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LAC face-off: Ladakh triggers Andamans build-up plans


Sep 26, 2018
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Unable to fight the PLA on the ground ,India is planning to choke the Chinese trade along the Malacca Straits by beefing up its defences in the Adaman and Nicobar Islands.

According to TOI following measure have been taken:
1)The extension of the runway at naval air station INS Kohassa.
2)INS Baaz at Campbell Bay in the south of the archipelago for larger aircraft.
3)Additional warships, aircraft, missile batteries and infantry Soldiers.
4)Fighters like Sukhoi-30MKIs.
5)Long-range maritime patrol Poseidon-8I aircraft.
6)Additional flights of Mi-17 V5 helicopters.
7)Dornier-228 maritime patrol planes.

The Standoff between China and India will be a very long one, with many global and regional powers joining in at the later stages. The relationship between both sides will never be the same again.
The so called SUPAPAWA will be brought to its knees ,INSHALLAH.
In 1959... Nehru and his troops attacked first. Mao was very strategic and calculating. His troops were hardened from conflict in Korea as well as Vietnam. They knew these terrains well and were there long before indian forces could even do anything. Since 1962, they never resolved it and even when Nehru was offered in exhange for Aksai Chin, he refused. Give credit they pulled back to LAC when they had firmed occupied it.
This standoff will be very costly to Modi and his croonies.
This standoff and its repercussions will perhaps go down in history as the Modi governments greatest achievements in launching India as a recognized global power and becoming an important partner in taming the bully.
Rather Indianness move... will only help PLAN to make home in AfroAsian/AfroPakOcean and boost the capabilities of PNS to boot!!!

Go ahead brave Indians make your move and try stopping the Chinese vessels...

CPEC becomes now 1000x times more important... validating the Farsightedness of SinoPakStrategists!
On Indian Ocean, Indian Navy is very formidable and enjoys a strong ground support from installations on the islands with guided rockets capable of sinking carriers.

Secondly, CPEC so far has proven to be nothing more than a white elephant. The benefits for Pakistan have been only overpriced infrastructure and electricity. All the money spent has gone back to China and you will have to pay interest for this for a very long time, in these dire economic circumstances.
This standoff and its repercussions will perhaps go down in history as the Modi governments greatest achievements in launching India as a recognized global power and becoming an important partner in taming the bully.

The most idiotic statement of the 21st century. :rofl: ... recognized like getting 100 soldiers beaten to death by iron rods?? :rofl: .... i didn't know being a douche was recognizing yourself as a global power ! :rofl: ..... keep us updated on your future grand plans of getting punched, kicked and beaten to death by iron rods! :lol:
On Indian Ocean, Indian Navy is very formidable and enjoys a strong ground support from installations on the islands with guided rockets capable of sinking carriers.

Secondly, CPEC so far has proven to be nothing more than a white elephant. The benefits for Pakistan have been only overpriced infrastructure and electricity. All the money spent has gone back to China and you will have to pay interest for this for a very long time, in these dire economic circumstances.
yeah Maldives episode tells a lot about indian capacity . when 5 Chinese ships keep indian navy away from Maldives .
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