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Lack of entrepreneurship in pakistan

Thankfully we have gujjus and Punjabis.

You point out a very important aspect of the culture of subcontinent.

for 100s of years certain families and ethnicities have specialized in starting business ventures and now many of them have specialized down to specific businesses.

For example, patels own large number of motels hotels in USA. There is a history that lead to this specialization. But that's different topic.

Remember Pakistan has majority of Punjabis and many muslim gujjus (and memons) to start business ventures.

why gujjus and memons are good in business? family training, support structure, mutual financing etc.

you know now. Financing!

Yes I can have 101 ideas to bring refolution in the industry, but I can't move an inch if I don't have my own money or someone else to trust me to loan/invest money on me

In Pakistan since the black plague of 1970 Islamic-forking-socialism it is very hard for wealthy people to lend their hard earned money to someone for some bright-as-sun-forkinng-idea.

This is the MAIN reason Pakistan doesn't have large high tech entrepreneurs.

However we have 100s and 1000s of small businesses providing services of all kinds

They ALL should be considered entrepreneurs.

This is the time to help them with money and training.

And any kind hearted Pakistani such as the OP should find someone he can trust and put his money for improving that business.

otherwise this thread and this discussion will remain empty talk, and tiny storm in even a tinier tea cup.

Actually one of the factors promoting entrepreneurship in the West (and Japan) is ..... socialism.

That's right.

People feel emboldened to take risks because, if they fail, there will be a safety net for them and their families to help them recover.

Now, I am not saying that's the only factor -- otherwise, Sweden would have the most entrepreneurs -- but it's an important requirement for a society to produce entrepreneurs. Other factors are consumerism, large disposable income, large middle class, etc.
Actually one of the factors promoting entrepreneurship in the West (and Japan) is ..... socialism.

That's right.

People feel emboldened to take risks because, if they fail, there will be a safety net for them and their families to help them recover.

Now, I am not saying that's the only factor -- otherwise, Sweden would have the most entrepreneurs -- but it's an important requirement for a society to produce entrepreneurs. Other factors are consumerism, large disposable income, large middle class, etc.

Pakistani islamists and marxists are known to shoot from the you know where

But this statement takes the "cow-cake".

one of the factors promoting entrepreneurship in the West (and Japan) is ..... socialism.



Are you by any chance an entrepreneur? just wondering. you don't have to answer if you don't want to.

Pakistani islamists and marxists are known to shoot from the you know where

But this statement takes the "cow-cake".


Are you by any chance an entrepreneur? just wondering. you don't have to answer if you don't want to.


How about addressing the content of the post rather than labeling?

Do you know how many incentives are provided by Western governments to help small businesses?

Risk is a part of every venture and the vast majority of small businesses fail. Without the assurance of a safety net, far fewer people would take risks.
How about addressing the content of the post rather than labeling?

Do you know how many incentives are provided by Western governments to help small businesses?

Risk is a part of every venture and the vast majority of small businesses fail. Without the assurance of a safety net, far fewer people would take risks.

Two of my cousines in silicon valley have gone through funding from angels to the higher level.

So I know a thing or two about funding in the USA. in addtion to a lot of experience of how things work in Pak.

My question to you is

how the heck you bring in marxism/show-shaw-lism in support of the small businesses

This is why I asked

Have you successfully run a small business.

Thank you
Two of my cousines in silicon valley have gone through funding from angels to the higher level.

So I know a thing or two about funding in the USA. in addtion to a lot of experience of how things work in Pak.

Actually, this shows that you know ZILCH about how small businesses work.

99.99999999999% of small businesses in the West don't get venture or angel funding.

Have you successfully run a small business.

I have run small businesses that succeeded and those that failed. The vast majority of attempts by entrepreneurs fail.

The Western governments know a thing or two -- I suspect a LOT more than you -- about what support systems people need to start businesses. That's why, as I mentioned, there are lots and lots of government support programs to help entrepreneurs, and there is a safety net when the inevitable failures occur.
Actually, this shows that you know ZILCH about how small businesses work.

