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Lal Masjid mullahni gave threat of Suicide Attacks to Islamabad Police

Why didn't they close the place after the military operation? Why did they release the Maulana after his arrest. The governments on purpose allows these type of situations to build up and then play dirty politics. How the hell are these people still getting their funding to run the place.

The heading is wrong, She never said that, she's trying to say your messing with us but your forgetting the suicide bombers, if one comes you will loose your sleep. It doesn't mean she is threatening to suicide bomb the police. Typical **** Jahil mentality.

The government and state should negotiate with these people and end the situation, rather than letting it build up, how do these people get the funding to run the place?
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what they are demanding now ?

i got this from dawn news:

ISLAMABAD: Lal Masjid’s Maulana Abdul Aziz dodged arrest on Wednesday after his guards put up resistance to the police party when he came out of the mosque after leading Zuhr prayers despite a ban on him from the authorities.

molvi burqa several times made request to ISIS to come Pakistan, there was a videolast time where womens were training how to behead someone with sword (there were using fake sword on that video). They had automatic weapons and gas masks on musharraf days. his brother gave threat of suicide attacks (via ttp) on musharraf days.
another fiasco is needed for money and legitimacy from the West. Why they went for Aziz's arrest?
Why didn't they close the place after the military operation? Why did they release the Maulana after his arrest. The governments on purpose allows these type of situations to build up and then play dirty politics. How the hell are these people still getting their funding to run the place.

The heading is wrong, She never said that, she's trying to say your messing with us but your forgetting the suicide bombers, if one comes you will loose your sleep. It doesn't mean she is threatening to suicide bomb the police. Typical **** Jahil mentality.

The government and state should negotiate with these people and end the situation, rather than letting it build up, how do these people get the funding to run the place?

beacause Nawaz and his party PML N have links with them.
when ch. nissar was minister of internel affair he refused to take action against them
i think on that days abdul aziz invited ISIS in Pakistan

Same, PML N have links with Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat (es-Sipah e Sahhaba) who involves in killings of shia and barelvi, also involves hijacking of barelvi mosques in several cities.
another fiasco is needed for money and legitimacy from the West. Why they went for Aziz's arrest?

if you look dawn news article,it seems he was banned not to address ( i think).

in past abdul aziz invited isis in pakistan, after several years of lal masjid operation
his brother gave threat for suicide attacks to military before lal masjid operation
beacause Nawaz and his party PML N have links with them.
when ch. nissar was minister of internel affair he refused to take action against them
i think on that days abdul aziz invited ISIS in Pakistan

Same, PML N have links with Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat (es-Sipah e Sahhaba) who involves in killings of shia and barelvi, also involves hijacking of barelvi mosques in several cities.

I oppose the militants and terrorists ofcourse but our state always fails to take action at the right time, they allow these people to build up and then use it for media propaganda. The outcome is many innocent people die, even children. Playing with people lives is not a joke, first the state allows young children to be brainwashed and then take action to kill them. We still have thousands of Maddrasas operating who are brainwashing young children, what has the state done to address this problem? More corruption, more looting.

Pmln always had deep links with the militants and its ideology but now the establishment and Pmln are on one page. So that's like slap on the face.

if you look dawn news article,it seems he was banned not to address ( i think).

in past abdul aziz invited isis in pakistan, after several years of lal masjid operation
his brother gave threat for suicide attacks to military before lal masjid operation

Not sure if he gave threat or not but on his phone call with Aljazeera journalist, he said we have reached agreement with the government but after a while the operation was launched.

Lal Masjid is right next to Aabpara. Please give credit where credit is due.


Provide evidence against Lal Masjid cleric, action will be taken: Nisar​


No regret over supporting IS, says Lal Masjid cleric​

ISLAMABAD:The chief cleric of Lal Masjid Maulana Abdul Aziz on Sunday made it clear that he respect Islamic State (IS) because of similarity in their missions and has no repentance over supporting IS.

supporting afghan taliban

Case registered against Maulana Abdul Aziz for inviting ISIS attack on Pakistan (by court, not govt, police in Ganju era)​

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad High Court (IHC) has registered a case against inviting Daesh to strike Pakistan. Muhammad Jibran Nasir, representative of civil society Maulana Abdul Aziz, Umme Hassan and students of Jamia Hifsa for allegedly has filed the petition taking the plea that students of Jamia Hafsa have invited Daesh to Pakistan to take revenge of Lal Masjid operation and killing of Osama bin Laden through a video on social media, something Maulana Abdul Aziz supported. Police, as well as a subordinate court, had refused to register a case.

Now come for sectarian group who not only involve in killing shia, sunni barelvis who are majority in pakistan, name is ex-sipah e sahhaba (new name is to get support from masses "ahle sunnat wal jammat, ludhyanvi mullah group)

Rana Sana ullah of PML N with Ludhyanvi mullah
ludhyanvi 1.jpg

ludhyanvi 2.jpg

ludhyanvi 3.jpg

Provide evidence against Lal Masjid cleric, action will be taken: Nisar​


No regret over supporting IS, says Lal Masjid cleric​

ISLAMABAD:The chief cleric of Lal Masjid Maulana Abdul Aziz on Sunday made it clear that he respect Islamic State (IS) because of similarity in their missions and has no repentance over supporting IS.

supporting afghan taliban

Case registered against Maulana Abdul Aziz for inviting ISIS attack on Pakistan (by court, not govt, police in Ganju era)​

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad High Court (IHC) has registered a case against inviting Daesh to strike Pakistan. Muhammad Jibran Nasir, representative of civil society Maulana Abdul Aziz, Umme Hassan and students of Jamia Hifsa for allegedly has filed the petition taking the plea that students of Jamia Hafsa have invited Daesh to Pakistan to take revenge of Lal Masjid operation and killing of Osama bin Laden through a video on social media, something Maulana Abdul Aziz supported. Police, as well as a subordinate court, had refused to register a case.

Now come for sectarian group who not only involve in killing shia, sunni barelvis who are majority in pakistan, name is ex-sipah e sahhaba (new name is to get support from masses "ahle sunnat wal jammat, ludhyanvi mullah group)

Rana Sana ullah of PML N with Ludhyanvi mullah
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Yes, we are aware of these puppets' history with extremists.

However, let's not pretend that Jati Umra has any significance in front of Aabpara.
Deobandar and wassabi sects are violent by nature. These guys are way more dangerous then TLP. These guys openly support ISIS. Their mosque should be taken over and converted into a school for girls.
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