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Ladakh: No 'Deal' was Struck with China

Bharat Mata ki Jai!!

But only those forward posts have been dismantled which have been put to counter Chinese intrusion, 300-500 m away.

THAT I KNOW...as I said..reports indicate that the Chumar outpost was not dismantled BUT that will never be an issue..an outpost while tactically important pales in comparison to a demand for troop levels freeze..that demand was made 2 months back or so as an offer in the form of a CBM.

Although I wonder...did the Chinese even bother to check the outpost..the gear's back in for maintenance and hasn't been put back in for a few months..the whole area is under the the ITBP-MOH and ergo they can't go in to put in such sensitive equipment. Plenty of effort gone to waste on their part..should have just called up the MEA and MOH and made the "demand".:omghaha:
Alternative interpretation of events: this whole episode was engineered by India.

India knew that infrastructure work so close to the LAC would be seen as provocation by China and that it (China) would have to make a statement, however perfunctory. Also, knowing that China is already embroiled in tensions to its East, India knew that China would not be keen on a two-front escalation right now. Add to that China's desire to keep tensions with India to a minimum to avoid an opening for the West.

Therefore, from the Indian viewpoint, the infrastructure provocation was calculated and the Chinese reaction predicted. The Indian media circus was also a preordained part of the scenario. Chances are the Chinese knew what game was being played, but they could not let the Indian provocation go unanswered; they had to respond.

All in all, a well played chess move by the Indian establishment.
Alternative interpretation of events: this whole episode was engineered by India.

India knew that infrastructure work so close to the LAC would be seen as provocation by China and that it (China) would have to make a statement, however perfunctory. Also, knowing that China is already embroiled in tensions to its East, India knew that China would not be keen on a two-front escalation right now. Add to that China's desire to keep tensions with India to a minimum to avoid an opening for the West.

Therefore, from the Indian viewpoint, the infrastructure provocation was calculated and the Chinese reaction predicted. The Indian media circus was also a preordained part of the scenario. Chances are the Chinese knew what game was being played, but they could not let the Indian provocation go unanswered; they had to respond.

All in all, a well played chess move by the Indian establishment.

I would vote for Congress again if that were true! :D
THAT I KNOW...as I said..reports indicate that the Chumar outpost was not dismantled BUT that will never be an issue..an outpost while tactically important pales in comparison to a demand for troop levels freeze..that demand was made 2 months back or so as an offer in the form of a CBM.

Although I wonder...did the Chinese even bother to check the outpost..the gear's back in for maintenance and hasn't been put back in for a few months..the whole area is under the the ITBP-MOH and ergo they can't go in to put in such sensitive equipment. Plenty of effort gone to waste on their part..should have just called up the MEA and MOH and made the "demand".:omghaha:

IMO India won't agree on any such draft about troop level freezing atleast anytime soon. May be we can agree upon those only after we complete enough infrastructure near our border for quick movement......but India can agree on other CBMs like not patrol tailing etc...lets see!!
very good news. we returned to status-quo without compromising our interests

I believe GOI did something else too, to pressurize China, which isn't disclosed yet

And this is most important part of article>

Sources said India's troop pullback only refers to the tents put up right opposite to the Chinese troops' post on April 15.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/250579-ladakh-no-deal-struck-china.html#ixzz2SVzcspKp

I think if the border talks are going well, the chinese would find little incentive to jeopradize that in favor of purely tactical advantages.

Unconfirmed rumors.... one thing is certain..... this episode is not over yet ;)

One thing is for sure...we aren't seeing the end of you anytime soon :)
Alternative interpretation of events: this whole episode was engineered by India.

India knew that infrastructure work so close to the LAC would be seen as provocation by China and that it (China) would have to make a statement, however perfunctory. Also, knowing that China is already embroiled in tensions to its East, India knew that China would not be keen on a two-front escalation right now. Add to that China's desire to keep tensions with India to a minimum to avoid an opening for the West.

