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KSA won't take any refugee,but «offers» to build 200 mosquees in Germany!

This will definitely help simmer down the tensions. :hitwall: It’s like we Muslims have no common sense and are totally clueless on how the world perceives us.
Amazing work. So rather than giving muslims shelter in your own home they are building them a 100 mosque in a foreign nation who is currently creating a propaganda of a Muslim invasion. Yeah those hundred mosques will definitely not streghten the believe of a cultural invasion that is starting to take shape in the minds of Europeans.

Why mosques ? Why not hospitals, shelter , food points , heck an entire housing colony where they have all the things. What would refugees find in a mosque who have seen their families cut apart by terror groups and armies. Would these mosques provide medical , schooling, a shelter room for all and clothes? If so then its great and if not then its meaningless.

This shows how pathetic the leadership of Arabia is. Can't do anything apart from funding terrorists organization who have created this issue.
They need food and shelters. But Muslims priorities are different from other world. They wants to invade EU or something???

No, the KSA priorities are for sure different. Don't come here but pray there, kind a thing.

This is the classic Arab World mindset who won't even spare this huge tragic incident to promote their religion. This offer shows what are the current priorities for the Arab World.:disagree::disagree:

They should also give each a gun, 2000 bullets, 200 grenades & a terror manual to each to promote Islam...:lol::lol::rofl::rofl:

Ever tried selling your brain on eBay will fetch you a good price, it must be spanking brand new.
Thank this man who created KSA:


You Reap What You Sow.
What an Irony.. Muslims are not allowed to live from where Islam start.:cray::cray:
Pathetic.. Not a single mosque should be built!!! The Hypocrisy is sickening!!!
this refugees need food shelter money jobs
good you dont host them but dont come out say this staff and make more problem
this kind of news will anger the host countries
the GCC really thinks money solves everything

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