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[Lahore] Operation against Afghan refugees ?

Not all the Afghan refugees here are completely bad. Some are, but not all of them. After thirty+ years here, I think those who have honestly worked here should be offered Pakistani citizenship. I mean, they grew up here and are probably more Pakistani than Afghani.

You guys seem to want to take all Afghans, legal or not, and deport them back, even if they are a successful business making over 30-40 million rupees a year.
I wish this news was true and every city in Pakistan was Afghani free.

These ungrateful Afghanis have been in Pakistan long enough. They have continuously hated on Pakistan and called for its destruction. They brought in crime,terrorism,guns, drugs and so many other bad things. Kick them out and mine the border before Bacha Bazi enters every Pakistani home.
Who needs RAW Agents and Spies when you got Afghanis here. Over 4 million of these people in Pakistan and yet were still hated by them.

i tend to agree.

if people are so shameless that they still complain and moan what does that say?
Not true. Muhajirs are the most pro-Indian people in Pakistan. Many of them have been good for Pakistan but i cant say majority. Look at MQM or the state of Karachi.

Nice nice. I've been seeing your Anti-Urdu Speakers posts for a while now. Still calling us Muhajirs I see. Just because these Muhajirs or Hindustanis as you call them sacrificed their wealth, their properties, families and left them all behind in India and came to Pakistan does not make them any less loyal or patriotic towards Pakistan. If they are so Pro India why would they leave that place in the first place and face the genocides and riots while coming to Pakistan?

I'm not here to defend MQM but they have done much more for Karachi than any party. There is a reason why Karachi is the most developed and richest city in Pakistan. There is a reason why thousands of people come to Karachi from not only all over Pakistan but the world to seek a better life.
As i see it the people who migrated from Indian after 47 (who in true sense are Pakistanis as they fought for freedom of Pakistan) align themselves with Pakistan unlike Afghanis who despite living here still align themselves with Afghanistan and have the balls to say that NWFP belongs to Afghanistan.It's just that MQM knows how to protect their people and other parties are jealous.
These ungrateful bastards should be thrown out of the country as soon as possible. We have hosted them, fed them, called them our brothers and they openly call for the destruction of Pakistan and its breakage. They are also involved in terrorism and other illegal activities in Pakistan. They should not just be restricted to the camps but thrown out ASAP.

They should be allowed to stay in Pakistan with condition that they should have visa for it. Also those afghans who are doing businesses in Pakistan, should work only with working visa.
My uncle is working in national bank of pakistan , herat Afghanistan. He says that Pakistanis there are not allowed to open business.
They should be allowed to stay in Pakistan with condition that they should have visa for it. Also those afghans who are doing businesses in Pakistan, should work only with working visa.
My uncle is working in national bank of pakistan , herat Afghanistan. He says that Pakistanis there are not allowed to open business.
Exactly.... Issue visa..... I have no problem if the rest of the Afghanistan come here with legal procedure and register themselves.

This is your first post i liked :D
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