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Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

Perhaps you don't know Indian mentality. They are willing to risk harming themselves if in the end they damage Pakistan.

First: My heartfelt condolences for the innocent cadets and hope it will not escalate any further and loss of innocent lifes will be minimum. May the barbaric attackers the arrested alive soon, interrogated (to bring out the masterminds) and prosecuted according to Pakistani law.

Secondly: Ejaz, you have demonstrated that you are incapable of any logical debates and only capable of hating INdia/ INdians by your needless comment above. I'm an Indian and that's surely not my mentality. Just because one Ejaz is hypocrite, one shouldn’t go on and call the entire Pakistanis hypocrites. You should know to keep your hatred in check if you want PDF to continue with fruitful and logical debates. There are plenty of other forums (both Indian and Pakistani) which thrive on these abhorred dialogs. You should try those.

Thirdly: Sorry to all other pakistani members for the above para of mine (which I could not help but to write as it has insulted me as an Indian) in these trying time of Pak. My heart is with your motherland and I sincerely wish you guys come out of all these mess sooner with flying colors and hardened resolution to curb these demons of peace loving society.
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Why would the terrorists choose a police training school as a target? Sorry I just saw the news and feel really sorry for the affected.

They are trying to demoralize police if police is demoralized then they will fill the vacuum not a good situation
I am as sad and concerned as every sensible human being would be about this situation, but blaming some person/party/country is quite pre-mature at this stage. First pray for those who are captured inside and those who are fighting with the criminals. God, help us!
I think the bastards will try to hold out till nightfall if they want to escape today.
I hope that we move in the SSG and infantry with nigh fighting equipment maximum by 5pm today.

If there is an ammunition cache in the training center then things will turn very ugly.

This should not be taken lightly by the high command, it is a battle for Pakistan in a way that if we take these bastards out and capture a few we can rekindle hope in the hearts of the nation that we can win this War.
We shall be able to name the groups responsible so that when we retaliate and attack their strongholds there is no doubt that it is Pakistan's interest for which the ARMY is fighting!
We need to build support for actions by PA and law enforcement agencies and therefore this is a very critical operation and needs to be dealt with on highest possible priority.

My prayers for the innocent souls that have been martyred here.
My prayers for our boys who are engaging these rabid dogs.
May our boys prevail and we have something to show for the blood of our comrades.
I think its proximity with the Wagah border would be of particular interest to the investigators.
Helplessness? LARGE crowds who were chanting "Nara-e-takbir, ALLAH ho Akbar - Pakistan Army Zindabaad, Rangers Zindabaad" and were walking side by side the Security forces was because of their HELPLESSNESS? They've been there since the start and they're STILL there, supporting our jawaans, boosting their morale and telling them to catch those bastards by their necks and shoot them in the face.

You're delusional my friend. You clearly don't know anything about the Lahore steel mill and it's products. No point arguing.

May be wrong time for that. Drop it.
This again seems like a very well planned attack by some extremely professional terrorists. So far just by the looks of this it seems pretty insane. I have a couple of concerns and some questions.

To me it seems that this could be achieved this well easier with someone on the inside. They knew about the parade!, they had police uniforms, they knew NO one!! would be armed etc etc.

This kind of training and intelligence has to have a supporting of a larger force at hand as its quite impossibe to achieve this by the help of a rag tag group.

My real concern here is, what if this is a diversionary attack and the real attack is awaiting untill most of the security forces are busy at the police acedmy?

From the looks of this, it doesn't look like they are going to try and take hostages. Depending on the mentality of the attackers, either they are gonna fight till the death, and infliclt heavy damage! In that case some sort of a CT unit should be deployed right away to minimize the causulties. This is exactly what the SWAT would do at this point!!

The second scenario is that they would fight till they are running out of ammo, and than take hostages and try to escape. And know that its is Pakistan (no offence) there is a good chance that they might get away, again!

I just hope that they get caught and brought to justice.
Three major attacks in March, all in areas where India has infiltration capabilities.

Not liking this...

Enough is enough, I'd say send 100.000-200.000 troops to eastern border to fight our own war against terrorism.
SSG will intervene before night fall that's for sure. It's only a matter of time before we see some MI-17's loaded with SSG commandos arriving on the scene. I'm sure they're on their way. We MUST capture at least ONE of the terrorists alive for solid evidence regarding who's involved with this whole operation.
SSG will intervene before night fall that's for sure. It's only a matter of time before we see some MI-17's loaded with SSG commandos arriving on the scene. I'm sure they're on their way. We MUST capture at least ONE of the terrorists alive for solid evidence regarding who's involved with this whole operation.

here Times Now has reported that they already arrived in the scene
Enough is enough, I'd say send 100.000-200.000 troops to eastern border to fight our own war against terrorism.

Neo Bhai it this type of post does not help at this moment. We/ I have request Indian poster to avoid flaming and I request same from Pakistani side. Let's focus on development and pray for the best. At last its human life and humanity both are at stake.

Aside to this in generally the training academies are huge in size with lot of fortifications. Do any one has idea no of bastards inside academy?
:devil:Today morning a group of 20 or more terrorist dressed in uniform attacked Police training center in Manavan, near Jallo Park Lahore. they entered by jumping from the bountry wall and started fireing on Police recruits who were busy in Parade.
according to initial reports authorites phoned Local police station for rescue but as usual the great Punjab Police reached the spot after one hour...
some recruits who managed to run away from the theater were angry and in tears for deaths of their colleages... they complained that they were attacked like sitting ducks and they had no weapon to defend their selves...

after some an hour or so CCPO came to the spot on Police APC... which was a depressing sceane to watch which gave viewer linke me an impression that when head of police is so afraid of his life and come in APC what impression the Jawans would be carrying...

after 2 hours of Attack Pakistan Rangers were called and Then Army... which is another depressing thing as Punjab Police has failed to secure their own training school from 20 terrorists...

so far more then 10 Police recruits have been confirmed dead .... and more are expected...
according to Lt.Col Akbar who is commanding the operation... 2 terrorists are dead and one is Captured alive... Terrorists are fireing from the roofs of Police offices and are holding more then hundred police men as hostages....

its security lapse or what ever but has proved that Punjab has the most incompetant Police department... these police men are BADMASH in there areas in Front of Poor honest people...but when faced with criminals and terrorist... they are chicken Hawks...

some Analysts are blameing the incident on Lashkar Jhangvi/Al Qaida..... I personally Belive the pattern of These two Attacks 3/3/09 and Todays is not that of TTP....
Its Pattern followed by Al Qaida...and Lashkar Jhangvi is Part of Al-Qaida Net work...

Now its 4th hour of Fighting and still operation going on... I thing the insident calls for

1. Unity in Nation

2. Comitted muslims to take up Intellectual jehad against Kharji Fitna.

3. Ulema to come forward and tell the nation that religon without soul is nothing but dogma used by to support selfish intrest.... Soul of Islam is Salamati.... the muslim is blessing but the person who claim to be muslim but his acts bring greaf and insecurity is not muslim but a worst Satan.

4. Punjab Police to be disbanded ...and a new honest force to be raised.

5. leaders and Nation should bow in front of Allah and Ask his Forgiveness

6. The injustice in our society has become a curse for nation...please please dont make fun of Allahs Rules... many nations vanished in past due to denial of Allahs commands... Pakistanies will vanash if we keep on provokeing Allmighty.... so have mercy on your own selves...
here Times Now has reported that they already arrived in the scene

Confirmation hasn't been given yet by the local media. Probably because of security reasons but of course, there's no doubt that they must've arrived there by now.

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