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Only in Pakistan, can the projects of national importance and public welfare can be sent to court and the court can halt such a critical public welfare project!! If this was the US or any other modern country, the court would've refused to even listen to this case due to the significant benefits it would bring to the pubic welfare system. Not sure when Pakistanis would realize that national progress, is very different from national politics and should be kept aside. The progress and projects for common man must continue to benefit the average citizens. If one suspects wrong doing or corruption, you take that issue to the court for investigation but you don't stop the project.

All cases against metro project are based on malafied intent and RAW is behind it.
There's no technically ground behind it.

Believe me ppl still urgue siting in germany that in Pakistan we don’t need Mass transit sysem just because of enemity with govt. but they defend peshawar metro. For me these projects are criticial whether it be in peshawar or lahore

Now we have new generation, which grew up watching Indian soap operas, where hypocrisy, conspiracy is taught. It will go away when we build another nation based on truthfulness and this can only be achieved by discontinuing cable tv.
Believe me ppl still urgue siting in germany that in Pakistan we don’t need Mass transit sysem just because of enemity with govt. but they defend peshawar metro. For me these projects are criticial whether it be in peshawar or lahore

That is what I was trying to refer to. Your country is too divided on ethnic politics at this point. Something we've not witnessed before. Nationalism runs in nations, in Pakistan, its surprising to see it running between various makeups of your nation. Its actually pretty stupid as it hurts the country that's a much bigger thing than individual ethnicity which are a part of it.

This is when you know you are dealing with people who have little to no knowledge about the subject. One, you are comparing Canada to Pakistan :hitwall:. Canada is one of the largest economies with modern and advance infrastructure for decades. Pakistan is now starting to "build" some. So Pakistani nation needs it a lot more than the Canadians so no one should stop any project that takes a nation ahead.

Second, read the link you sent me, the court didn't sat on it and slept. It said "The Federal Court of Appeal has overturned approval of Enbridge's controversial Northern Gateway project after finding Ottawa failed to properly consult the First Nations affected by the pipeline." Meaning the affected people. In Pakistan's case, its not a pipeline and affects no one. In fact, these projects I am reading up on, will only benefit millions of Pakistanis a month. So next time, post something that has relevance and logic.
That is what I was trying to refer to. Your country is too divided on ethnic politics at this point. Something we've not witnessed before. Nationalism runs in nations, in Pakistan, its surprising to see it running between various makeups of your nation. Its actually pretty stupid as it hurts the country that's a much bigger thing than individual ethnicity which are a part of it.

This is when you know you are dealing with people who have little to no knowledge about the subject. One, you are comparing Canada to Pakistan :hitwall:. Canada is one of the largest economies with modern and advance infrastructure for decades. Pakistan is now starting to "build" some. So Pakistani nation needs it a lot more than the Canadians so no one should stop any project that takes a nation ahead.

Second, read the link you sent me, the court didn't sat on it and slept. It said "The Federal Court of Appeal has overturned approval of Enbridge's controversial Northern Gateway project after finding Ottawa failed to properly consult the First Nations affected by the pipeline." Meaning the affected people. In Pakistan's case, its not a pipeline and affects no one. In fact, these projects I am reading up on, will only benefit millions of Pakistanis a month. So next time, post something that has relevance and logic.
Its not ethinic or political division, there is logic behind opposition to projects like lahore orange line, no one in Pakistan is against infra projects like power, road motorway network or railway upgradation, projects like metro trains and buses are bieng built on massive loans here, these loans need repayment, to keep up with debt servicing govt has to impose heavy taxes on industry and agriculture and fuel etc which massively raises inflation and is killing off our industry and agri sectors which results in massive imports and minimal exports which results in massive reduction of jobs, moreover inflation has raised costs of daily neccesities hence the common man is getting crushed. We are all for such projects when govt could afford them on their own money not loans, loaned money should go to sectors which elevate economy, create jobs, reduce inflation, raises the purchasing power of the common masses. To solve transportation problems here in our metropolitans there were a hundred more cheaper options which wouldnt have required massive subsidies and mammoth loans. Why should we compete the transport facilities in developed nations when we cant afford them right now, does that seem logical to you? Buying a merc with electrcity bill pending?
Its not ethinic or political division, there is logic behind opposition to projects like lahore orange line, no one in Pakistan is against infra projects like power, road motorway network or railway upgradation, projects like metro trains and buses are bieng built on massive loans here, these loans need repayment, to keep up with debt servicing govt has to impose heavy taxes on industry and agriculture and fuel etc which massively raises inflation and is killing off our industry and agri sectors which results in massive imports and minimal exports which results in massive reduction of jobs, moreover inflation has raised costs of daily neccesities hence the common man is getting crushed. We are all for such projects when govt could afford them on their own money not loans, loaned money should go to sectors which elevate economy, create jobs, reduce inflation, raises the purchasing power of the common masses. To solve transportation problems here in our metropolitans there were a hundred more cheaper options which wouldnt have required massive subsidies and mammoth loans. Why should we compete the transport facilities in developed nations when we cant afford them right now, does that seem logical to you? Buying a merc with electrcity bill pending?

