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Kurdistan seeks India’s help in fight against Islamic State

A real democratic state in all major middle eastern countries Where Kurds live?
You do know that it means Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Iran will have to be free real democratic countries right?
All Muslims united under life of Islam?? You mean the ummah??:woot: I thought even the most delusional Muslim member here had given up on this illusionary idea. :undecided:. You have the OIC, make it work first before thinking of a united life under the ummah.:blink:

I think you missed my first sentence.

I said my wish. MY WISH.


Comparing to the others Turkiye has a democracy. Yes of course not proper but much better. Like the other so called democratic states such as UK.
Hmm many of them consider us to be amongst the worst oppressors of Muslims in the world.

You are right indeed. :tup: These idiots don't discriminate. An 'infidel is an 'infidel. :D


I think you missed my first sentence.

I said my wish. MY WISH.


Comparing to the others Turkiye has a democracy. Yes of course not proper but much better. Like the other so called democratic states such as UK.

Lol you should be more realistic then . Even though it's good to dream and wish, but we have to be realistic and act accordingly, we live in the real world afterall not a dream world. Lol The Kurds won't be living in a Real democratic state anytime soon. They will have to give up on their idea of a Kurdish state or even autonomy, else they will be crushed by Iran, Turkey , Syria, and Iraq. In short , they have no choice whatsoever. The Sunnis and Shias alike can at least agree on one thing: Crush the Kurds if they ever aspire for more. Lol
So choice is easy, either they give up on such a idea or face death. Real Democracy or no Real democracy doesn't matter at all I'm afraid, their plight will be the same. Lol

Moreover, if we were not a democracy why are Kurds all over the region fleeing here to the West in vast numbers instead of staying in their greater ummah dream countries ?:partay:
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@mike2000 is back

Dude one of our members asked me whats my wish for and i said my wish. That is my wish but of course my wish and the real world do not match.

I have no will to argue about democracies of states coz there is no real democracy in this world. Not only we kurds even you britishs wont be living in a real democracy as well..

Dude i think you have a problem to understand what you read up. There is no democracy in ME. Turkiye has democracy and EU/UK and USA have better democracy. So maybe thats the why Kurds(actually not only Kurds) move in west states.

You have better democracy but not the real one...
@mike2000 is back

Dude one of our members asked me whats my wish for and i said my wish. That is my wish but of course my wish and the real world do not match.

I have no will to argue about democracies of states coz there is no real democracy in this world. Not only we kurds even you britishs wont be living in a real democracy as well..

Dude i think you have a problem to understand what you read up. There is no democracy in ME. Turkiye has democracy and EU/UK and USA have better democracy. So maybe thats the why Kurds(actually not only Kurds) move in west states.

You have better democracy but not the real one...

Well,i don't have anything against the Kurds, if anything I sympathise with their plight , since they have a troubled history in the region and being betrayed by foreign powers. However, I believe the Kurds should forget for now about an independent state and strive more for autonomy like Iraqi Kurdistan did with the help of U.S/U.K/NATO. As long as the Kurds don't enjoy unconditional support from Western powers and Russia, they will never see their dream come true unfortunately. So they should be realistic and act accordingly .:)
Well,i don't have anything against the Kurds, if anything I sympathise with their plight , since they have a troubled history in the region and being betrayed by foreign powers. However, I believe the Kurds should forget for now about an independent state and strive more for autonomy like Iraqi Kurdistan did with the help of U.S/U.K/NATO. As long as the Kurds don't enjoy unconditional support from Western powers and Russia, they will never see their dream come true unfortunately. So they should be realistic and act accordingly .:)

When did we interfere in your affairs,show some actual facts?

You didn't- I was just hoping that a reminder be given that, Turkey stops towing the Pakistani line on Kashmir, Which is Indian territory claimed by Pakistan- There might be some reason for Turkey to support Pakistan's position, I was telling that India gave a greater reason for Turkey to support Indian position or better keep quiet and stay neutral, once in a while human rights concern would do, but expect similar response from Indians on Kurds, or better keep mum and pretend It never happened and India stays away- just diplomacy- no intervening-

He is a wastrel and has been horrible racist ,not only to Indians, but also to blacks, on this and many other forums (since he is stupid and use his own photograph, he is identifiable across forums); and has been banned from many for his antics.

His modus-operandi is to pretend/insist to be white ,suck up to whites/Europeans+Americans, post photos of some fair coloured Pakistanis to prove that Pakistanis are white, and outdo even a stormfronter in bashing 'negros'. His pathetic attempts to prove that he (and Paksitan) is white are hilarious and sad at same time.

Probably only you should try to appeal to his decency.

Classical inferiority complex- I have seen his posts- Half of It is usually racial insults-
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