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You mean Iran ???

That's the only terrorist regime besides Assad, in the region.
yeah i mean iran , the northern neighbor of kobane

and "the only terrorist in the region is iran and syria" is the exact same thing someone from a terrorist regime would say .

next ...
like this one.

'Afghan' in Syria: Iranians pay us to fight for Assad

NCRI – A video obtained by CNN from Syrian rebels shows a prisoner that doesn't speak Arabic, but mutters in Dari, the language spoken mainly in Afghanistan.

The prisoner says: "My name is Sayed Ahmad Hussaini. The Iranians pay people like me to come here [Syria] and fight. I am from Afghanistan and I am an immigrant in Iran. The Iranians brought us to Syria to fight”. “I don't want to fight anymore," he adds.

He says he wants to go home and that he was paid about $500 a month to fight. There are many Afghan immigrants in Iran, trying to find some shelter from the decades of war that have torn apart their land. He says he was trained and then sent to assist the regime.

CNN sent a photojournalist to eastern Afghanistan to follow up on reports of Iranian regime agents recruiting mercenaries to fight for the regime.

According to the report by CNN, in one village, four men who did not want their identity or location revealed, said they had just returned from training in Iran. There, they were taken to a police station, blindfolded, and taken to a training camp where they were shown tactics and light to medium weapons.

The men spoke in great detail about their experiences and were able to show the Iranian bank cards through which they will be paid their $500 to $1000 salaries a month. Other villagers confirmed their stories.
On man said: "Before this we used to be part of the Taliban in Afghanistan, but after our disagreements caused tensions among us, we left the Taliban and went to Iran. We are going there to fight. Either we will be killed or will be back with the monthly salary that the Iranians have promised to give us."

The Wall Street Journal, also citing Western and Afghan officials, reported in May that Afghan refugees who agree to fight in Syria are granted residency in Iran and $500 a month.

Over the past month there has been a rise in burials held in Iran for those killed fighting in Syria. That included many Afghans.

Last month five men who had been dispatched to Syria were killed while fighting for Bashar al-Assad and were buried in the Iranian city of Qum.

The five men, Issa Hosseini, Raaouf Shaabani, Gholam Mohammad Ahmadi, Mustafa Khademi and Hadi Salimi were all citizens of Afghanistan.

Iranian regime pays Afghans to fight for Assad in Syria

is a kind of terrorism
Last edited:
like this one.

'Afghan' in Syria: Iranians pay us to fight for Assad

NCRI – A video obtained by CNN from Syrian rebels shows a prisoner that doesn't speak Arabic, but mutters in Dari, the language spoken mainly in Afghanistan.

The prisoner says: "My name is Sayed Ahmad Hussaini. The Iranians pay people like me to come here [Syria] and fight. I am from Afghanistan and I am an immigrant in Iran. The Iranians brought us to Syria to fight”. “I don't want to fight anymore," he adds.

He says he wants to go home and that he was paid about $500 a month to fight. There are many Afghan immigrants in Iran, trying to find some shelter from the decades of war that have torn apart their land. He says he was trained and then sent to assist the regime.

CNN sent a photojournalist to eastern Afghanistan to follow up on reports of Iranian regime agents recruiting mercenaries to fight for the regime.

According to the report by CNN, in one village, four men who did not want their identity or location revealed, said they had just returned from training in Iran. There, they were taken to a police station, blindfolded, and taken to a training camp where they were shown tactics and light to medium weapons.

The men spoke in great detail about their experiences and were able to show the Iranian bank cards through which they will be paid their $500 to $1000 salaries a month. Other villagers confirmed their stories.
On man said: "Before this we used to be part of the Taliban in Afghanistan, but after our disagreements caused tensions among us, we left the Taliban and went to Iran. We are going there to fight. Either we will be killed or will be back with the monthly salary that the Iranians have promised to give us."

