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Ladakh: No 'Deal' was Struck with China

1. Listen to Joe he is far better than you and 90% of Indian members in terms of brain and professional understanding.

2. Pakistani do fight and ridcule each others no denying but we dont start personal attacks on a highly professional fellow thats the difference.

LOL, dont be ridiculous,

I like his posts too, but that does not mean I have to agree with everything, as for him being better than 90% of us that means he is better than 90% of the forum - and as for me, you are no great shakes either, you dont match up to him or most Indian members.

As for Pakistanis not getting personal, first you are fooling yourself if you believe that - look around the forum.
LOL, dont be ridiculous,

I like his posts too, but that does not mean I have to agree with everything, as for him being better than 90% of us that means he is better than 90% of the forum - and as for me, you are no great shakes either, you dont match up to him or most Indian members.

As for Pakistanis not getting personal, first you are fooling yourself if you believe that - look around the forum.

I do like his posts, but some points i disagree with him....
@Spring Onion: we don't need to accept every thing what he talk... i differ with him on this particular point... that doesn't mean, i hate him and his posts...
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I can understand why he is better than 90% Indian members.... he down size the Indian army military capabilities.... thank god he is not in IA personal.... if he is, it will be disastrous to India...

:))) well NVM i guess he is.

and i dint seen him downsizing the Indian army capabilities.

LOL, dont be ridiculous,

I like his posts too, but that does not mean I have to agree with everything, as for him being better than 90% of us that means he is better than 90% of the forum - and as for me, you are no great shakes either, you dont match up to him or most Indian members.

As for Pakistanis not getting personal, first you are fooling yourself if you believe that - look around the forum.

I dont need to be match up to him because Joe is far better than me in analysing few things. as far other Indians well i will give credit to few ( two or three) rest i dont consider them on a par with these.

I do like his posts, but some points i disagree with him....
@Spring Onion: we don't need to accept every thing what he talk... i differ with him on this particular point... that doesn't mean, i hate him and his posts...

Nobody is asking you to agree with him or accept what he says. all i said was your bad habit of personal attacks
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I can understand why he is better than 90% Indian members.... he down size the Indian army military capabilities.... thank god he is not in IA personal.... if he is, it will be disastrous to India...

That is quite unnecessary. He has quite a background & his knowledge on such matters is not to be scoffed at. Disagree with him ( I have done it many times) but don't get disagreeable (even if he does, he has probably earned that right). It will be a bit like Gambhir & Bisla sledging Dravid :lol:
:))) well NVM i guess he is.

and i dint seen him downsizing the Indian army capabilities.

I dont need to be match up to him because Joe is far better than me in analysing few things. as far other Indians well i will give credit to few ( two or three) rest i dont consider them on a par with these.

Nobody is asking you to agree with him or accept what he says. all i said was your bad habit of personal attacks

it depends, I don't go personal unless they try to insult me or my fellow members or my country...
:))) well NVM i guess he is.

and i dint seen him downsizing the Indian army capabilities.

I dont need to be match up to him because Joe is far better than me in analysing few things. as far other Indians well i will give credit to few ( two or three) rest i dont consider them on a par with these.

Nobody is asking you to agree with him or accept what he says. all i said was your bad habit of personal attacks

I dont see how your opinion even matters to me, or whether the scaling of Indian members makes an iota of difference to me or the forum.
I suggest you to share your opinions about what one should do or not do, or whom should one listen to or not listen to, or how one should react to anything, to the people who might care about it - I dont, so pls drop it.
That is quite unnecessary. He has quite a background & his knowledge on such matters is not to be scoffed at. Disagree with him ( I have done it many times) but don't get disagreeable (even if he does, he has probably earned that right). It will be a bit like Gambhir & Bisla sledging Dravid :lol:

yeah deleted... i get lil bit anger because... he talked like PLA can walk into our land... grab our land with out any fight... PLA military district could defeat entire IA.... quite funny though... that is like throwing stone on our own home.... so i just asked you come with statistics of PLA Tibet district or chengdu region.... but he replied lot but not related what i have been looking for....