What's the logic? That people like you oppose these public welfare projects in one place and justify it elsewhere with three times cost, in a city of your liking with a fraction of the population that would use it there for economical purposes? only because of ethnic / political affiliations?

Economies of scales is what the world uses to deploy infrastructure and everything else, re-usability is the term for it. But somehow that didn't come into play when the same project was finally being decided upon to be built in Pashawar vs. Lahore? You'd have to really give the the "hidden logic"you mentioned above. Because there is no logic to opposing a giant public welfare in Lahore, but yet, totally support 3 times more cost in another city that has 3 times less population and pretty much no industry. While the Lahore project that you are against, has serious public welfare and economical benefits helping grow your economy as Lahore is the hub of economic activity in Pakistan at this point.

Which other "hundreds"of cheaper options existed for Lahore? And why these didn't exist for Pashawer as you are supporting 2.3 times more cost, with 10 times less economic throughput and 3 times with 4 times less population? Please entertain me. We deal with various global projects and we have a total grasp of what's happening in South Asia. May be you can enlighten me with some "hidden" logic that apparently I am missing.
What's the logic? That people like you oppose these public welfare projects in one place and justify it elsewhere with three times cost, in a city of your liking with a fraction of the population that would use it there for economical purposes? only because of ethnic / political affiliations?

Economies of scales is what the world uses to deploy infrastructure and everything else, re-usability is the term for it. But somehow that didn't come into play when the same project was finally being decided upon to be built in Pashawar vs. Lahore? You'd have to really give the the "hidden logic"you mentioned above. Because there is no logic to opposing a giant public welfare in Lahore, but yet, totally support 3 times more cost in another city that has 3 times less population and pretty much no industry. While the Lahore project that you are against, has serious public welfare and economical benefits helping grow your economy as Lahore is the hub of economic activity in Pakistan at this point.

