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Lal Masjid commission report comes out truth told

where were all the terrorist who were killed in that operation not a single person was brought infront of the public, so how can you say that lal masjid was occupied by terrorists.

So you are saying that we should revive them from the dead and present them? You got any machine which revives the dead?

So the guys holding the AK's, RPG's and wearing gas masks and tactical vests weren't terrorists but children at a fancy dress party?:what:
He Was Once Respected, Yes In His Early Days As A Loyal Subject To My Army, Thats It? But Nt Now Well Can Say Still Better Thn Zardari Bt Never My Choice, Cause I Think ÌK Still Better Thn Him ! Even Though With Less Or No Experince!
Well, Congrts On Your PHD Anyways, Malaysia Is A Good Country With Rich Culture, Hope Fully You Ill Learn A Lot From There, Wishing You Good Luck As A Pakistani Breathn!

Open Your Eyes, Google The Pictures You Will Find A Lot Of Them Getting Sarkari Graves Without Paying Anything?
who will decide that those were terrorists or students of madrisa?
where were all the terrorist who were killed in that operation not a single person was brought infront of the public, so how can you say that lal masjid was occupied by terrorists.

One can say it on the basis of fact that 11 to 13 soldiers of the nation embraced shahadat, and of course flowers don't cause penetrating injuries. Unless there's no other conspiracy theory this very thing is ample to signalize the presence of terrorists in mosque.

No one but God almighty can resurrect the dead, if it were possible for human then raising a dead dead would have been already in practice. Neither the putrefied cadavers can be presented before you.
Their are two or three places in Quran where ALLAH calls them kafirs too and no Sir kafir basically means the one who denies Islam not who deny existence of GOD all non Muslims are kafirs but in Quran ALLAH has called Jews and Christians mostly Ahl e Kitab but in few places they are called kafirs too

Allah Almighty uses the word "believer" in the Holy Quran to describe his true followers. Reason is that all prophets and their (genuine) followers prior to arrival of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and revelation of the Holy Quran are (logically) Muslims and/or equivalent and valid candidates for entry in Jannah.

However, Allah Almighty have condemned all of those people who have misrepresented older (divine) revelations and misled others. Huge number of Christians (unfortunately) have been misled by "human writers" of Bible and these writings are far from perfect; original bible never got recorded and its knowledge went away with Prophet Isa (PBUH). In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty addressed several misconceptions in the faith of Christianity due to this reason and have given Christians a chance to redeem themselves by accepting his genuine revelations. After the Holy Quran, all of those Christians who chose to remain misguided are as bad as those who misrepresented Allah's older revelations and misled others. Their is additional category of people dubbed as "munafiq" which applies to people of all Abrahamic faiths; these are the worst kind of people in existence.

Check this FAQ: Biblica | Who wrote the Bible? (40 different people have written Bible; no prophet involved.)

Therefore, as another member pointed out, Christians might fall in the category of Mushrik but not be necessarily labelled as Kaafir. The word Kaafir have been used in the Holy Quran to describe those people who reject the existence of one true God. Meccans, who refused to accept reasoning from Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), are representatives of Kaafir. If the concept is extended globally then all of those people who reject existence of one true God are representatives of Kaafir. Correct me, if I am wrong here with a scripture from Holy Quran. Of-course, Allah Almighty is all-knowing and I pack limited knowledge and seek his forgiveness.

Allah Almighty's commandments have always been consistent throughout history. Just look at the "Ten Commandments" as an example; 100% compatible with revelations in the Holy Quran.
who will decide that those were terrorists or students of madrisa?

Hve Enough Of Pictures Terrorists Wearing Gas Masks, & Hving Weapons In Thier Arms, Who Were They Students Or Terrorists?
Accompanied With Dead Mullana, Even Him Hving A AK47 On His Shoulder ! Was He Nt A Terrorist?

Allah Almighty uses the word "believer" in the Holy Quran to describe his true followers. Reason is that all prophets and their (genuine) followers prior to arrival of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and revelation of the Holy Quran are (logically) Muslims and/or equivalent and valid candidates for entry in Jannah.

