "Made in China" phones also called the 'Copy' but now sales not bad in India. Why don't bring "Made in China" cars to Indian market ? Im sure it will ... cheap & good quality 'China car' will become next 'China phone' into the developing nation market.

Above i just listed Ten x cheap car with 60~80 thousand RMB price for middle-class families, in real life there'r much more cheap domestic cars for choose. Now Chinese families r enjoying their 'Life on Wheels', all coz China automobile makers can 'Copy' and make price cost down.
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