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KSA won't take any refugee,but «offers» to build 200 mosquees in Germany!

It's no different than those evangelical Christians who throng flood/earth quack affected developing countries and donate bibles to people.
Thank this man who created KSA:


You Reap What You Sow.

Lawrence love letters....lolzz

26 Oct 1934

Dear Sir,
I am very much obliged to you for the long and careful report you have sent me on your visit to Scotland with Ted; and for your kindness in agreeing to go there with the lad and look after him while he got his deserts. I am enclosing a fee of three pounds which I hope you will accept as some compensation for your trouble and inconvenience.
From what you tell me, and from the reports of those who have examined Ted since, it is clear that he had a sound thrashing, which was after all what he wanted. I hope he will take the lesson to heart, and not make it necessary for us to repeat it. Please take any chance his friendship for you gives, to impress upon him how wrong it is for him, at his age and standing, to force us to use these schoolboy measures against him. He should be ashamed to hold his head up amongst his fellows, knowing that he had suffered so humiliating and undignified a punishment. Try and drive some sense into his head. [Details of the whippings follow.] . . .
Hills [Bruce] reports that after the birching Ted cried out quite loudly, and begged for mercy. Can you confirm this, and do you recollect in what terms his plea was made? . . .
One last question, too, if you say Yes to the main principle – are we at the end of our troubles with the lad? If not, must we give Hills his free hand, or will limited measures suffice? Can Hills be trusted again, or must I look elsewhere? And in that case, do you think your friend would be available or suitable?
With further thanks for your kindness.
Believe me
Yours very sincerely,

16 November 1934

Dear Sir,
I must apologize for having taken so long to answer the additional report you were good enough to send me. Your information was exactly what I needed and I am most grateful.
You have aroused my curiosity by your remark that from your service with Ted you know something that might replace corporal punishment in making him behave himself. You must understand that this is a matter of the first importance to me and to Ted. By his wishes which I must respect, according to my promise, we are prevented from meeting; but if you can get your information on paper, you would put me further into your debt.
I note what you say about Hills, and it only confirms my own impression. You will recollect how he came to go to him this time. Ted's punishment at X had proved not enough, due to the inadequacy of a belt for use upon a grown lad, and not through any fault of yours or your friend's. Unfortunately you could not arrange another dose at the time, and while we were thinking about it Ted allowed himself to give offense upon quite another subject. It was with this second offence that Hills dealt with last month. . . .
I do not know, of course, what your hinted remedy is worth, as a corrective. If it proved effective I might save you and me from a repetition of his punishment. I gather that your friend is not yet available, and it is not fair to the lad himself to keep such a punishment hanging over him for month after month. Yet it is equally impossible for me, having solemnly promised it to him. I always do what I promise, and I have brought Ted to know it. So will you please try to take me into your confidence on this alternative; and please also enquire into the arrangements of the friend who helped you last time, so that we may fall back on him, if necessary.
Yours sincerely,

11 January 1935

Dear Sir,
Your letter showed me that I was perhaps being rather hard on Ted, by repeating that punishment at short interval. So upon reconsideration I informed him that it will be indefinitely postponed. I asked him to give you prompt notice that your help would not be immediately required. We will hold our hands and watch to see if the lad justifies this kindness.
I need not say that I am very much obliged to you for being ready to take the further responsibility. I shall call upon you with confidence if Ted again makes it necessary. Please let me correct one misapprehension in your letter, however. Unless he strips, the birch is quite ineffective. The twigs are so light that even the thinnest clothing prevents their hurting. I fully understand your reluctance to strip him; so I was making up my mind to ask you to use either your friend's jute whip (which you mentioned to me in a former letter) or a useful little dogwhip which I could send you by post.
If the emergency arises, I shall agree to Ted's coming to you in flannels.
Yours sincerely,
stop lying you fuckin sick people who has hatred towards Saudi Arabia , since the first day so far Saudi Arabia has received more than 500 thousand refugees from Syria and they have the power to stay and work , and more than 100 thousand Syrian student now in school «free» for a fuckin freeeee !! , treated them like the Saudi students in all educational and legal details, including school health .

المملكة العربية السعودية.. رائدة دعم اللاجئين السوريين | صحيفة عاجل الإلكترونية

- And also do not forget all the great supports of the refugee camps in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon


Health centers




And also all the basics of life eat , drink , clothes and place to live, etc.


No way Brother .

Oh my Gosh .
Enough with your lies. There are 500 k Syrians in Saudi Arabia who get special treatment and privileges. Not to add billions of dollars as humanitarian aids to Syrian refugees in other countries.

That's because they're not registered as refugees.

Say it aint so .
:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: you've just murdered this thread hahahaha

I wonder how many refugees Indias took in LOL ooops 0 nil zilch zero naught they dont accept starving traumatised children belonging to a certain faith yoooooooooooohoooooooooooo disgusting creatures (NOT ALL) running in on this thread with cum in there mouths .
what about as a first priority arrange for there food, clothing as winters is approaching is europe.Then housing, health issue needs to be addressed

Bregs how do you always speak sense in every thread you post .
You Sir need to be granted TTA as your my favourite poster on this forum & am proud to call you Brother
Well, to expect that Saudi Arabia is going to invest in medical research or in science education or in anything good is unrealistic in my opinion.