Which other "hundreds"of cheaper options existed for Lahore? And why these didn't exist for Pashawer as you are supporting 2.3 times more cost, with 10 times less economic throughput and 3 times with 4 times less population? Please entertain me. We deal with various global projects and we have a total grasp of what's happening in South Asia. May be you can enlighten me with some "hidden" logic that apparently I am missing.
Presumption is a terrible crime against the essence of argument. When did i say i supported the 'project in peshawar'?, you assume again that i might be a pushtoon from peshawar while the truth is that i am a punjabi from islamabad. One of the cheaper options that existed for lahore or any other city in Pakistan is the introduction of city wide electric coasters ( not buses but coasters to avoid traffic problems) with little modern bus stands constructed on the pavements of different parts of the city covering entire lahore on dozens of routes. This would have provided transportation to the entire city not just a couple hundred thousand which the existing projects do. The existing projects run on heavy subsidies running upto several billion per anum, billions which can be spent elsewhere, the concept i am proposing would've involved millions of commuters per day which would've meant not only no subsidies but the state would've made heavy profits and it wouldnt have required loans of billions of dollars but could've been implemented by in house funds. I am a strong opposer of ethinic politics, if it were upto me, i would chop of the tounges of those politicians who divide our nation on such lines. We as a nation have a gdp per captia of just over 1400 dollars, we cannot afford nor does our population require high speed metro trains. We need those funds to be spent on power projects, law and order, relief of tax on industry, subsidy and tax relief to agriculture, better health care, better education facilities, improved road network, increased exports and reduced imports, reduced inflation to push the common man to his feet. Imran khan in kpk focused on health, law and order and education in the first four years of his term but with elections coming up he had to follow the same stupid agenda of shahbaz shareef of conjuring up a metro in peshawar to save his vote bank, in this regard he has been as idiotic as shahbaz has been, peshawar metro is nothing but a conjuring of his tall ego, u see the common voter here will tolerate powercuts, sky high costs of fuel, food and other basic neccesities, corrupt, highly illtrained and illequiped police, horrible conditions of hospitals and govt schools, dwindling standards of universities among a host of other things as long as they have a modern looking high tech train that flies on flyovers to clap at. You see i am as against the peshawar project as i was against the one's in lahore. So mate pray come up with reasonable answers or queries in the future rather than accusing me of notions built on presumptions about me.

Kinda looks like they've inspired the minaret from Anarkali's Tomb


Presumption is a terrible crime against the essence of argument. When did i say i supported the 'project in peshawar'?, you assume again that i might be a pushtoon from peshawar while the truth is that i am a punjabi from islamabad. One of the cheaper options that existed for lahore or any other city in Pakistan is the introduction of city wide electric coasters ( not buses but coasters to avoid traffic problems) with little modern bus stands constructed on the pavements of different parts of the city covering entire lahore on dozens of routes. .

I stopped reading after the bold part. Its very clear to me by reading the above that you have absolutely no idea in Metropolitan planning and Civil engineering. So by having these "coasters" that are electric"".....they'd get charged by magic in a country that didn't have enough electricity until yesterday!!

Not to mention, you'd have to deploy an electric infrastructure and a whole different grid, under ground or overhead electric cabling and a lot of associated infrastructure. And then, instead of having one road dedicated route, you'd have many routes that would require to be built across the city. This thing would take 5-8 years to just get built out.
The coasters you are referring to, are usually called Trolleys or Trams in Asian countries. These are close proximity transportation systems around a specific area within 3-5 miles. For anything else, you need a proper rail road electric infrastructure.

This post is just another example of people who have no qualifications or specialties in an area, trying to sound expert in what they have no idea about. This is exactly what I was referring to, that only in Pakistan, everyone's a genius PhD. The rest of the world, takes expert opinion and runs with it. Too many political lovers and conspiracy theorists on here, not much reality.
I stopped reading after the bold part. Its very clear to me by reading the above that you have absolutely no idea in Metropolitan planning and Civil engineering. So by having these "coasters" that are electric"".....they'd get charged by magic in a country that didn't have enough electricity until yesterday!!

Not to mention, you'd have to deploy an electric infrastructure and a whole different grid, under ground or overhead electric cabling and a lot of associated infrastructure. And then, instead of having one road dedicated route, you'd have many routes that would require to be built across the city. This thing would take 5-8 years to just get built out.
The coasters you are referring to, are usually called Trolleys or Trams in Asian countries. These are close proximity transportation systems around a specific area within 3-5 miles. For anything else, you need a proper rail road electric infrastructure.

This post is just another example of people who have no qualifications or specialties in an area, trying to sound expert in what they have no idea about. This is exactly what I was referring to, that only in Pakistan, everyone's a genius PhD. The rest of the world, takes expert opinion and runs with it. Too many political lovers and conspiracy theorists on here, not much reality.
Who the hell are you? Some weird as random people on this forum that have nothing to do with the country being discussed, at least tell us why you care about Pakistan so much.
Who the hell are you? Some weird as random people on this forum that have nothing to do with the country being discussed, at least tell us why you care about Pakistan so much.

