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Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

So? Lots of captured terrorists in Guantanamo were taken off the battlefield.

There's no excuse for torture, as Obama says - you either torture, or you don't. Its a matter of principle.

I'm ashamed of some of my country's actions. I have no qualms in admitting this.

Don't worry Mark&Porus! First we will ask him nicely and treat him to a day out at McDonalds & Kentucky Fried Chicken! If he refuses still.......! :agree:
Bezerk i am not - at all showing my anger toward some Pakistani members here,
Rather i understand at such emotional times - people don't really talk in their senses rather - I am very - shocked ( in a good sense ) to see the maturty shown here in OUR forum.

It just shows the quality of members we have here. and truly justify the reason for making this forum -Most intelligent in -not just military related but also social issues - between pakistan and India.

I am angry at the - state which pakistan is goign through - which is very sorry state. People like you and other pakistani dont deserve to be in such state of country.

The blame i put is on - government and intelligence who - never does their job and blame it on foreign hands. Even if its foreign hands- how the hell it justify such - massacre happening ???

People are dying here - i was shocked to see these - young people in their prime youth - dead on ground - they didn't deserve to die .
These guys were just like me and you - they deserve a good life like me and you. But just because of some political propaganda - they are not here.
And brother - really - Nobody really know who i am - just one guy in India- so i am not here for any -respect gain.

I tell you i felt really said - when i saw these guy dead on ground. and some politicians just playing their blame game. Be it Pakistani or Indian- its a life which is lost- and their families will suffer it for times to come.

If only you would've expressed your opinion and condolences in a different manner, I wouldn't have had a problem with your post. Your delivery and portrayal of your message wasn't right. That's all. Thanks for clearing it out in detail.
What the F is goin on , when will our media get matured this bloody ary is mentioning about the strategy adopted by commandos hos could they even mentioned on the tv, basturds doesnt know a **** about reporting.

That was our biggest mistake in Mumbai, and you seem to be repeating it. Someone better tell them to avoid TRP stunts.
Don't worry Mark&Porus! First we will ask him nicely and treat him to a day out at McDonalds & Kentucky Fried Chicken! If he refuses still.......! :agree:

If you torture the guy, the whole world will know because the media is following it. It will only weaken your country's already shady reputation.
If you torture the guy, the whole world will know because the media is following it. It will only weaken your country's already shady reputation.

Whole world can go and frigggin suck my cahoonies , to hel lwith whole world- I hope they bloody troture this guy - even if he telsl everything - straight away they - Torture him just for bloody heck of it!

American - didn't get hold of anybody red handed
- this sob is caught red handed he should be punished! Situations are totally different here. :disagree:
But don't forget how Indians reacted during the whole Mumbai carnage. Your entire nation was thirsty for Pakistani blood.

If you mean that India was unanimous with that kind of a feeling, thats far from the truth.

that's what sets us apart from our neighbours.

I just do not see any difference between the thinking of average Indians and Average Pakistanis.

Also - As long as Pakistanis believe that India is hell bent on bleeding Pakistan at any cost, I am afraid the situation will not improve.

I mean why would it do so? Do you think India is not aware of Pak's military capability (we both are in MAD stage, as per military terminology)? DO you think India does not have an idea of what kind of ddestruction will be caused to her in case of a full blown prolonged war with PAK? Do you think that thus resulting situation is acceptable to majority Indians?

Indian leaders have repeatedly said that a stable and prosperous PAK is within the selfish interest of India. We do mean it.

I understand there will be some Pakistanis who keep ranting like this (like there are some Indians). What pains is the fact that Think Tanks, Elite members, Moderators, Administrators etc. are of this opinion, and are unwilling to listen to the other side of the story. Even if evidence is quoted, its selective. This way, I am not sure when we will solve the problem, and if we solve the problem.

