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Featured LAC Standoff: Indian Options Are 'Bad, To Worse To Downright Ugly'

Why there are only bad and ugly options? China was humiliated in Chumar subsequently in Dokalm. Their misadventure is going to cost them one more humiliation. They are very scared after 15th June incident where 100+ Chinese lost their life in hand to hand fight and lost the courage to fight. Their senior officials cry everyday to finish stand off before winter. Chokletee Chinese soldiers are unfit to fight in such harsh environment. Particularly, after readjustment of position in southern part of Pangong TSO, chinese forces are sitting ducks in this region. While in the race to reach the top of black and helmet top, they literally ran way rather than fighting Indian soldiers. Our equipments are in place, our supply for whole winter is stored, our state of art weapons are deployed, army has taken its position. China is now left with two options either get slaughtered or step back. Let us see what china chooses out two. If conflict happens, China will be humiliated and exposed as paper tiger. Let us see whether Xi decides to do misadventure or wisely steps back. Both options will bring humiliation to China and Xi.
pleas don't spared modies false propaganda here we pakis know you Indians very well you troll no bade is gona tolerate this kind of bull crap here you RSS GOON and let me remind you its a pakistani forum godie medias farts wont work here keep those lies for ENDIAN forums.
pleas don't spared modies false propaganda here we pakis know you Indians very well you troll no bade is gona tolerate this kind of bull crap here you RSS GOON and let me remind you its a pakistani forum godie medias farts wont work here keep those lies for ENDIAN forums.

Why? Because you are unable to digest realities?
You forgot to remember over 100 Chinese soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the whims of xinping.
Won’t forget the hundreds over Indian soldiers that fought so poorly and surrendered so easily

Don’t worry your soldiers will come home to their cows since they gave up so easily
So, no "7th fleet" also this time.....

And, some folks make fun of a 40K strong beleaguered and besieged force - cut off from the home base by a thousand miles of the mortal enemy - devoid of any air, armored, artillery or naval support while being engaged in a full fledged insurgency amidst 10s of millions of hostile/treacherous populace along with a full scale war against a 10X strong enemy having all sorts of military and diplomatic aid by the almost entire known world.....
Why there are only bad and ugly options? China was humiliated in Chumar subsequently in Dokalm. Their misadventure is going to cost them one more humiliation. They are very scared after 15th June incident where 100+ Chinese lost their life in hand to hand fight and lost the courage to fight. Their senior officials cry everyday to finish stand off before winter. Chokletee Chinese soldiers are unfit to fight in such harsh environment. Particularly, after readjustment of position in southern part of Pangong TSO, chinese forces are sitting ducks in this region. While in the race to reach the top of black and helmet top, they literally ran way rather than fighting Indian soldiers. Our equipments are in place, our supply for whole winter is stored, our state of art weapons are deployed, army has taken its position. China is now left with two options either get slaughtered or step back. Let us see what china chooses out two. If conflict happens, China will be humiliated and exposed as paper tiger. Let us see whether Xi decides to do misadventure or wisely steps back. Both options will bring humiliation to China and Xi.
What are you talking about 38000 sq kms is land liberated by China , 1000 sq km in that last month! even Pakistan launches air strikes and destroys two Indian planes when a fares of an air strike is orchestrated by India. A country 7 times smaller than India! This is abject humiliation for India!

Why? Because you are unable to digest realities?
You cant digest your multiple defeats.
Indians are very spooked,
Very scared
Cry for help
Panic buy
Your soldiers very scared they rather commit suicide than stand their ground
Mate you contradict with your own people. Lets make a fair comment here.

The study has been done by MIT. They wont publish anything stupid its not about your reputation its about their own.

Secondly stop living in the dreams like the Indian media.

Your own minister just mentioned in the parliament that Chinese Army has captured around 38,000 sq km.

Sharing the link for you to check.

It may be MIT but the authors are very pro India analysts. Vipin Narang and Chris Clary - very anti China & Pakistan, and of course Narang is Indian and is pro-Indian along with Clary,
If you want the truth, it is very ugly I'm afraid. All the countries you mentioned don't treat India as an equal and for all the right reasons. Having a very weak military, extremely poor populace, and in general all around backward/crappy country in a mix with highly developed countries is not something desirable. Think about someone urinating or taking a dump in a swimming pool you just cleaned. Their views towards India are the exact same as the Chinese deep down.

Very true. Yet Indian establishment believe in their own shite, the Bollywood non sense.

The situation on LAC is a wake up call to all nations who have put all their eggs in this five eyes, Anglo Saxon/Zionist grouping.
Doklam is a territory between Bhutan and China. We stopped you from grabbing territory by which our chicken neck can have potential danger. We kicked you out from their. This is third misadventure of xi after chumar and doklam. Let Us C weather he successes or he i humiliated once again.
Ehhhh I thought Bhutan is your protectorate and you were trying to show power? Why did you pull back after our threat? Until now you said we pulled back, check Google earth, how many times I gotta tell you. Stop living in denial bhai, see what is on that plateau. Permanently occupied, once we occupy, we don't leave. Lol

Humiliated? Gosh you Indians really live in your own world eh, 1000 sqkm occupied, Doklam occupied and you jus stay put exactly on the LAC. Lol. And after killing 20,captueing 60, tied up 5 bitches and a shot 2 lama faggots, all you could do is ban apps? Uiii I am so scared... Lol
Ehhhh I thought Bhutan is your protectorate and you were trying to show power? Why did you pull back after our threat? Until now you said we pulled back, check Google earth, how many times I gotta tell you. Stop living in denial bhai, see what is on that plateau. Permanently occupied, once we occupy, we don't leave. Lol

Humiliated? Gosh you Indians really live in your own world eh, 1000 sqkm occupied, Doklam occupied and you jus stay put exactly on the LAC. Lol. And after killing 20,captueing 60, tied up 5 bitches and a shot 2 lama faggots, all you could do is ban apps? Uiii I am so scared... Lol

China is never humiliated because their state sponsored media never acknowledge it. Read some news from other sources. Ohhhhh but how can you do that. It is banned in China.
China is never humiliated because their state sponsored media never acknowledge it. Read some news from other sources. Ohhhhh but how can you do that. It is banned in China.
CNN is not banned in China though, we have VPNs here mate. Anyway what does press freedom got to do with the current crisis? We know India killed alot of anti hindutvadi journalists too right? So please answer me, IS China in Doklam? Open Google maps and tell me 100m from Dokala, whose base is there? Lolol

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