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Lahoris come to welcome maryum nawaz, power show

Judging by her recent rallies ie empty to the core .. I think there will be massive distribution of donkey naans

Think this idiot lady and her papa’s party has done zero value to Pakistan and their long time members like haqqan Abbassi and mufta ismail continue to leave like rats
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Fantastic, IF PML N is this popular than let's have the elections!!!!Pathetic just Pathetic, Giant round tables 1000s of flags plus free food not to mention police and other civil servants in plain cloths still public no show.
So the truth comes out they’re complaining of not getting the food owed.
Check out the use of mass lighting to make it look like more turned up.
Fantastic, IF PML N is this popular than let's have the elections!!!!Pathetic just Pathetic, Giant round tables 1000s of flags plus free food not to mention police and other civil servants in plain cloths still public no show.

They are either bribed or forced while the middle and upper classes are scared into submission. This is how Zardaris and Sharifs rule. This is why Pakistanis individually achieve great success but the country is 3rd world chaotic mess.
Wow, that is quite an ocean of humanity. Is she the popular candidate for the coming elections or does every politician attract such crowds?

They are bribed either with money or food, the people working for civil service are told
if thy don't attend jalsa then they lose their job. May be half of the people that attend
jalsa are die hard Noonie tunes rest are their for food and money.
Wow, that is quite an ocean of humanity. Is she the popular candidate for the coming elections or does every politician attract such crowds?

"Ocean of humanity" is stretching it profoundly.

What doesn't come across in that light filled video is that there are tables and chairs with considerable space around them. Not your standard jalsa set up, but it's the only way they can entice people, a N-League staple of bribing through free food.


And then you have food trucks in attendance giving away flour. And that gets out of hand, and then there's brutality and violence against those desperate souls which has been recorded today.
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