The Wall Street Journal, also citing Western and Afghan officials, reported in May that Afghan refugees who agree to fight in Syria are granted residency in Iran and $500 a month.

Over the past month there has been a rise in burials held in Iran for those killed fighting in Syria. That included many Afghans.

Last month five men who had been dispatched to Syria were killed while fighting for Bashar al-Assad and were buried in the Iranian city of Qum.

The five men, Issa Hosseini, Raaouf Shaabani, Gholam Mohammad Ahmadi, Mustafa Khademi and Hadi Salimi were all citizens of Afghanistan.

Iranian regime pays Afghans to fight for Assad in Syria

is a kind of terrorism
Poor Afghans, they are being used by the Farsi regime in Iran as cannon fodder. Mostly these Afghans are from poor and rural people. They don't know any better. They get some money and get tricked to die far away from home. Somewhere they shouldn't be.
You all keep using wiki as a source...Anybody can write in Wiki and anybody can change the content...

I don't wanna spend much time. Once i posted various sources but i don't wanna do it again.
NATO member Turkey is providing direct intelligence and logistical support to the ISIS terrorist organization, according to a senior Egyptian security official speaking to WND.

The official said Egypt has information Turkish intelligence is passing to ISIS satellite imagery and other data, with particular emphasis on exposing to ISIS jihadists the positions of Kurdish fighters and the storage locations of their weapons and munitions.

The official confirmed reports that Turkey released ISIS terrorists from jail in a sweeping deal with the jihadist organization that saw the release of 49 hostages from the Turkish embassy in Mosul who were being held by ISIS.

While some news media reports say Turkey may have released at least 180 ISIS terrorists in the deal, including two British jihadists, the Egyptian official said the number of ISIS terrorists released by Turkey was closer to 700.

Tensions between the Turkish government and its Kurdish population have been high as Kurds have sought autonomy for three decades and have faced mass ISIS attacks.

Kurdish forces have been leading a military campaign targeting ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

On Tuesday, Kurdish protesters demanding help in the fight against ISIS clashed with police in Turkey, leaving at least 14 people dead and scores injured, according to reports.

The Egyptian information about Turkey’s alleged role in providing support to ISIS seems to bolster accusations against Turkey and Arab allies made last week by Vice President Joseph Biden.

It was reported Biden last weekend apologized to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for “any implication” that Turkey or Arab allies had intentionally supplied weapons to ISIS or helped in the growth other Islamic jihadist groups in Syria, according to the White House.

One week ago, Biden told an audience at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government that ISIS had been inadvertently strengthened by actions taken by Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Arab allies who were supporting the insurgency against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Biden further implied Turkey, the UAE and other Arab countries were supplying weapons to al-Qaida and its offshoots in Syria, including the al-Nusra front.

“They poured hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad,” Biden told students. “Except that the people who were being supplied were al-Nusra and al-Qaida and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world.

“We could not convince our colleagues to stop supplying them,” Biden said.

Regarding Turkey’s alleged role, Biden said, “President Erdogan told me, he’s an old friend, said, ‘You were right. We let too many people (including foreign fighters) through.’ Now they are trying to seal their border.”

Erdogan told reporters he vehemently denied making such a statement.

Read more at Turkey ‘providing direct support’ to ISIS
NATO member Turkey is providing direct intelligence and logistical support to the ISIS terrorist organization, according to a senior Egyptian security official speaking to WND.

The official said Egypt has information Turkish intelligence is passing to ISIS satellite imagery and other data, with particular emphasis on exposing to ISIS jihadists the positions of Kurdish fighters and the storage locations of their weapons and munitions.

The official confirmed reports that Turkey released ISIS terrorists from jail in a sweeping deal with the jihadist organization that saw the release of 49 hostages from the Turkish embassy in Mosul who were being held by ISIS.

While some news media reports say Turkey may have released at least 180 ISIS terrorists in the deal, including two British jihadists, the Egyptian official said the number of ISIS terrorists released by Turkey was closer to 700.