99.99999999999% of small businesses in the West don't get venture or angel funding.

I have run small businesses that succeeded and those that failed. The vast majority of attempts by entrepreneurs fail.

The Western governments know a thing or two -- I suspect a LOT more than you -- about what support systems people need to start businesses. That's why, as I mentioned, there are lots and lots of government support programs to help entrepreneurs, and there is a safety net when the inevitable failures occur.

Personal attacks won't help your cause.

you said "show-shaw-lism" is the base of entrepreneurship.

Support that claim with some real life examples.

Show us if google, microsoft, facebook, dell, ibm, ge are the result of teaching by Hazrat Karl Marx, or hazrat Lenon rehmatullah Elaihe.

Thank you
Obviously there are a great many successful South Asian entrepreneurs in the USA. So it is not a question of Pakistani or Indian intelligence or upbringing. It is a question of role models I think. That is, in the USA a South Asian graduate student is exposed to many entrepreneurs to whom he may favorably compare himself. He can say to himself: "Wow! That guy made it! He's rich! I'm just as smart and hard working as he is. I'm going to give it a try." Role models are "existence proofs" of possible success. The lack of entrepreneurial role models in Pakistan means that the "first" entrepreneur has a really high mountain of doubt to overcome. In the USA the confidence problem can be just a molehill, by comparison.
Personal attacks won't help your cause.

That's not a personal attack. YOU claimed that you know about small businesses and I told you that the overwhelming majority of small businesses in the West don't get venture funding.

you said "show-shaw-lism" is the base of entrepreneurship.

Socialism, as in a safety net, when the inevitable failures occur, and in the form of government programs to help small businesses. And I never said it was the only factor. I said it was an important supporting factor.

Support that claim with some real life examples.

Look up small business support programs in any Western country. Look up incubator programs, especially for tech startups.

Use google if you need to.

Show us if google, microsoft, facebook, dell, ibm, ge are the result of teaching by Hazrat Karl Marx, or hazrat Lenon rehmatullah Elaihe.

The vast majority of small enterprises are bootstrapped by people with their own cash -- sometimes on a credit card.

No one is going to do that unless they have something to fall back on -- either daddy's couch or a government subsidy.
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you support show-shaw-lism first

then you destroy your own argument with this.


I would hope it was clear from context that I was using "socialism" in the Western European sense of social democracy (France's Hollande is a "socialist"), not the Soviet sense.
I would hope it was clear from context that I was using "socialism" in the Western European sense of social democracy (France's Hollande is a "socialist"), not the Soviet sense.

Pakisani marxists and socialists want to have show-shaw-lism

without working hard for 200 years like France and UK

They earned loads of money through global trade and industrialization.

When they had towers of pure gold lining up their government coffers, they gave small bits for socialist causes.

So yes

If Pakistanis work hard for 200 years

then in 2214 they too can have French style show-shaw-lism

until then, socialim will remain an empty promise, a tiny storm in a tiner tea cup

Thank you

p.s. Check out how much French government spends each year and how much is their population.

then check our population and project how much we need to spend every year to have your show-shaw-lism brought to Pakistan
Pakisani marxists and socialists want to have show-shaw-lism

without working hard for 200 years like France and UK

They earned loads of money through global trade and industrialization.

When they had towers of pure gold lining up their government coffers, they gave small bits for socialist causes.

So yes

If Pakistanis work hard for 200 years

then in 2214 they too can have French style show-shaw-lism

until then, socialim will remain an empty promise, a tiny storm in a tiner tea cup

Thank you

p.s. Check out how much French government spends each year and how much is their population.

then check our population and project how much we need to spend every year to have your show-shaw-lism brought to Pakistan

You are clearly uneducated about the history of social democracy in Western Europe, and I certainly won't waste my time educating you.

The point of debate -- the importance of a safety net to foster entrepreneurship -- is lost in your tendency to jump to rants and labels.

Do carry on with your rants of "Islamist" "Marxist" at anything that escapes your comprehension.
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