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Lack of entrepreneurship in pakistan

I think the OP isn't talking about opening a retail shop or a restaurant. He seems to be talking about more cutting edge ventures like IT, biotech, etc.

That is true to some degree.

However in the context of any country other than US/UK/Germany, the "cutting edge" has to be considered a bit less "cutting".

oh well thats because of lack of education and brian drain to america.

Our education rate is decent enough

there are factors in addition to schooling that drive high tech entrepreneurs.

If Pakistanis want to have cutting edge business like American
then our social and cultural values have to be similar as well.

It is the culture that drives innovation
innovation comes back to drive the culture

Hope you understand.
That is true to some degree.

However in the context of any country other than US/UK/Germany, the "cutting edge" has to be considered a bit less "cutting".

Our education rate is decent enough

there are factors in addition to schooling that drive high tech entrepreneurs.

If Pakistanis want to have cutting edge business like American
then our social and cultural values have to be similar as well.

It is the culture that drives innovation
innovation comes back to drive the culture

Hope you understand.

culture has nothing to do with it.
pakistani have always been good with software ect.
its just that there is not enough people educated in that field, and the ones that are they leave for america.
once higher education increases in pakistan then we will have no problems.
Entrepreneurship has little to do with technology and more to do with mindset. The person should have the capability to question what he wants to question and capacity to find the answer. Identification of a need in the existing market or future guessing a need or want and following through with it is what is important. Without this no entrepreneurship is possible. All this about technology and IT and what not comes later.

If you want to succeed you need to free the individual from being scared to ask questions.
oh well thats because of lack of education and brian drain to america.

Biotech is a bit tricky, but IT is the great leveler. Even a smart kid (or two) from Pakistan can start an online venture and, if it shows merit, it will attract venture funding and support.

Instagram, facebook and twitter don't use any ground breaking technology. (At least, not until they got really, really big and had to handle hundreds of millions of users.)

However in the context of any country other than US/UK/Germany, the "cutting edge" has to be considered a bit less "cutting".

What I wrote above. Pakistan surely has the talent needed to launch IT startups.
Entrepreneurship has little to do with technology and more to do with mindset. The person should have the capability to question what he wants to question and capacity to find the answer. Identification of a need in the existing market or future guessing a need or want and following through with it is what is important. Without this no entrepreneurship is possible. All this about technology and IT and what not comes later.

If you want to succeed you need to free the individual from being scared to ask questions.

Well said

It is the mindset, belief system, and culture that drives a group of people to do certain things.

In a class of 40 students, some are top level and the rest are average or below average.


the average or below average students do not believe in working hard and achieving high scores.
---- there are exceptions such as someone being chronically sick

The day they change their belief system, average and below average students can become top level.

In fact in Pakistan I see that process over and over.

Rich kids are spoiled burgers

and poorer kids are driven to work hard and achieve high scores.

It is the believe system, culture, family values that make a person work hard

and achieve.


Biotech is a bit tricky, .
That's correct.

...Even a smart kid (or two) from Pakistan can start an online venture and, if it shows merit, it will attract venture funding and support.

Instagram, facebook and twitter don't use any ground breaking technology. (At least, not until they got really, really big and had to handle hundreds of millions of users.)

What I wrote above. Pakistan surely has the talent needed to launch IT startups.

Startup is important first step.

Converting startup to google and fb or microsoft can only happen in America

It is the culture thing.,
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I think the OP isn't talking about opening a retail shop or a restaurant. He seems to be talking about more cutting edge ventures like IT, biotech, etc.

Yep, we need some technical industry other than "taulia chaddar units". Pharma could be a good start as we have good foundations in pharma sector. Government needs to put more efforts it. One thing i would like to point to is that a ministry of our Government is already doing a good job by publishing ads in the newspapers in which there was talk about transfer of tech to the civilians. But at the end of the day it all depends on the user of these opportunities, i am just saying there are enough out there. Plus there's always defense :smitten:

Our education rate is decent enough
there are factors in addition to schooling that drive high tech entrepreneurs.

Quite correct IMP but the other factor is mindset rather than culture, culture is too vast of a term to blame here.