I don't care about it "so much", I do have respect for the country and its people especially. Your nation has a lot of potential but its not allowed to go to the next level. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have started to move much higher on the economic scale and that's sad. But I have a feeling you guys have no care about your global image. Sad.

I have spent time in Pakistan for various on and off issues so I know pretty much all there is to know about this place. Talented people, forced in a box. Need a proper system so the talent and investments can be exploited.
I don't care about it "so much", I do have respect for the country and its people especially. Your nation has a lot of potential but its not allowed to go to the next level. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have started to move much higher on the economic scale and that's sad. But I have a feeling you guys have no care about your global image. Sad.

I have spent time in Pakistan for various on and off issues so I know pretty much all there is to know about this place. Talented people, forced in a box. Need a proper system so the talent and investments can be exploited.
You don't care about it "so much" yet you're on here ranting on like an imbecile about a matter that clearly doesn't concern you. I mean sure go ahead and post your opinion on it but demeaning the other poster for his opinion in an unsubstantiated clam that he has a 'PhD' and such is petty, what are your qualifications to enable such great wisdom poster?
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I stopped reading after the bold part. Its very clear to me by reading the above that you have absolutely no idea in Metropolitan planning and Civil engineering. So by having these "coasters" that are electric"".....they'd get charged by magic in a country that didn't have enough electricity until yesterday!!

Not to mention, you'd have to deploy an electric infrastructure and a whole different grid, under ground or overhead electric cabling and a lot of associated infrastructure. And then, instead of having one road dedicated route, you'd have many routes that would require to be built across the city. This thing would take 5-8 years to just get built out.
The coasters you are referring to, are usually called Trolleys or Trams in Asian countries. These are close proximity transportation systems around a specific area within 3-5 miles. For anything else, you need a proper rail road electric infrastructure.

This post is just another example of people who have no qualifications or specialties in an area, trying to sound expert in what they have no idea about. This is exactly what I was referring to, that only in Pakistan, everyone's a genius PhD. The rest of the world, takes expert opinion and runs with it. Too many political lovers and conspiracy theorists on here, not much reality.
Avoid everything else and attack a little clause, huh?, is that ur course of action to get out of an argument?, skip the electric part, make it diesel or petrol......now lets continue shall we about the massive debt not just effecting but practically crippling our local industry and agriculture with the added menace of inflation that has crushed the common man, lets discuss that.....talking about qualifications, learn to first atleast argue in a contructive manner, this is the third time u have carefully avoided the crux of my argument and this is the maximum ammount of effort i can afford to put in to unclog the obvious clots of stupidity that plague ur limited mind. Now bugg off and worry about ur orange mad president instead of Pakistan, i dont like discussing internal issies with an outsider anyways..
Avoid everything else and attack a little clause, huh?, is that ur course of action to get out of an argument?, skip the electric part, make it diesel or petrol......now lets continue shall we about the massive debt not just effecting but practically crippling our local industry and agriculture with the added menace of inflation that has crushed the common man, lets discuss that.....talking about qualifications, learn to first atleast argue in a contructive manner, this is the third time u have carefully avoided the crux of my argument and this is the maximum ammount of effort i can afford to put in to unclog the obvious clots of stupidity that plague ur limited mind. Now bugg off and worry about ur orange mad president instead of Pakistan, i dont like discussing internal issies with an outsider anyways..

You wrote a paragraph about nothing. I am all for a constructive argument. But a "real" constructive argument. Not how Pakistanis do constructive arguments, which is, I don't know a subject but I''ll try to sound like an expert in it and will defy gravity to prove the other party wrong. I stopped reading because when a pharmacist starts to act like a cardiologist, people reading or watching would walk away from him. Its useless and dangerous. Similarly, if you'll present options as a Civil Engineer or a Metropolitan Architect, while you have no background in it, people like me, who do know a thing or two about this, will ignore you as you lost the credibility. You can't build a constructive argument over empty air. It has to be logical. Hope that makes sense. I love logic!