Tensions between the Turkish government and its Kurdish population have been high as Kurds have sought autonomy for three decades and have faced mass ISIS attacks.

Kurdish forces have been leading a military campaign targeting ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

On Tuesday, Kurdish protesters demanding help in the fight against ISIS clashed with police in Turkey, leaving at least 14 people dead and scores injured, according to reports.

The Egyptian information about Turkey’s alleged role in providing support to ISIS seems to bolster accusations against Turkey and Arab allies made last week by Vice President Joseph Biden.

It was reported Biden last weekend apologized to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for “any implication” that Turkey or Arab allies had intentionally supplied weapons to ISIS or helped in the growth other Islamic jihadist groups in Syria, according to the White House.

One week ago, Biden told an audience at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government that ISIS had been inadvertently strengthened by actions taken by Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Arab allies who were supporting the insurgency against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Biden further implied Turkey, the UAE and other Arab countries were supplying weapons to al-Qaida and its offshoots in Syria, including the al-Nusra front.

“They poured hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad,” Biden told students. “Except that the people who were being supplied were al-Nusra and al-Qaida and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world.

“We could not convince our colleagues to stop supplying them,” Biden said.

Regarding Turkey’s alleged role, Biden said, “President Erdogan told me, he’s an old friend, said, ‘You were right. We let too many people (including foreign fighters) through.’ Now they are trying to seal their border.”

Erdogan told reporters he vehemently denied making such a statement.

Read more at Turkey ‘providing direct support’ to ISIS
Yeah im sure a Egyptian anonymous security official of SISI is very credible regarding Turkey, he should better care for his own Jihadists instead of throwing mud to others.
NATO member Turkey is providing direct intelligence and logistical support to the ISIS terrorist organization, according to a senior Egyptian security official speaking to WND.

The official said Egypt has information Turkish intelligence is passing to ISIS satellite imagery and other data, with particular emphasis on exposing to ISIS jihadists the positions of Kurdish fighters and the storage locations of their weapons and munitions.

The official confirmed reports that Turkey released ISIS terrorists from jail in a sweeping deal with the jihadist organization that saw the release of 49 hostages from the Turkish embassy in Mosul who were being held by ISIS.

While some news media reports say Turkey may have released at least 180 ISIS terrorists in the deal, including two British jihadists, the Egyptian official said the number of ISIS terrorists released by Turkey was closer to 700.

Tensions between the Turkish government and its Kurdish population have been high as Kurds have sought autonomy for three decades and have faced mass ISIS attacks.

Kurdish forces have been leading a military campaign targeting ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

On Tuesday, Kurdish protesters demanding help in the fight against ISIS clashed with police in Turkey, leaving at least 14 people dead and scores injured, according to reports.

The Egyptian information about Turkey’s alleged role in providing support to ISIS seems to bolster accusations against Turkey and Arab allies made last week by Vice President Joseph Biden.

It was reported Biden last weekend apologized to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for “any implication” that Turkey or Arab allies had intentionally supplied weapons to ISIS or helped in the growth other Islamic jihadist groups in Syria, according to the White House.

One week ago, Biden told an audience at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government that ISIS had been inadvertently strengthened by actions taken by Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Arab allies who were supporting the insurgency against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Biden further implied Turkey, the UAE and other Arab countries were supplying weapons to al-Qaida and its offshoots in Syria, including the al-Nusra front.

“They poured hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad,” Biden told students. “Except that the people who were being supplied were al-Nusra and al-Qaida and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world.

“We could not convince our colleagues to stop supplying them,” Biden said.

Regarding Turkey’s alleged role, Biden said, “President Erdogan told me, he’s an old friend, said, ‘You were right. We let too many people (including foreign fighters) through.’ Now they are trying to seal their border.”

Erdogan told reporters he vehemently denied making such a statement.

