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Kurdish PKK rebels 'halt Turkey pull-out'

Is not PKK based in Turkey? Why would they 'withdraw' istead of disband?

Exactly, actually the purpose of that "peace plan" was for PKK to move some of its members to Syria's Kurdistan without having to deal with Turkey, now that they have done that, and areas under their control is relatively secure they're no longer worried. Because as it turned out, they didn't need to send that many to significantly weaken their position against Turkey.

Do you think bunch of dogmatic fucks can really be trusted?!
Well i think @Sam1980 is talking about some interesting points here, read his comments without prejudice, i think hes right at some points.
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Well, not all Kurds want autonomy, we can't just wipe everyone out, PKK and PJAK terrorists have killed many Kurds as well as many Iranians and Turks. We have to be very precise just to deal with them without harming ordinary people, otherwise they will use "Civilian casualties" to rally more people to their cause, why do you think they hide themselves in mountains and near the villages? So they can "cry foul" whenever Iran or Turkey respond! Because they know ordinary people will end up getting killed! Standard terrorist tactic that is widely being used by all cowardly terrorist organizations.

Besides, 2 years ago when Iran and Turkey joined forces to teach them a lesson, remember what happened?

Iran shelling of Kurd separatist rebels displaces over 200 families | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR
Kurdish civilian injured in Iranian shelling of Iraq's Kurdistan borders
Iran/Turkey: Recent Attacks on Civilians in Iraqi Kurdistan | Human Rights Watch
Refworld | Iran continues shelling Kurds in Iraqi territory

They framed Iran Turkey both as aggressors.

Of course no other country is going to help, this is the threat that we all share, and we need to start cooperating with each other and put aside the differences.

Wow... just WOW! After reading the news on an Iranian website, I decided to check see if its real, then I Googled: PKK Turkey, the first link was BBC, I took it out and post it here, why would I support PKK?! Their friends, PJAK killed 6 people in Iran about a month ago.
Discusions wont end,what i was trying to say:If the PKK feels safe in a ''Kurdistan''they will make it their ''homebase''so its easier to find and attack them there.
They will allways have to retreat to there.
Exactly, actually the purpose of that "peace plan" was for PKK to move some of its members to Syria's Kurdistan without having to deal with Turkey, now that they have done that, and areas under their control is relatively secure they're no longer worried. Because as it turned out, they didn't need to send that many to significantly weaken their position against Turkey.

Do you think bunch of dogmatic fucks can really be trusted?!

Your post made me to look for more about the Turkish-PKK peace plan. I've found this article (the author is a Kurd and apparently represents the Kurdish perspective well): What Compelled the Turkish-Kurdish Peace Initiative? , read it once and think I need to learn more about the geopolitics of this region.
Well, not all Kurds want autonomy, we can't just wipe everyone out, PKK and PJAK terrorists have killed many Kurds as well as many Iranians and Turks. We have to be very precise just to deal with them without harming ordinary people, otherwise they will use "Civilian casualties" to rally more people to their cause, why do you think they hide themselves in mountains and near the villages? So they can "cry foul" whenever Iran or Turkey respond! Because they know ordinary people will end up getting killed! Standard terrorist tactic that is widely being used by all cowardly terrorist organizations.

Besides, 2 years ago when Iran and Turkey joined forces to teach them a lesson, remember what happened?

Iran shelling of Kurd separatist rebels displaces over 200 families | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR
Kurdish civilian injured in Iranian shelling of Iraq's Kurdistan borders
Iran/Turkey: Recent Attacks on Civilians in Iraqi Kurdistan | Human Rights Watch
Refworld | Iran continues shelling Kurds in Iraqi territory

They framed Iran Turkey both as aggressors.

Of course no other country is going to help, this is the threat that we all share, and we need to start cooperating with each other and put aside the differences.

Wow... just WOW! After reading the news on an Iranian website, I decided to check see if its real, then I Googled: PKK Turkey, the first link was BBC, I took it out and post it here, why would I support PKK?! Their friends, PJAK killed 6 people in Iran about a month ago.

I agree with you here, we have to work together.
Lets say they form this ''kurdistan'',dont you think it would be more easy for all concerned(Iran,Iraq,Syria,Turkey)to whipe them out when needed?
Then you fight against a country and not some in cave hiding rats.
If you think some country is going to come to the rescue,i would say:in their dreams.

