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Knee-jerk reaction by Imran Khan on Dera Ismail Khan Jailbreak


Sep 7, 2010
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This piece is in response to the knee-jerk reaction by Imran Khan wherein he “raised serious questions over last week’s jailbreak in Dera Ismail Khan and called for introspection by all institutions of the state”, in particular the Army.

A natural response to these questions would be; whose government is there in KPK? Who is the senior most executive there in the Province and the prime responsibility of maintaining law and order rests with whom?

The answer is simple – Chief Minister KPK, read the government of PTI!

There was a time when good leaders were said to possess the moral courage to own their failures, but perhaps, those were good times. The fashion, this time, is the opposite – transfer the blame to others, and this is precisely what Imran Khan has done.

The “introspection by all institutions of the state” part of the statement is somewhat well taken; we all ought to question how a jailbreak could take place when there was a precedence of the same (the kind of introspection I am talking about is dealt with later). However, including a mysterious “army division” into the circle of ‘accused’ is not understood, and here is why:

There is no ‘army division’ in DI Khan, only the skeleton Headquarters (HQ) of an Infantry Division resides there with (all of) its combat elements i.e. brigades actively engaged in fighting around Tank, Jandola etc.

The positioning of this division “HQ” at DI Khan is not permanent (it is not its actual location); it is only there as forces under its command are engaged in operations ahead.

DI Khan is not included in the IS (Internal Security) AOR (Area of Responsibility) of this division “HQ” i.e. this division is not primarily responsible for security of Dl Khan. To elaborate further:

Each field formation of Pakistan Army is responsible for certain administrative division/districts, called IS AORs of the concerned division where its under command units would act in case of natural calamities like floods, earthquakes or other tasks like elections duties or when called in Aid of Civil Power for security reasons.

This division did undertake the election duties during Election 2013 in addition to its primary IS duties at its peace location (location not disclosed). But then, that was when the government had requisitioned the Army to assist for GE-2013.

Central Jail DI Khan is the baby of Prison Department, KPK and not that of the Army:

The above-mentioned facts now beg a few questions:

Where is the anti-terrorism policy we all have been talking about? Being part of a uniformed organization, I can assure you that GOC of this so called division at DI Khan, IG KPK, IG Prisons, KPK or IG FC KPK cannot formulate this policy at their own. However, someone senior to them and the one to whom these people are answerable to, has to formulate this policy by ‘making’ these commanders sit together. That guy is none other than CM KPK a.k.a government of KPK. So dare I ask; what has he done so far in this regards?

A rep of PTI was seen yesterday telling us on live TV that the Police is not supposed to fight back in case of a terrorist attack. Right, so why not we just hand over every prison, bank, government offices etc to the Army?

How much budget did government of KPK allocate to equip its LEAs? Alternatively, did it ask for more if it was short on it?

Is even terrorism on Imran Khan’s top agendas?

What directions/policy, if any, did Imran Khan and his party give to its LEAs to fight terrorism?

Gen Kiyani had already said that terrorism is our real enemy, it is the internal threats that we face today that need our attention – it is our war! Wasn’t this how we wanted the role of Army to be in our national policymaking – discreet and passive? Or maybe we want to go back to square one where the Army ‘ran’ the country from behind the scenes? Nevertheless, the real question is what our elected leaders have done in this regard so far;

We are still unclear about whose war it is.

We are unable to gather an APC since the past 3 months to discuss the terrorism policy.

Some of us still want to talk with the enemy (I do not mind talking, but this has to be collective decision).

We are divided on who are the good Talibans and who are not.

Believe me, this is not how nations fight the menace of terrorism.

And a word of caution for those who would now ask the Army to do it (policy making) for them; sorry sir, no can do. Army, for the first time in our history, is behaving exactly it is supposed to – not fiddling with the state’s affairs.

So this time around, it would be our elected leaders who have to lead on! If not, Bannu’s and DI Khan’s would continue to happen.

I consider Imran Khan to be a man of actions and not mere words, and I like him for it. So I suggest, that he should man up, shoulder a little responsibility when his IG Prisons failed him and stop doing what his predecessors did – pointing fingers on other. Instead, he should lead on and take us all along in this/his fight against terrorism.