Read more at Turkey ‘providing direct support’ to ISIS

Yeah, ofcourse as always,no name, no source, no proof. Just baseless accusations.
Here u going u lowlife lying rats. besides, it's Kurdish land. The restaurant was Kurdish owned, Riha is a Kurdish province. People throw rocks at your army and police, they hate the criminal occupiers that has done nothing but killing Kurds since the begining of the 20th century while the people of Northern Kurdistan adores, throws roses and raises their voice for the Kurdish Army.


  • Daily Sabah
  • Updated : 31.10.2014 18:05:53
  • Published : 31.10.2014 14:56:34


ISTANBUL — Hürriyet daily reported on Friday that peshmerga fighters who were set to cross to Syria through Turkey to battle ISIS in Kobani left a Turkish restaurant without paying the bill, a claim which was later refuted by the staffers of the restaurant.

According to the false report published in Hürriyet daily, the peshmerga fighters stopped off late Wednesday at the Demirol motorway services restaurant just outside the city of Şanlıurfa as they travelled from Iraq through Turkey to the border with Syria and left the restaurant without paying the bill.

However, the authorities of the restaurant later spoke to a Turkish news channel, NTV, denying the allegations that Iraqi fighters did not pay for their meal.

A staff member working at the restaurant allegedly reported the incident to the daily which reportedly published the controversial story basing it on the view of the personnel. The remaining staffers claimed no such incident occurred.

Hürriyet's article claimed the total bill was 1040 Turkish Liras, a statement which was later found to be untrue as the picture of the receipt published online revealed that the total amount of the bill was 979 Turkish Liras and was 'paid' by the Iraqi fighters.

Another detail of the false story which was later proved wrong was the number of the fighters who had a meal at the restaurant. The report said there were 80 peshmerga fighters in the restaurant, a piece of information which later turned out to be false as well.

According to NTV, the bill was paid by the officials from the governorate who accompanied the fighters.
Here u going u lowlife lying rats. besides, it's Kurdish land. The restaurant was Kurdish owned, Riha is a Kurdish province. People throw rocks at your army and police, they hate the criminal occupiers that has done nothing but killing Kurds since the begining of the 20th century while the people of Northern Kurdistan adores, throws roses and raises their voice for the Kurdish Army.


  • Daily Sabah
  • Updated : 31.10.2014 18:05:53
  • Published : 31.10.2014 14:56:34


ISTANBUL — Hürriyet daily reported on Friday that peshmerga fighters who were set to cross to Syria through Turkey to battle ISIS in Kobani left a Turkish restaurant without paying the bill, a claim which was later refuted by the staffers of the restaurant.

According to the false report published in Hürriyet daily, the peshmerga fighters stopped off late Wednesday at the Demirol motorway services restaurant just outside the city of Şanlıurfa as they travelled from Iraq through Turkey to the border with Syria and left the restaurant without paying the bill.

However, the authorities of the restaurant later spoke to a Turkish news channel, NTV, denying the allegations that Iraqi fighters did not pay for their meal.

A staff member working at the restaurant allegedly reported the incident to the daily which reportedly published the controversial story basing it on the view of the personnel. The remaining staffers claimed no such incident occurred.

Hürriyet's article claimed the total bill was 1040 Turkish Liras, a statement which was later found to be untrue as the picture of the receipt published online revealed that the total amount of the bill was 979 Turkish Liras and was 'paid' by the Iraqi fighters.

Another detail of the false story which was later proved wrong was the number of the fighters who had a meal at the restaurant. The report said there were 80 peshmerga fighters in the restaurant, a piece of information which later turned out to be false as well.

According to NTV, the bill was paid by the officials from the governorate who accompanied the fighters.

Save your breath mate.... you already showed the image of the bill which has been paid by interior ministry. :lol:

Also, you didn't paid the gas price for your vehicles again Turkish state paid it. :disagree:

Also; "the authorities of the restaurant"

^^^^ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: what authority in the restaurant. :lol:

cry me a river :(
Why ?
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