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Korean audiences complain Chinese child circus as child abuse.

for once I agree with you. China should get rid of these circuses. It's bad form to force children into performances like these. It stunts their growth and prevents them from pursuing real life opportunities, like an education.

These kids should be forceably taken out of the care of the circus owners, and the owners should be sued and their takes confiscated and put towards the children's future.
Every child in China must have nine years of compulsory education,besides of circus and kung fu,
the circus schools and kung fu schools teach students everything that the ordinary school teaches.
If the students think he is not gifted and won't have a good prospect they can quit and enter the ordinary
It is strange that you don't know the basic Chinese education law.
Every child in China must have nine years of compulsory education,besides of circus and kung fu,
the circus schools and kung fu schools teach students everything that the ordinary school teaches.

This is why the circus manager says these circus children are better off than other normal children as they receive individualized instructions, while their peers are crammed into a room with 60 other children and are in a survival of the fittest and the fattest bribes situation.

Shut you BS mouth up you disgusting Taibazi or bangzi。
Chinese should be ashamed that it was Koreans protesting for the well-being of these children and not Chinese.
lol ok then, but it is quite disgusting how the Chinese continue to encourage poaching of rare species, disgraceful and disgusting they eat the fetus of animals, wow just a disgusting place where things like that are encouraged etc.
I won't say French are disgusting because they east snails or goose liver。
but I do find you disgusting from your comments ,Mr French or Mr False Flag:azn:
Those are Japanese breed dogs, namely Akita and Tosa breed dogs.

Korean breed dogs are banned from getting slaughtered with a prison-term and tens of thousands of dollars in fines, Japanese breed dogs get no such protection unfortunately.
:lol: yeah the Korean dog breeds are superior to the Japanese dog breeds

Sounds like somebody's grandma had a little bit too much sex during the Japanese occupation.

LOL at Korean inferiority complex!
:lol: yeah the Korean dog breeds are superior to the Japanese dog breeds

Sounds like somebody's grandma had a little bit too much sex during the Japanese occupation.

LOL at Korean inferiority complex!

And your still need to take your medicine like good person in rehab!
lol ok then, but it is quite disgusting how the Chinese continue to encourage poaching of rare species, disgraceful and disgusting they eat the fetus of animals, wow just a disgusting place where things like that are encouraged etc.

Wow a child circus? That is a disgrace, but that is just one among the many disgraces of the Chinese state.

let the parents and the adult circus members to speak on their early entrance into the career before we pass judgements.

ps:are your ancesters from india?
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