Therefore, from the Indian viewpoint, the infrastructure provocation was calculated and the Chinese reaction predicted. The Indian media circus was also a preordained part of the scenario. Chances are the Chinese knew what game was being played, but they could not let the Indian provocation go unanswered; they had to respond.

All in all, a well played chess move by the Indian establishment.
But to what end sir? This will surely only embolden the Indian media/public/govt To continue such work along the LAC. So has not China's actions hurt her own interests in the long run?

If it was all calculated and intentional what has China won in all of this sir?
Alternative interpretation of events: this whole episode was engineered by India.

India knew that infrastructure work so close to the LAC would be seen as provocation by China and that it (China) would have to make a statement, however perfunctory. Also, knowing that China is already embroiled in tensions to its East, India knew that China would not be keen on a two-front escalation right now. Add to that China's desire to keep tensions with India to a minimum to avoid an opening for the West.

Therefore, from the Indian viewpoint, the infrastructure provocation was calculated and the Chinese reaction predicted. The Indian media circus was also a preordained part of the scenario. Chances are the Chinese knew what game was being played, but they could not let the Indian provocation go unanswered; they had to respond.

All in all, a well played chess move by the Indian establishment.

I wish I was in Aus man, I'd have loved to share some of the green that you're imbibing.

First there was no infrastructure work, I wish there had been. There is a solitary outpost, which isn't even in the exact area of the incursion, which rubbed them off the wrong way. Yes, we provoked a confrontation in an area where our ITBP foot patrols trudge for 80Km through inhospitable terrain while being subjected to the tyranny of nature..while the Chinese have a nifty little motor-able road some 40Km from the incursion sub sector and 15 Km or so from our perception of the LAC- from where logistics can flow in far quicker than what we can manage. It's a crying shame you're not at the GHQ at Rawalpindi.
If it was all calculated and intentional what has China won in all of this sir?

China didn't win anything; the situation was inherently unwinnable for China since it wasn't prepared to escalate. The clearest indication that China was NOT in it for the long haul is the scant coverage it received in the Chinese media, unlike the tensions to their east.
IMO India won't agree on any such draft about troop level freezing atleast anytime soon. May be we can agree upon those only after we complete enough infrastructure near our border for quick movement......but India can agree on other CBMs like not patrol tailing etc...lets see!!

We already have that...not shadowing patrols..they meet eyeball to eyeball but they don't shadow each other unless an exigent circumstance arises.
Alternative interpretation of events: this whole episode was engineered by India.

India knew that infrastructure work so close to the LAC would be seen as provocation by China and that it (China) would have to make a statement, however perfunctory. Also, knowing that China is already embroiled in tensions to its East, India knew that China would not be keen on a two-front escalation right now. Add to that China's desire to keep tensions with India to a minimum to avoid an opening for the West.

Therefore, from the Indian viewpoint, the infrastructure provocation was calculated and the Chinese reaction predicted. The Indian media circus was also a preordained part of the scenario. Chances are the Chinese knew what game was being played, but they could not let the Indian provocation go unanswered; they had to respond.

All in all, a well played chess move by the Indian establishment.

Chinese infrastructure in Tibet and specially close to McMahon, which an International Border, line near Sikkim and Arunachal is also provocation.
First there was no infrastructure work

The mere fact that China cited infrastructure as the reason for their troop movement proves that there is, and that China views it as a provocation. It is unlikely that India would not have known the Chinese reaction beforehand.
The mere fact that China cited infrastructure as the reason for their troop movement proves that there is, and that China views it as a provocation. It is unlikely that India would not have known the Chinese reaction beforehand.

China explicitly mentioned the Chumar outpost and that was it..other than that there were just media whispers...the other infrastructure in the area- the ALG-DBO has been active since 2008. You know, 2008 when things weren't so "bad" for the Chinese with all the SCS issues and Senkaku. Were they trying to chart out an auspicious moment with the help of an astrologer?
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