The caves, valleys and mountains will always be the cavemens' stronghold and their first place to fall back to when they get hunted out from urban environments. It will be alot harder to deal with them if they merge into the civilization - e.g. Israel vs Hamas - since you have to show additional caution in order to minimize civilian causalities. I get your point though, as they are harder to spot and track down when scattered around among gigantic mountains and deep valleys. But this is a piece of cake for UAVs that lases them and F-16s that drops a couple tons of bombs ;)

it is always about the intentions; you see them as terrorists so you would prefer the one that marks them so, if you had to pick in two different news sources; but this member picked up the one that does not mark so.

You always have to be carefull with details, that always tells the truth. Otherwise , you are easy to fool.

Unfortunately, almost every European newspapers and channels refers to anyone but AQ as "rebels" until they get to taste its' bitterness themselves.

It is not about shame or other things; it is about our people and their way of thinking due to poor education.

as for the politicans and officers , since 1950 we have been living the same story; for examle , we produced our own plane in 1930, i say this because our national intellectual background was very limited, but yet we did produce them; that is because the leaders and the officers in the state were idealistic and honest people; but after their terms, we have always seen the same kind people: Demirel, Özal, Çiller, Menderes, Erdoğan etc. they have plundered the country, just remember on the eve of any election, they always give out land to people WHO illegaly built apartments there.
Bingo! Education is the keyword - our people needs to stop being like a sheep that follows the shepherd without thinking for themselves. I hope this is something that will get better in the near future.
Baykuş;4750812 said:
Bingo! Education is the keyword - our people needs to stop being like a sheep that follows the shepherd without thinking for themselves. I hope this is something that will get better in the near future.

i tell you something during the akp government; whenever they get cornered, they start to cry; fro example, just remember Erdoğan did cry in front of tv camers while explaining that so called '' kurdish opening ''.

Do you think why they always cry? i tell you. The main voters of the akp are houswives with barely educated, and then conservative muslims so on. and also if you watch any video of Cemaat leader, you will see that he does too cry while preaching people. This is very sad, because people vote for them due to their crying instead of logical explanations.

The educated people do not give that much credits than poor educated ones, Becuase emotions do not give you result, but self-satisfaction.
I love that game. Great storyline! :P

@Doritos11 Mr. Doritos! Hi! Please enlighten us now that you're here! :D

Just wait and see what happens, all arguing this does not help anyway, we don't have any power over it.
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BBC and all Western media calls the PKK, PJAK for rebels, despite being on the terrorist list. I believe this has been explained in one of the other threads long time ago.

All I can say is we need the UAV and ANKA operational and man them day and night. I truly believe the US is doing the right thing when targetting terrorist leaders with their Drone. And I mourn every innocent who loses their life in the proces, but I doubt there is any other way. Drone attacks will drain the very will to live from the terrorists because they can attack at any time, so the caves are their only option. And Cave-in are such a nice thing too. Just need to keep those UAV and ANKA flying. no need to have them armed immediately. Just have those things flying and the terrorists will sleep very bad at night.
BBC and all Western media calls the PKK, PJAK for rebels, despite being on the terrorist list. I believe this has been explained in one of the other threads long time ago.

All I can say is we need the UAV and ANKA operational and man them day and night. I truly believe the US is doing the right thing when targetting terrorist leaders with their Drone. And I mourn every innocent who loses their life in the proces, but I doubt there is any other way. Drone attacks will drain the very will to live from the terrorists because they can attack at any time, so the caves are their only option. And Cave-in are such a nice thing too. Just need to keep those UAV and ANKA flying. no need to have them armed immediately. Just have those things flying and the terrorists will sleep very bad at night.

:devil:Psychological warfare - very effective I think;
There is also evidence that the persistent surveillance and attack capabilities of drones serve as a deterrent to potential combatants and sow paranoia and distrust among terrorists groups. Warfare theorists believe that the constant surveillance and persistent attack capabilities have a striking effect on the enemy’s behavior. As a drone pilot in Iraq described it: “Anti-Iraqi forces know we are out there. They know they are constantly being watched. The fear of being caught in the act keeps a lot of would-be insurgents out of the fight.” Journalist David Rohde, who spent seven months imprisoned by the Taliban, described the paranoia among his captors following a drone strike: “They believed that a network of local informants guided the missiles. Innocent civilians were rounded up, accused of working as American spies and then executed.” Some Pakistanis in FATA have even stopped drinking Lipton tea because they believe the CIA puts homing beacons for the drones in the tea bags. This demonstrates the psychological effect weaponized drones can have on both existing and potential enemy combatants.
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