Saudi Arabia will continue to fund the global Wahabist movement because as an artificial state with an absolutist dictatorial structure created and protected by European powers, it needs to export its entropy to the rest of the Muslim world in order to keep things sane at home. They have had huge success in Europe already. In places like France, Germany and UK while the Turkish, Iranian and Sufi funding for Islamic centers were banned by European authorities, mostly on political grounds in order to teach Turkey, Iran and other countries a "lesson", the Saudis were welcomed in as a Western ally, in order to create Islamic centers "educating" the next generation of European Muslims.

We are seeing the result of this policy in terms of European recruits of Isis today.

If Germany allows Saudis to do as this news says, then it only means one thing. This is all per the plan. Part of a long term policy of Wahabization of Muslim communities in Europe for use as dirty troops doing the dirty things in faraway lands. Things that are so dirty, Europe can not do directly. Things such as creating "moderate rebels" to dismantle countries such as Libya or Syria. Things such as creating "freedom fighters" to put pressure on countries such as China or Russia.

Let's not forget that, Saudi Arabia is the BFF of Europe. Saudi regime can not survive even for three weeks if not for the Western protection provided to it.
Bregs how do you always speak sense in every thread you post .
You Sir need to be granted TTA as your my favourite poster on this forum & am proud to call you Brother

Thanks bro for your nice words, i see positive sides of all problems now an incident in my life changed me couple of years back
Instead of wasting all these funds on mosques in Germany, Saudi Arabia should invest in it's own infrastructure and people...create jobs perhaps?
The leftists will jump up and ask saudi to build 2000 instead of 200. The only outcome is strengthening of far right and a blood bath.
Lawrence love letters....lolzz

26 Oct 1934

Dear Sir,
I am very much obliged to you for the long and careful report you have sent me on your visit to Scotland with Ted; and for your kindness in agreeing to go there with the lad and look after him while he got his deserts. I am enclosing a fee of three pounds which I hope you will accept as some compensation for your trouble and inconvenience.
From what you tell me, and from the reports of those who have examined Ted since, it is clear that he had a sound thrashing, which was after all what he wanted. I hope he will take the lesson to heart, and not make it necessary for us to repeat it. Please take any chance his friendship for you gives, to impress upon him how wrong it is for him, at his age and standing, to force us to use these schoolboy measures against him. He should be ashamed to hold his head up amongst his fellows, knowing that he had suffered so humiliating and undignified a punishment. Try and drive some sense into his head. [Details of the whippings follow.] . . .
Hills [Bruce] reports that after the birching Ted cried out quite loudly, and begged for mercy. Can you confirm this, and do you recollect in what terms his plea was made? . . .
One last question, too, if you say Yes to the main principle – are we at the end of our troubles with the lad? If not, must we give Hills his free hand, or will limited measures suffice? Can Hills be trusted again, or must I look elsewhere? And in that case, do you think your friend would be available or suitable?
With further thanks for your kindness.
Believe me
Yours very sincerely,

16 November 1934

Dear Sir,
I must apologize for having taken so long to answer the additional report you were good enough to send me. Your information was exactly what I needed and I am most grateful.
You have aroused my curiosity by your remark that from your service with Ted you know something that might replace corporal punishment in making him behave himself. You must understand that this is a matter of the first importance to me and to Ted. By his wishes which I must respect, according to my promise, we are prevented from meeting; but if you can get your information on paper, you would put me further into your debt.
I note what you say about Hills, and it only confirms my own impression. You will recollect how he came to go to him this time. Ted's punishment at X had proved not enough, due to the inadequacy of a belt for use upon a grown lad, and not through any fault of yours or your friend's. Unfortunately you could not arrange another dose at the time, and while we were thinking about it Ted allowed himself to give offense upon quite another subject. It was with this second offence that Hills dealt with last month. . . .
I do not know, of course, what your hinted remedy is worth, as a corrective. If it proved effective I might save you and me from a repetition of his punishment. I gather that your friend is not yet available, and it is not fair to the lad himself to keep such a punishment hanging over him for month after month. Yet it is equally impossible for me, having solemnly promised it to him. I always do what I promise, and I have brought Ted to know it. So will you please try to take me into your confidence on this alternative; and please also enquire into the arrangements of the friend who helped you last time, so that we may fall back on him, if necessary.
Yours sincerely,

11 January 1935

Dear Sir,
Your letter showed me that I was perhaps being rather hard on Ted, by repeating that punishment at short interval. So upon reconsideration I informed him that it will be indefinitely postponed. I asked him to give you prompt notice that your help would not be immediately required. We will hold our hands and watch to see if the lad justifies this kindness.
I need not say that I am very much obliged to you for being ready to take the further responsibility. I shall call upon you with confidence if Ted again makes it necessary. Please let me correct one misapprehension in your letter, however. Unless he strips, the birch is quite ineffective. The twigs are so light that even the thinnest clothing prevents their hurting. I fully understand your reluctance to strip him; so I was making up my mind to ask you to use either your friend's jute whip (which you mentioned to me in a former letter) or a useful little dogwhip which I could send you by post.
If the emergency arises, I shall agree to Ted's coming to you in flannels.
Yours sincerely,
Lawrence was with the Hashemites not the Al Sauds. The two were better enemies.
Have you ever seen a Saudi funded mosque?
I respect your concerns and sympathies with it, whats happening there is not pretty and I wish Europe wakes up to the reality before it's too late. My simple point was that evangelists are equally disrespectful to local culture and religion when it comes to such crisis in developing world.

Will india also boycott any assistance and work with the Saudis and arabs???
assistance yes ... but please elaborate on work.

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