If you want to succeed you need to free the individual from being scared to ask questions.

You have no idea how badly i bug my teachers :D but yeah you're kinda right, we need to develop a question friendly ecosystem. Plus we need to make sure our youth has confidence, it's a game changer.

Rich kids are spoiled burgers
and poorer kids are driven to work hard and achieve high scores.
Stereotyping i must say. :rolleyes1:
Quite correct IMP but the other factor is mindset rather than culture, culture is too vast of a term to blame here.

mindset and culture are linked. one drives the other

Stereotyping i must say. :rolleyes1:
Contrasting and not stereotyping

Yep, we need some technical industry other than "taulia chaddar units". Pharma could be a good start as we have good foundations in pharma sector. Government needs to put more efforts it. One thing i would like to point to is that a ministry of our Government is already doing a good job by publishing ads in the newspapers in which there was talk about transfer of tech to the civilians. But at the end of the day it all depends on the user of these opportunities, i am just saying there are enough out there. Plus there's always defense :smitten::

We don't need to publish ads.

We need constitutional amendments that

-- Never in future we will use "22 family" slogan to use government to rob the hard working industrialists.

Then you will see immense flow of energy towards opening up new factories and companies.

Be thankful for the taulia chadar units.

Don't desperage them.

They are bringing in major portion of our $$ earnings (apart of remittances and US assistance)

Pharma could be a good start as we have good foundations in pharma sector.

I am not sure I understand.
The pharma companies need deep pockets (billions of dollars) for R&D, human trials, etc. etc.

What kind of pharma startups did you have in mind?
mindset and culture are linked. one drives the other
I just said culture is a really vast term to use here...

Contrasting and not stereotyping
You are ASSUMING things, which i am referring to as stereotyping, you aren't comparing.

Be thankful for the taulia chadar units.
Don't desperage them.
They are bringing in major portion of our $$ earnings (apart of remittances and US assistance)
What!? nobody's saying we need to close these units or anything, i am just criticizing the satus quo and wish we move on to other stuff that is more technical in nature and explore them.

I am not sure I understand.
The pharma companies need deep pockets (billions of dollars) for R&D, human trials, etc. etc.
What kind of pharma startups did you have in mind?
No need to invest billions on R&D (cause we don't have any anyways) just build upon the existing foundations. Something like drawing foreign investment increasing import/export etc.
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride
But what if you don't even have the wish, the idea to do something or achieve a certain goal. There is a thread that has just opened about how our textile exports have generated us some $$$, something similar could be thought about the pharma sector.

Certain cultures attract foreigners and their investment
other cultures do not
Dude please stop using the word culture, other countries OR entities DON'T GIVE TWO HOOTS about the culture of the place they are investing in, all they want is PEACE and GOOD RETURNS ON THEIR INVESTMENT.
Could be!
Make it should be! and if you're thinking i am just a kid farting in his futon...... then you're right :D. But i assure you that i plan to invest in a pharma plant if i live long enough, and there's a sound chance that i might actually succeed (actually my dad plans to do that too :enjoy:)

peace and good governance is the outcome and result of the culture of that area.
Culture = the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time
It also means....
a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization (such as a business)

So, YOU WIN SIR but as i said it's a really big/vast term and since i prefer specifics i would have loved the use of mindset :wave:
Make it should be! and if you're thinking i am just a kid farting in his futon...... then you're right :D. But i assure you that i plan to invest in a pharma plant if i live long enough, and there's a sound chance that i might actually succeed (actually my dad plans to do that too :enjoy:)
Best wishes.


Culture = the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time
It also means....
a way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization (such as a business)

So, YOU WIN SIR but as i said it's a really big/vast term and since i prefer specifics i would have loved the use of mindset :wave:

There is no winning or losing.

This is just a humble effort to understand terminology and their application.

---- Cleanliness based culture will hate everything dirty
--- Tolerance based culture will hate everything Islamist.
--- Honest based culture will hate everything Mullahtic

And the list goes on

We need to realize that our culture has gone to dogs


the ills we suffer today are the result of our culture, our habits, and our belief system altogether or considered separately.

Peace to you
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