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Kolkata tops Indian cities in public transport: Study

LOL. Sorry to rain on your parade, but what it really means is that most people in Kolkata is too poor to either own a car or use it for daily commuting.

Worse still they rely on slave labor by employing cycle rickshaws.

There are lies, damn lies and statistics. :P

Eh? Most people in India are too poor to own a car. However Kolkata has it's fair share of cars which is comparable to other metros. Cycle riskshaws aren't allowed in main city and every other city in India has it. Are you from Mars or what?

I work on a leading multinational with a respectable salary and I don't have a car. My wife has one but we rarely use it.

I don't have anything against Bengalis or Bangalis .... but irrespective of the border they all suck !!!
You don't have anything against Bengalis and just in the next breath you declared they all suck! Are you schizophrenic?

high res pictures please
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