You don't care about it "so much" yet you're on here ranting on like an imbecile about a matter that clearly doesn't concern you. I mean sure go ahead and post your opinion on it but demeaning the other poster for his opinion in an unsubstantiated clam that he has a 'PhD' and such is petty, what are your qualifications to enable such great wisdom poster?

I have excellent qualifications and credentials. I can assure you of that. I don't brag in person or online. So you'll have to judge me by my posts, the information within those and logic provided. That's all I can give you. Smart people judge each other by some intelligent quotient, not by verbal diarrhea :tup:
You wrote a paragraph about nothing. I am all for a constructive argument. But a "real" constructive argument. Not how Pakistanis do constructive arguments, which is, I don't know a subject but I''ll try to sound like an expert in it and will defy gravity to prove the other party wrong. I stopped reading because when a pharmacist starts to act like a cardiologist, people reading or watching would walk away from him. Its useless and dangerous. Similarly, if you'll present options as a Civil Engineer or a Metropolitan Architect, while you have no background in it, people like me, who do know a thing or two about this, will ignore you as you lost the credibility. You can't build a constructive argument over empty air. It has to be logical. Hope that makes sense. I love logic!

I have excellent qualifications and credentials. I can assure you of that. I don't brag in person or online. So you'll have to judge me by my posts, the information within those and logic provided. That's all I can give you. Smart people judge each other by some intelligent quotient, not by verbal diarrhea :tup:
You presented no argument at all. End of discussion.
LAHORE: Chinese workers will run and supervise the Lahore Orange Line Metro Train (OLMT) operations for the first five years besides local staff training in subsequent years.

Punjab Chief Minister’s Advisor and OLMT Steering Committee Chairman Khawaja Ahmad Hassaan disclosed this in the project’s weekly review meeting held on Wednesday. Hassaan highlighted that the rolling stock of all 27 trains for the OLMT project had been manufactured in China and were being shipped to Pakistan keeping in view the availability of space for parking.

Three train sets had already reached Lahore and the other three had been unloaded in Karachi, he said. Moreover, four train sets were in transit while another four were being loaded on ship from Shanghai, he added. Once this metro train will be operational, over 250,000 citizens will get benefit from the service daily.

Hassaan directed the local contractors to expedite finishing work at Islam Park and Salamat Pura metro stations, which were being set up as model stations for replication at other places as Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif wanted to inspect design and quality of the work.

Hassaan disclosed that a high-level Communist Party of China (CPC) delegation was visiting the provincial metropolis on December 9. The guest delegation would also visit the construction sites of the metro train to inspect development works, he said.

He also directed for implementing fire prevention inspection for site and dormitory for construction personnel. He emphasised for forcing ban on illegal night warming by open fire and high-power electrical heating for avoiding untoward incidents in the winter season.

National Engineering Services Pakistan (NESPAK) General Manager Salman Hafeez told the meeting participants that in total 78.2 percent of civil work had been completed besides 32 percent electrical and mechanical work. He highlighted that on package-1 (from Dera Gujjaran to Chouburji) 87.4 percent development work had been completed. On package-2 (from Chouburji to Ali Town) 63 percent progress had been made, on package-3 (train depot near Dera Gujjaran) 82.4 percent and on package-4 (stabling yard near Ali Town) 82 percent work had been completed.

Hafeez said that the project had now entered into its completion phase and all 26 metro train stations were being completed as per international standards. Over 86 percent civil and 67 percent electrical and mechanical works were done at Islam Park Station which was being developed as model station for being used as a sample for completing the remaining stations.

MPA Chaudhry Shabaz Ahmad, Lahore Development Authority (LDA) Chief Engineer Asrar Saeed Khan, Punjab Mass transit Authority (PMA) Manager Operations Sayed Ozair Shah, Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning Agency (TEPA) Chief Engineer Saif-ur-Rehman and senior officials of LESCO, WASA, PTCL, Sui Gas, traffic police, Pakistan Railways, Rescue 1122, Civil Defence were present in the meeting.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 7th, 2017.
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