We/he should for once and all figure out whose war it is (Army already did), decide upon an anti-terrorism policy ASP, and once done, we should execute it as a nation (Police, Army, Politicians – all and sundry inclusive).

Lastly, for the record I wanted to vote for PTI in these elections, but could not as I failed to receive my Postal Ballot on time, and I felt I felt dejected, But now I think, maybe it was not that bad after all.

Disclaimer: This piece would gladly face the online tsunami of PTI e-warriors.


Above is a desperate attempt by military apologist to put the burden of their failure to cooperate with the civilian govt to counter the terrorist, only on the civilian govt.

oh isnt that what they want to prove that civilians cannot handle it, just to create a base for another coup? #Shame

the fact of the matter is there were three Army check posts which the taliban terrorists came through and left by after 4 hours of operation in the Garrison town of D.I.Khan, but our gabro-jawans didnot noticed any terrorist activity, strangely enough !!

and as I know this for a fact, that often military make deals with talibans to swap prisoners, this looks like another swap deal !!
From what ive heard on tv from a retired senior PAF officer they didnt even ask for army help and talked abt elite force etc... and attackers had freed the people in half an hour or something.

This piece is in response to the knee-jerk reaction by Imran Khan wherein he “raised serious questions over last week’s jailbreak in Dera Ismail Khan and called for introspection by all institutions of the state”, in particular the Army.

A natural response to these questions would be; whose government is there in KPK? Who is the senior most executive there in the Province and the prime responsibility of maintaining law and order rests with whom?

The answer is simple – Chief Minister KPK, read the government of PTI!

There was a time when good leaders were said to possess the moral courage to own their failures, but perhaps, those were good times. The fashion, this time, is the opposite – transfer the blame to others, and this is precisely what Imran Khan has done.

The “introspection by all institutions of the state” part of the statement is somewhat well taken; we all ought to question how a jailbreak could take place when there was a precedence of the same (the kind of introspection I am talking about is dealt with later). However, including a mysterious “army division” into the circle of ‘accused’ is not understood, and here is why:

There is no ‘army division’ in DI Khan, only the skeleton Headquarters (HQ) of an Infantry Division resides there with (all of) its combat elements i.e. brigades actively engaged in fighting around Tank, Jandola etc.

The positioning of this division “HQ” at DI Khan is not permanent (it is not its actual location); it is only there as forces under its command are engaged in operations ahead.

DI Khan is not included in the IS (Internal Security) AOR (Area of Responsibility) of this division “HQ” i.e. this division is not primarily responsible for security of Dl Khan. To elaborate further:

Each field formation of Pakistan Army is responsible for certain administrative division/districts, called IS AORs of the concerned division where its under command units would act in case of natural calamities like floods, earthquakes or other tasks like elections duties or when called in Aid of Civil Power for security reasons.

This division did undertake the election duties during Election 2013 in addition to its primary IS duties at its peace location (location not disclosed). But then, that was when the government had requisitioned the Army to assist for GE-2013.

Central Jail DI Khan is the baby of Prison Department, KPK and not that of the Army:

The above-mentioned facts now beg a few questions:

Where is the anti-terrorism policy we all have been talking about? Being part of a uniformed organization, I can assure you that GOC of this so called division at DI Khan, IG KPK, IG Prisons, KPK or IG FC KPK cannot formulate this policy at their own. However, someone senior to them and the one to whom these people are answerable to, has to formulate this policy by ‘making’ these commanders sit together. That guy is none other than CM KPK a.k.a government of KPK. So dare I ask; what has he done so far in this regards?

A rep of PTI was seen yesterday telling us on live TV that the Police is not supposed to fight back in case of a terrorist attack. Right, so why not we just hand over every prison, bank, government offices etc to the Army?

How much budget did government of KPK allocate to equip its LEAs? Alternatively, did it ask for more if it was short on it?

Is even terrorism on Imran Khan’s top agendas?

What directions/policy, if any, did Imran Khan and his party give to its LEAs to fight terrorism?

Gen Kiyani had already said that terrorism is our real enemy, it is the internal threats that we face today that need our attention – it is our war! Wasn’t this how we wanted the role of Army to be in our national policymaking – discreet and passive? Or maybe we want to go back to square one where the Army ‘ran’ the country from behind the scenes? Nevertheless, the real question is what our elected leaders have done in this regard so far;

We are still unclear about whose war it is.