I just assume that its not the unanimous stand of the whole Pakistani elite.
@ Mark&Porus

ever seen pics of abu guraib?
that wasnt torture

that was some sadist crap and rape

we need
a jack baeur type
moreover we need the truth now
Here's the CAPTURED TERRORIST! Just took this screen shot a minute back!

Now who wants to bet with me that NS Imran khan Qazi first appearance on TV after this incident will be their usual terrorism sympathizing business.
I don't think that's true. Why would Indian thinking change from 1971 to today?

May be because some of us believe in making a safer, developed and peaceful future for our children rather then letting the past ruin the future.

No one is asking you to believe us. You have your hard core opinion against India and with have ours. No one's opinion gonna make any difference in the long run but only facts backed by solid evidences. You have your job cut out now that one of the terrorist is captured alive unlike the SL cricket team attack.

1. Interrogate him and prove Indian hand, if any, behind this barbaric attack.

2. If you manage to get the proofs, do either of the followings:
- Get India sanctioned by International community.
- Take up surgical strikes against such facilities.
- Attack India (as suggested by you in your earlier post).

But for god’s sake, don't keep on repeating the same rhetoric every time something bad happens to Pakistan. Do some deep introspection.

P.S.: War cry from people sitting abroad does sound a little ****. If GOP follows your advice on attacking the eastern border, where would you be at the time of the people's suffering on both sides of the border?
If you torture the guy, the whole world will know because the media is following it. It will only weaken your country's already shady reputation.

We'll make sure to keep the media out of this! And it could not get any shadier than what the CIA, Mossad, RAW, MI-5 or any other intel agency in the world does. So please keep your misplaced preaching to yourself!
Whole world can go and frigggin suck my cahoonies , to hel lwith whole world- I hope they bloody troture this guy - even if he telsl everything - straight away they - Torture him just for bloody heck of it!

American - didn't get hold of anybody read handed - this sob is caught red handed he should be punished! Situations are totally different here. :disagree:

Man, you don't know. A lot of Guantanamo detainees are enemy combatants, though I agree that some of them are just detained for doing suspicious stuff.

Torture shouldn't be used on anyone. If he's guilty, then why do you need to torture him? Torture is nothing but a sadistic form of state-backed revenge.

Maybe he should be thrown on the street and let the people beat him to death. It will only expose the violence and sadism of Pakistanian society :disagree:
May be because some of us believe in making a safer, developed and peaceful future for our children rather then letting the past ruin the future.

No one is asking you to believe us. You have your hard core opinion against India and with have ours. No one's opinion gonna make any difference in the long run but only facts backed by solid evidences. You have your job cut out now that one of the terrorist is captured alive unlike the SL cricket team attack.

1. Interrogate him and prove Indian hand, if any, behind this barbaric attack.

2. If you manage to get the proofs, do either of the followings:
- Get India sanctioned by International community.
- Take up surgical strikes against such facilities.
- Attack India (as suggested by you in your earlier post).

But for god’s sake, don't keep on repeating the same rhetoric every time something bad happens to Pakistan. Do some deep introspection.

P.S.: War cry from people sitting abroad does sound a little ****. If GOP follows your advice on attacking the eastern border, where would you be at the time of the people's suffering on both sides of the border?

Look, it's very simple. India has interests and policy. Those policies do not change, those basic interests do not change.

I'm sure some people in India don't care about Pakistan, whether it's there or not. Others do, and would like to see it gone or merged. There's people in the Indian government who think that way too.
Man, you don't know. A lot of Guantanamo detainees are enemy combatants, though I agree that some of them are just detained for doing suspicious stuff.

Torture shouldn't be used on anyone. If he's guilty, then why do you need to torture him? Torture is nothing but a sadistic form of state-backed revenge.

Maybe he should be thrown on the street and let the people beat him to death. It will only expose the violence and sadism of Pakistanian society :disagree:

Torture doesn't work anyway. Dunno why half the people on here are so emotional myself. Probably the kiddie syndrome.

I'd go for truth serum on this guy :) Then some hand written confessions ;)
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