I do agree they got massive infrastructure on chinese side LOC... but how can they maintain supply chains deep inside AP, when they come to invade us.... other question is provide source that PLA trained in guerrilla warfare ....
As also the mistaken belief that the Chinese can be our close buddies (however idiotic that sounds to many of us). Too many delusional lefties who keep harping on such stuff. I don't believe that even they will be in such a great rush to embrace the Chinese anymore. Sometimes the darnedest things actually turn out to be blessings in disguise.

The Chinese can indeed be our close buddies - the day after the border is demarcated and mutually agreed upon.

We have no inherent conflict with China like we do with Pakistan.
Chinese defence preparedness is superior

Joe sahib, good points you raised, but let us also not get caught up in the forever preparing syndrome. You may go through this ANI interview, even Gen JFR Jacob was taken aback by Gen AAK Niazi's meek surrender.

02:44 onwards
How 3000 Indian Soldiers Forced 26,400 Pakistan Army Soldiers To Surrender At Dhaka | Part 2 of 2 - YouTube

So lets prepare surely. But let's also be prepared to make some bold decisions and take some chances.
The Chinese can indeed be our close buddies - the day after the border is demarcated and mutually agreed upon.

We have no inherent conflict with China like we do with Pakistan.

India will put greater emphasis on the eastern borders, but...

If the border issue is resolved relatively soon, then does it not imply that we will have lesser motive to forge stronger relationships with the very countries that China is trying to rattle in the SCS region? So by asking India to settle the issue fast China removes/reduces Indian influence in that region. Within the next 15-20 years US will also be forced to recede to mid-Pacific region making Japan even more nervous.

This could be a point @Joe Shearer was alluding to.
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I'm a bit unsure of your assertion that this round went to China. I'm still all at sea figuring out what the Chinese really achieved here. They have jolted sleeping politicians to now see what military strategists have been long pointing out.

I don't think anything will change, I suspect the Chinese know that too. Unfortunately, in a month or two this incident will have been forgotten. Indians will do well to remember China cannot afford to **** off India, Russia and the US. In 1941, with the invasion of Burma the Japanese successfully cut off all supplies to China with Russia's help after the Soviet Union signed a nonaggression pact with Japan in April 1941.

This blockade was rendered ineffective by USAF airlift of supplies from India to China and kept Chinese resistance alive. Over the Hump to China

Indian diplomacy needs to engage Russia and the US; these two nations are key to influencing Chinese behavior towards India. Easier to achieve IMHO, infrastructure building and acquiring capability will take time.
The Chinese can indeed be our close buddies - the day after the border is demarcated and mutually agreed upon.

We have no inherent conflict with China like we do with Pakistan.

China and India can't be buddies even if the borders are demarcated. What I wrote in other thread -

China and India has not only the sticky border issue but also the issue about China supporting Pakistan, the question about string of pearls not to mention the long term conflict(not necessarily military) when they vie for resources and political influence globally.
The very point of discussion on Chinese agression is over-exaggerated is what I believe. I take this as a protest from Chinese side and nothing else!!..

The very point of contention was India need to stop all adventures close to Chinese side of border and it was China which was more terrified than India. India did the right thing by not undertaking any military solution to a mere protest.

There is a lot of take away from this and I thank China for doing India (specially the Dhotiwalas) a favor.
Joe sahib, good points you raised, but let us also not get caught up in the forever preparing syndrome. You may go through this ANI interview, even Gen JFR Jacob was taken aback by Gen AAK Niazi's meek surrender.

02:44 onwards
How 3000 Indian Soldiers Forced 26,400 Pakistan Army Soldiers To Surrender At Dhaka | Part 2 of 2 - YouTube

So lets prepare surely. But let's also be prepared to make some bold decisions and take some chances.

Let's become prepared first, then worry about forever preparing syndrome. We have not even taken baby steps yet. We lack night vision, bulletproof jackets, helmets, indigenous guns, etc. Let's catch up to the present, maintain it, incorporate surperior training methods, etc. Once that is done, the focus and emphasis should be optimally placed on R&D and manufacuring in the defence and space fields.
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