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Ladakh: No 'Deal' was Struck with China

I wish I was in Aus man, I'd have loved to share some of the green that you're imbibing.

First there was no infrastructure work, I wish there had been. There is a solitary outpost, which isn't even in the exact area of the incursion, which rubbed them off the wrong way. Yes, we provoked a confrontation in an area where our ITBP foot patrols trudge for 80Km through inhospitable terrain while being subjected to the tyranny of nature..while the Chinese have a nifty little motor-able road some 40Km from the incursion sub sector and 15 Km or so from our perception of the LAC- from where logistics can flow in far quicker than what we can manage. It's a crying shame you're not at the GHQ at Rawalpindi.
Sir, there is considerable infrastructure work now going on on the Indian side of the LAC not to mention activation of previously dormant ALGs.
China explicitly mentioned the Chumar outpost and that was it..other than that there were just media whispers...the other infrastructure in the area- the ALG-DBO has been active since 2008. You know, 2008 when things weren't so "bad" for the Chinese with all the SCS issues and Senkaku. Were they trying to chart out an auspicious moment with the help of an astrologer?

Apparently Chumar is very significant for the Chinese. They have been upset about it for quite some time, more so than the other sites.

Chinese incursion 19km, but 750 sq km at stake for India - Times Of India

China, which is already miffed with India's re-activation of advanced landing grounds at Daulat Beg Oldi, Fukche and Nyoma and building of other infrastructure along the LAC over the last four-five years, is uncomfortable with Indian being able to peep at the movement on the highway. The Chinese, in fact, have frequently tried to "immobilize'' the surveillance cameras positioned at the Chumar post by cutting wires.

Last year, Indian troops had intercepted two Chinese personnel on mules across the Chumar post. Though they were subsequently let off, with language being a barrier, China got hugely irritated about the incident. Holding that the two Chinese were from its revenue department, Beijing since then has been pressing hard for the Chumar post to be dismantled.

Did India do any new work on Chumar recently?
Sir, there is considerable infrastructure work now going on on the Indian side of the LAC not to mention activation of previously dormant ALGs.

Apart from re-activating dormant ALGs ,I honestly don't know about any considerable ongoing infra -development for rapid mobilization of troops , would you like to share your knowledge regarding those new developments with me ??
Apart from re-activating dormant ALGs ,I honestly don't know about any considerable ongoing infra -development for rapid mobilization of troops , would you like to share your knowledge regarding those new developments with me ??
It's happening for sure. Like devlopro said-the Chinese wouldn't have stated infrastructure work on the Indian side as one f the reasons behind the incursion if it wasn't happening.
Apart from re-activating dormant ALGs ,I honestly don't know about any considerable ongoing infra -development for rapid mobilization of troops , would you like to share your knowledge regarding those new developments with me ??

Center recently allocated 1700 crores for infra development on that border, apart from that no idea what works were actually going on there - but surely something was happening that got the chinese worried.
Sir, there is considerable infrastructure work now going on on the Indian side of the LAC not to mention activation of previously dormant ALGs.

Yaraa those are well outside even China's projected claim lines. We have no road heads or logistics infra to setup a MSR near the LAC. Otherwise we've reactivated 7 ALGs in Arunachal and put up three MKI bases in the NE...at this rate that should have been cause enough for all out war from the Chinese POV 4-2 years back.

This is the main contentious issue.


This is the main contentious issue.
It's happening for sure. Like devlopro said-the Chinese wouldn't have stated infrastructure work on the Indian side as one f the reasons behind the incursion if it wasn't happening.

Pathetic...this is what i will call this so called infra....Even the high priority one's which were supposed to be finished by now are about 30-40% complete...This too when Defense Minister himself visited the border areas and vouched to bridge this huge gap....God forbids if a war breaks out they will outnumber us by 3:1 within no time...and at this speed this horrific situation will continue for atleast a decade...A$$ Holes....
Center recently allocated 1700 crores for infra development on that border, apart from that no idea what works were actually going on there - but surely something was happening that got the chinese worried.

To be honest our recent face- off with China have cleared the doubts of many minds including mine, China can become assertive at any of her choosen time so better we start finishing those infra projects in time -bound fashion without any laxity before we are caught pants down by them and their subordinate proxy.
We put up a BMD cell there..what else..its a lone outpost after all. :hitwall: At this rate then they're going to be mighty pissed for the next 5 years or so as the real work starts up.

Before moving any BMD to those outposts we need to make sure that at those posts we don't get outnumbered by Chinese and for that we need motarable links in close proximity (which is not disputed) like China.

We put up a BMD cell there..what else..its a lone outpost after all. :hitwall: At this rate then they're going to be mighty pissed for the next 5 years or so as the real work starts up.

Before moving any BMD to those outposts we need to make sure that at those posts we don't get outnumbered by Chinese and for that we need motarable links in close proximity (which is not disputed) like China.
To be honest our recent face- off with China have cleared the doubts of many minds including mine, China can become assertive at any of her choosen time so better we start finishing those infra projects in time -bound fashion without any laxity before we are caught pants down by them and their subordinate proxy.

It most definitely will go on in full swing from now on, we don't have an option, activation of landing strips and purchase of heavy transporters also are to bolster our rapid deployments.
Before moving any BMD to those outposts we need to make sure that at those posts we don't get outnumbered by Chinese and for that we need motarable links in close proximity (which is not disputed) like China.

Before moving any BMD to those outposts we need to make sure that at those posts we don't get outnumbered by Chinese and for that we need motarable links in close proximity (which is not disputed) like China.

Lol dude I was being sarcastic...
That particular place(spot) is going to be next tourist attraction for sure!! I have never been to Ladakh, But I am planning visit in 2014 summer. BTW can some one tell me what is the best time to visit there?
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