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KSA wants to barter oil against land lease for plantation from Pakistan.

I love Pakistani Urdu Media They create News out of Thin Air and sit back and watch it turn into a full grown Fire.Most members here are fully aware that this isn't any thing more then a brain fart but hey what ever makes you happy.

Last checked Saudis wanted to buy land nothing to do with free oil for lease but leave it to Paudies they will take negative Arab move against Pakistan and Make it look like once in a life time golden opportunity.

After the first oil-price run-up of 1973-74, the Saudi rulers decided that they needed to protect themselves against a reverse boycott by the farming superpowers, and so they poured immense resources into a wheat self-sufficiency program. When it began, the government offered farmers an exorbitant SR3,500 (US$933) per ton, many times higher than the market price. That amount was then reduced to a still-princely SR1,000 ($267) per ton.
Over the three decades, the program massively depleted both the government's finances and water resources without ever being in any way necessary, for the farming powers never had any intention of blockading the kingdom. Also, the smuggling of wheat into Saudia became a big business (especially from nearby Egypt, where the government makes wheat available at lower-than-market prices.)

The changes will take place gradually. At this time, Saudi farmers turn out 2.5 million tons a year of durum and soft wheat, which suffices to meet domestic demand. Agriculture and finance ministries announced that government purchases of locally-produced wheat will go down by 12.5 percent annually each year for eight years, until it weans itself off the high-priced local produce in 2016. (January 9, 2008)

July 21, 2008 update: Ironically, just as the Saudis gave up on their wheat program, the jump in food prices is prompting neighboring countries to grow their own crops, Andrew Martin writes in "Mideast Facing Choice between Crops and Water":
Once the dams are built, we will have KSA by their balls as well.
10 billion barrels or 250, 000 barrels? Make your mind.

dude...the deal goes for 99 years...right?

250,000 barrels everyday for 99 years. Do your math

ISLAMABAD: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has made a significant offer to its ally country for provision of 250,000 barrel oil daily against price of 100,000 acres agriculture land in Pakistan.

Saudi Arabian authorities have formally sent its multi-million offer to the Pakistani officials due to increasing shortage of water in their country.

According to KSA notification, Saudi Arabia would close self-production of wheat and other food products by 2016 keeping in view of severe shortage of water.

However, Saudi government decided for a commodities exchange in accordance to barter system with its ally country before launching of new food policy, local newspaper reported.

The written offer has been forwarded to the Secretary Defence Lieutenant General Asif Yaseen Malik and Secretary Cabinet Sami Saeed.

The reports claimed that Saudi Arabian government seemed serious over its decision to purchase 10 million acres of rich land in Pakistan on lease of 99 years.

We should asked SA to construct Bhasha Dam and then we will give you 200,000 acres agriculture land, till then we will give you 100,000 acres of land currently used in agriculture and after completion of Bhasha dam we will give you land with 99 year lease + 250,000 barrel oil daily
dude...the deal goes for 99 years...right?

250,000 barrels everyday for 99 years. Do your math

Something will be very wrong if world still need petrol 99 years from now. If there is any deal then it should be on basis of 50 years.
Something will be very wrong if world still need petrol 99 years from now. If there is any deal then it should be on basis of 50 years.

World will need oil..but the ratio will change.

For example, say, today, 80% of cars and industries require oil to run..in future, the number would come down to say 50% of even 40% etc..but oil will continue to serve humanity atleast by 2100..unless we discover a radical new technology or energy resource.

I was watching ARAMCO CEO's interview and he said that his company already have plans and details of what would be the oil production in next century and so on...lol...
What Pakistan Gets:
Cost of Barrel of Oil $112 / Barrel
Oil being offered 250000 barrels
Net value of Deal 28 Million Dollars / Day
10 Billion per year good deal for Pakistan

What Saudis Gets: (They must pay for rental of land )
100000 Acres
Cost of 1 Acre 100000 USD (1 Crore Rupee) is average farming land in Pakistan

Second component is the Goods made from the land almost 100 Billion considering if Saudis use modern farming techniques

Net value : 10 Billion Dollars (The goods produced on land might be sold for 100 Billion), the value of land rental alone is equal to oil value

  • I think the deal is good provided Pakistan gets 30% of food generated for Local markets by Pakistan Agricultural Entity.
  • And for water to the Land Saudis helps construct a Water Dam/ Canal project
  • Local people must be trained to work on the facilities
Ideally land location in Baluchistan area is idea


Conservative Case:
If the land generates 100 Billion in food goods

The land generates 70 Billion for Saudis , and 30 Billion is share for Pakistan

That is after the oil vs land barter deal

Saudis will recover their invested 10 Billion and turn it into 60 Billion Profit and for Pakistan that is a cool 30 Billion profit

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