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Lahore Blast


Sep 15, 2009
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The slides on Geo are saying that 2 blast have been heard on moon market Lahore. Any one have more details about that.
As per Geo the market is located in Alama Iqbal town Lahore and last year the police station there was targeted and 2 police men were shaheed. In this blast 2 people were injured.

They are saying now that 8 are injured, this blast is similar to the one that happen in Peshawar market. The people there are mostly women and children. And the blast happen close to the food stalls.
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My Goodness just look at the Fire it has caused :blink:

Seems a car full of explosives has been used

Electricity of Area is banged....

no Report of Casualties...
and right after the blast there is load shedding on the scene and also GEO is now saying that 25+ people are injured.
May these B@sterds rot in the deepest corner of hell.
i dont know they know batter about attaker's why they are sleeping

Right when the Pindi mosque incident happen they were mentioning something about reports being there about intelligence being there about a possibility of incidents in Lahore and now this happens.
Right when the Pindi mosque incident happen they were mentioning something about reports being there about intelligence being there about a possibility of incidents in Lahore and now this happens.

all the generals are angry at intelligence ...
Three explosions in Moon Market, with death figure varies between five and seventeen, with 45 injured.
Most of the victims are women and children as this market is famous for drapery .
all the generals are angry at intelligence ...

I don't understand what are they doing and the worse part of the whole ordeal is that no one is taking responsibility on the gov level no one is standing up and owning the thing no one. All they do is issue statements but no contingency plans at all. No one is trying to do something. They and their kids their relatives are living in luxury and the attitude of their is that log martay hai to marain.
People, as usual the President and the PM condemn the attacks.

I mean does this often repeated formality makes any difference or effects the scumbags.
i think americans are thinking, erase pakistan to save india. thats why we have so many bombings and so many army killings. its pakistani genocide we are witnessing now a days.

shame on pakistanis.

every fcuking day doesnt go without the news of killings and bombings.

Sad news.
If we all want to end this daily bombing "prime time episodes", then "meaningful" actions should be taken against talibans .
Hiding behind US or India will only aggravate the situation in pakistan.

May good sense prevail
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