However, Allah Almighty have condemned all of those people who have misrepresented older (divine) revelations and misled others. Huge number of Christians (unfortunately) have been misled by "human writers" of Bible and these writings are far from perfect; original bible never got recorded and its knowledge went away with Prophet Isa (PBUH). In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty addressed several misconceptions in the faith of Christianity due to this reason and have given Christians a chance to redeem themselves by accepting his genuine revelations. After the Holy Quran, all of those Christians who chose to remain misguided are as bad as those who misrepresented Allah's older revelations and misled others. Their is additional category of people dubbed as "munafiq" which applies to people of all Abrahamic faiths; these are the worst kind of people in existence.

Check this FAQ: Biblica | Who wrote the Bible? (40 different people have written Bible; no prophet involved.)

Therefore, as another member pointed out, Christians might fall in the category of Mushrik but not be necessarily labelled as Kaafir. The word Kaafir have been used in the Holy Quran to describe those people who reject the existence of one true God. Meccans, who refused to accept reasoning from Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), are representatives of Kaafir. If the concept is extended globally then all of those people who reject existence of one true God are representatives of Kaafir. Correct me, if I am wrong here with a scripture from Holy Quran. Of-course, Allah Almighty is all-knowing and I pack limited knowledge and seek his forgiveness.

Allah Almighty's commandments have always been consistent throughout history. Just look at the "Ten Commandments" as an example; 100% compatible with revelations in the Holy Quran.
sir Allah in Quran has used term kafirs for both christian and Jews sir
One-man Lal Masjid commission fails to apportion blame

The one-man Lal Masjid Commission probing the bloody 2007 incident has avoided fixing responsibility for the military offensive launched against the Red Mosque. The assault had left more than a hundred people dead.

However, the commission report categorically states that no evidence suggests that military assistance was not required to thwart the adverse law and order situation created by “miscreants” – and that such an intervention was a legitimate one in light of Article 245 of the Constitution.

But key questions remain unanswered: is there any evidence that peaceful negotiations were not a possibility? Also, who authorised the offensive?

As the commission, led by Justice Shehzada Sheikh of the Federal Shariat Court, documented all recorded statements by witnesses, the available evidence indicated that former president Pervez Musharraf and former prime minister Shaukat Aziz took the “final decision.” But the commission stops short of treating the former leaders as responsible, and merely says that statements by “volunteer witnesses and court witnesses” suggested so.

“From the statements, it is clear that volunteer witnesses and court witnesses described the deaths as avoidable….They held Pervez Musharraf, then occupying the public position of president, as the person responsible for the incident,” the commission wrote.

Advocate Tariq Asad, counsel for Lal Masjid in the Supreme Court case, also noted that the commission did not fix any clear responsibly for the offensive which killed 103 people, thereby steering clear of its mandate. Asad also said that in its reports the commission had not ascertained the correct number of fatalities in the Lal Masjid operation.

‘I am not aware’

But despite ambiguity, the commission was clear in asserting that lawmakers of the time were responsible for supporting whoever made the decision. “Even if there was the allegedly hidden agenda of anyone, or there was a motive, subtle ‘moves’ or machinations for the terminal punch, all the partners in power, more than willingly…defended all his dictates,” said the commission.

Some ex-lawmakers, who were on the forefront of negotiations with the Lal Masjid administration in 2007, say that had they been given enough time to negotiate, a peaceful resolution to the law and order challenge would have been possible.

In his statements before the commission, the then interior minister Aftab Ahmed Khan Sherpao said “I am not aware” in reply to seven questions asked about the offensive. Like Sherpao, the then minister for information and broadcasting Muhammad Ali Durrani came up with the same reply.

However, the head of the team which was mandated to negotiate with the Lal Masjid administration, Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain and the former minister for religious affairs Ijazul Haq squarely put the blame on the then president Musharraf “for first prolonging the military operation and then going ahead with the offensive despite chances of success of negotiations.”

However, the commission quoted from President Musharraf’s 2007 address: “This process (negotiations) failed because the first demand of Rasheed Ghazi was to provide him a safe passage, which meant that there should be no trial against him and the second was that he and his companions get general amnesty,” the commission quoted Musharraf as saying, while justifying the motive behind the final and decisive assault.

The commission’s report clearly stated that those belonging to Musharraf’s team placed responsibility squarely on him, although it is clear from their admissions that Shaukat Aziz was also in the loop along with his cabinet members and coalition partners.

One-man Lal Masjid commission fails to apportion blame – The Express Tribune

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