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Lagging behind: 2040 - Pakistan’s space od[d]yssey

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I know baba.... No one would "wait" for 2030 etc ... We have already started working on National Space Program 2040 , and National Nuclear Program 2050 .... Thats why you see "Oh my God , Pakistan is building another nuclear reactor..blah blah...OMG , Pakistan is now producing weapon-grade plutonium ...Construction of new site at Pakistan nuclear centers..blah blah blah" ... All of this is part of our strategic program! We , as a nation , are consolidating ourselves now...

Just to mention.... Pakistan is planning to launch her first Remote Sensing Satellite in 2014 etc ... So next 30 years , Pakistan is at work.

kk sir Pakistan strong .
Well when given to some people they troll on some forums.

Building many supercomputers, a fibre optic cable network, 4g mobile internet, worlds largest software industry for exports is something to be proud of. Guess which nation is doing thatÉÉ

It's not... Btw Pakistan also made supercomputer... A Pakistani was the first one to invent motherboard and computerchip... 5 IT companies of Pakistan are largest in South Asia
Space exploration is "mental attitude" first and "funds" come much much later.

1 pc, 1 big antenna, 5 man team, 1 small launch pad, and lot of imagination.
Small rocket that measures temperature, pressure, gravity, wind speed, moisture in the air.

That's it.


Once you have figured out basic design and successful launches over few years, then go for the next step?

Provide civilian payload for some of the military missile launches. Military will trust you based on your experimental launches, and the benefit will be double. Military gets to try the missile, and university gets to test their mini-satellites.

Once you have that thing figured out, you will be walking with big boys.

Offer access to launch for countries further up North. China, Russia, and Japan could be easy customers.

They get to launch their satellites from our area and we get to work with the best and brightest from other nations.
Good morning.

Well dear I can only say u have divided the whole operation into three major milestones. I had been in my engineering to a similar kind of institute/university. Nothing very fancy, no bells and whistles. We had a rocketing club for the elites and enthusiasts. I was the part of the Telemetry and navigation sub-dept. We may had one or two launches every month but the analysis of the data was maddening. We had been doing this for 4 yrs, (Atleast I was ) but we never thought ourselves as that proficient to make a upper-atmosphere comms sat. Though we had a few camera payloads to the lower atmosphere (80,000ft).

The way from first to second is one of the longest, bcoz one can make a satellite but being sure that it will stay there and work there is mind boggling. The second phase to third phase is astronomical. I am no qualified to even talk about it. Way above my league

And to clear the point Space is no IronMan movie, U cannot "...run before you can walk...".
Dont get too happy. India is done with the basics but too much to do in the future. And you know what our govt doesnt trust our rockets. No approvals till we get a man rated rocket. In space one failure puts you 5 yrs behind. 2010 crash put us 3 yrs behind. Another mk 2 and mk3 will make it 10 yrs. `Selection of astronauts has already begun by iaf. There are talks to send them to russia for training as india might now build a training centre soon.
So 2020 is the date? mk 3s first flight with cryo will be at 2017.There will be 5 flights of gslv till 2014 if i am right.
How many flights without fail would be needed for man-rating?
Why cant govt give approval for development of orbital vehicle while isro solve the technical glitches of gslv?That would be faster .
I know govt attitude.they have only given 140 crore rupees while program requires $2 billion
we have 20 billion $ to buy rafale but doesn't have $2billion for our manned space mission?

It's not... Btw Pakistan also made supercomputer... A Pakistani was the first one to invent motherboard and computerchip... 5 IT companies of Pakistan are largest in South Asia
That five companies are TATA consultancy,infosys,wipro,patni and hcl:rofl:
india has been making supercomputers from 1990s
btw who was the one behind mother board and IC?
It's not... Btw Pakistan also made supercomputer... A Pakistani was the first one to invent motherboard and computerchip... 5 IT companies of Pakistan are largest in South Asia

ahahahhaha, Tell me the names of those companies please. And also send me the link of pakistani supercomputer.

I think I should feel sorry for you guys... Have largest poor yet waste money on useless **** like rockets... We haven't made eerything, but Pakistan has progressed in missile development alot.

you have not spent like us on the useless rockets........but have you made Pakistan free of porverty with the money that you saved? lol

It's not... Btw Pakistan also made supercomputer... A Pakistani was the first one to invent motherboard and computerchip... 5 IT companies of Pakistan are largest in South Asia

wat...pakistani first to invent mother board and computer chip? top 5 IT companies of south asa in Pakistan? lol where do you learn all this stuff?
I see 2 scenarios wherein Pakistan make a SLV, in the near future.

1. China making a export version of it SLV's by making them compact and mobile. At present the SLV's need to be built on or close to the launch pads. Each SLV is more than 100 tons and typically in 500-700 tons weight. So, its not easy to export them in fully built-up condition. On the other hand, intermediate range missiles are very compact, designed for mobility and less than 50 tons in weight.

2. The waterkit guy finding a way to break the laws of gravitation, just like he broke the laws of thermodynamics. If that happens, then sky is the limit for Pakistan's space programme..
India is way ahead of Pakistan in Space program we must give credit to them and their government.
I agree with article Suparco command should be in scientist control and retd jernails. :mad:
The only way we can move fast forward is joint ventures with China(technical and training help) and funding without any hurdle army and Government must help them financially.
Seems like indians started chest thumping just on PSLV ride???????Why so?????Coz they rarely get chance to chest thump wrt to all other countries in the league?

I see 2 scenarios wherein Pakistan make a SLV, in the near future.

2. The waterkit guy finding a way to break the laws of gravitation, just like he broke the laws of thermodynamics. If that happens, then sky is the limit for Pakistan's space programme..
long before agha waqar started pulling his tricks of water car on pakistanis Rama pillai was defying physics in india during 1990 and indians were going ga ga over its.Sure India is way above pakistan be it space race or be it defying the laws of physics.:rolleyes:

We fake nationality but atleast we dont fake ethinicity. Your nation is largest buyer of Fair n Lovely to look white... Once a slave always a slave I guess.

What has ethnicity got to do with colour ...........

About being slave ........It fits perfectly with pakistan.....read US and china ...........

We fake nationality but atleast we dont fake ethinicity. Your nation is largest buyer of Fair n Lovely to look white... Once a slave always a slave I guess.
now dont tell me fair n lovely is not available in pakistan along with shehnaz hussain's fairever.Ab to fair n lovely mardon wali cream bhi aa gayee hai pak main:D

A CLASSIC example of inferiority complex , and mental slavery of bhartis.

Sweetheart , skin color doesn't matter. LOOKS and facial expressions matter... Haven't you met some absolutely beautiful African-American girls? Ooopsss...forgot..your a bharti...who will see "gori" and say "bht sohni aa bi bht sohni aa" ..just because of her white color ...pfft...paindoos.

Inferiority complex towards pakistan??? :taz::pakistan:...... why don't you guys stick to the topic... don't you feel space exploration is an important sector.... you guys keep talking about toilets... hmm do you guys love it that much???
just for goodwill india should help pakistan in building satellite and send it through PSLV, i have doubt that india will ever do it for no cost just like china...however india already sent too many foreign satellite for free so we can send also do this for you brother.
stick to the topic..no more troll subject like Fair n Lovely..damn..those trolls are now advertising inside their troll post.. kya idea hai sir ji??? :hitwall: :hitwall:

video of PAKSAT R1 Launch..

can anybody post more specification of this satellite??

by the way,more updates on India's mars mission...

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this two article may give you advancement of Indian Space research...
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