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KP to be the first to have human rights directorate


Sep 7, 2010
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K-P to be the first to have human rights directorate

After a much-hailed Right to Information law, the provincial government aims to establish a human rights directorate, the first of its kind in the country, to help address citizens’ complaints.
Talking to The Express Tribune, a high-ranking government official said the premise behind setting up the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Human Rights Directorate is to help people get their complaints redressed in time. He added that the directorate will be set up through a governor’s ordinance called the K-P Human Rights Directorate Act and that it was a unique step which has not been taken by any other province yet. “Anyone’s complaint against any individual, institution or official will be addressed through the directorate,” he said.

“When a citizen lodges a complaint regarding any issue they confront, the head of the directorate would act as a complainant and process the case accordingly,” he said, adding that the law will only cover K-P.


An official familiar with the matter said the K-P Human Rights Directorate will function as part of the provincial law department. Explaining the broad contours of the law, he said “The director will look into the nature of the complaint and decide as to which competent court or legal forum would hear the case,” he said.

“The law, besides envisaging the protection of rights of citizens, will help towards tightening the noose around government officials to be mindful of citizens’ rights to immediate redressing of their problems.”

Furthermore, an official at the Governor’s House confirmed that the ordinance had been signed by the K-P governor and would be presented for approval in the provincial assembly during its next session.

By law, the ordinance should be approved by the house within 90 days or it will expire, he added.

Chief minister’s spokesperson Shiraz Paracha said the setting up of the human rights directorate should be viewed as part of a series of laws passed by the K-P government to establish a checks and balances system. He added that similar steps taken by the government include the Right to Information law, Ehtisab (accountability) Commission and the formulation of conflict of interest laws in the province.

“All these laws and the human rights directorate are part of a larger scheme with the sole aim of empowering citizens,” claimed Paracha.

The spokesperson further said the idea of developing a law which would set up a human rights directorate in K-P was initially conceived by late law minister Israrullah Gandapur who was killed in a suicide attack in October this year.

“It was later formulated by the provincial law secretary through the directives of the chief minister,” he shared.

Innovative plans: K-P to be the first to have human rights directorate – The Express Tribune

Israr Gandapur will be remembered, always. Respect to the fallen soldier for his idea of developing human rights directorate.

may Allah swt grant you janat ul firdous, Amen !

@Jazzbot @Aeronaut @nuclearpak @Pukhtoon @chuvunist @Spring Onion @RescueRanger @Aamna14 @A.Rafay @Peaceful Civilian @pkuser2k12

Great step by KP gov, i hope the others will follow suit. We need healthy competetion between provincial govts.
Great idea. KPK Government is on the right track. Also , KPK Govt. should put more teeth in its Zero Tolerance Police against Corruption.
Ordinance empowers KP rights directorate

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government on Friday promulgated an ordinance to empower the provincial directorate of human rights to deal with human rights-related issues.

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Promotion, Protection and Enforcement of Human Rights Ordinance, 2013 empowered the provincial directorate of human rights to conduct inquiry into and investigate human rights violations in the province and provide adequate relief to the aggrieved persons.

The provincial law, parliamentary affairs and human rights department, which notified the ordinance, elaborated on the powers and functions of the directorate. According to the ordinance, the directorate will review the human rights situation and promote, protect and enforce human rights in the province.

Rule 5 of the ordinance says the directorate will obtain information, documents and reports on complaints and allegations of human rights violations from the government departments and other agencies.

The directorate will establish regional offices in all districts of the province or entrust to any officer working in the district to perform such functions as may be entrusted to him through notification under the ordinance.

The provincial directorate will formulate, implement and regularly update policies to protect human rights.

It will also assist in any proceedings involving any allegation of violation of human rights pending before a court and will coordinate activities of the government departments in respect of human rights.

Under the ordinance, staff of the directorate will be able to visit any jail or any institution or place under the control of the government, where convicts or other under trial prisoners or other persons lodged or detained for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provision of the jail manual and other applicable laws relating to the inmates are being compiled with.

It covers human rights violations involving the provincial government departments and entities. However it does not cover federal government entities including law enforcement agencies and investigation agencies operating in the province. The agencies largely attached to the federal government and accused of violations involving human rights, including missing persons, are outside the purview of the law in the province.

Under the ordinance, nongovernmental organisations working in the field of human rights will be registered with the directorate and will provide complete annual record of their functions and activities to the directorate in the prescribed manner.

“The government through a notification may constitute an advisory committee consisting of human rights activists, civil society organisations, religious opinion makers, members of bar council/associations members of local councils and such other representatives of government as may be concerned with the functions of the directorate for such a period as may be determined.”

The ordinance says, “The directorate while inquiring the complaints of violation of human rights may call for information or report from any agency or other authority or organization of government within such time as may be specified by it, provided that if the information or report is not received within the times stipulated by the directorate, it may proceed to inquire into the complaint on its own.”

Ordinance empowers KP rights directorate - DAWN.COM

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