We are unable to gather an APC since the past 3 months to discuss the terrorism policy.

Some of us still want to talk with the enemy (I do not mind talking, but this has to be collective decision).

We are divided on who are the good Talibans and who are not.

Believe me, this is not how nations fight the menace of terrorism.

And a word of caution for those who would now ask the Army to do it (policy making) for them; sorry sir, no can do. Army, for the first time in our history, is behaving exactly it is supposed to – not fiddling with the state’s affairs.

So this time around, it would be our elected leaders who have to lead on! If not, Bannu’s and DI Khan’s would continue to happen.

I consider Imran Khan to be a man of actions and not mere words, and I like him for it. So I suggest, that he should man up, shoulder a little responsibility when his IG Prisons failed him and stop doing what his predecessors did – pointing fingers on other. Instead, he should lead on and take us all along in this/his fight against terrorism.

We/he should for once and all figure out whose war it is (Army already did), decide upon an anti-terrorism policy ASP, and once done, we should execute it as a nation (Police, Army, Politicians – all and sundry inclusive).

Lastly, for the record I wanted to vote for PTI in these elections, but could not as I failed to receive my Postal Ballot on time, and I felt I felt dejected, But now I think, maybe it was not that bad after all.

Disclaimer: This piece would gladly face the online tsunami of PTI e-warriors.


Above is a desperate attempt by military apologist to put the burden of their failure to cooperate with the civilian govt to counter the terrorist, only on the civilian govt.

oh isnt that what they want to prove that civilians cannot handle it, just to create a base for another coup? #Shame

the fact of the matter is there were three Army check posts which the taliban terrorists came through and left by after 4 hours of operation in the Garrison town of D.I.Khan, but our gabro-jawans didnot noticed any terrorist activity, strangely enough !!

and as I know this for a fact, that often military make deals with talibans to swap prisoners, this looks like another swap deal !!

Thanks but no thanks di dyou read teh whol etopic or just start jumping after seeing the name of imran khan. Accept the fault where you are on mistake.

Just show me any statement where PTI accept and said this is done by TTP even after acceptance by TTP. or do you want me to show you where PTI rep were so afraid to name TTP on media.

if the leader ship is afraid and confused about ttp. what you can expect from police so the fault of PTI leader ship even in ANP police was brave enough to fight with TTP suddenly what happen? its the time to think.

if nay thing happen in punjab you guys start abusing shahbaz or nawaz sharif. now what happen to you guys?

Be brave enough to accept and try to over come the issues rather than doing same as other "BLAME GAME"

Face palm for Naya Pakistan.
From what ive heard on tv from a retired senior PAF officer they didnt even ask for army help and talked abt elite force etc... and attackers had freed the people in half an hour or something.

Yes and on the same program when they asked from PTI rep to say please name who did this he was saying this militant this and when he asked please give the name who did he was so scared to name. thats the courage they have for truth and they are blaming army for every thing if you read the above article you will know whats the presence of army in D. I khan.
I am looking at Imran Khan so that he starts criticizing these attacks as the barbarity they are. I don't want PTI to have a soft corner for militants who burn, kill and destroy everything in their path. The Taliban should be utterly eliminated and I would support PTI if it developed a plan to ensure this. Pakistan is badly losing in the war on terror and now the entire nation is a complete mess.

So much so that I offer to fight the Taliban myself with my bare hands. The militants are animals who have no human emotions and are the biggest evil in the world. We have tried enough times to talk peace to the Taliban but barbarians do not know the meaning of peace. Lets give them war and eradicate them from the face of the planet.
From what ive heard on tv from a retired senior PAF officer they didnt even ask for army help and talked abt elite force etc... and attackers had freed the people in half an hour or something.

and I have to quote @F.O.X here too and all the army appologists who trying to absolve holy army from all sins

Officials said the committee’s focus was on how militants accessed a high-security area and breached a three-tiered defence system comprising law enforcement agencies (LEA). Most LEA personnel, however, had fled the attack, giving the Taliban an opportunity to escape with their choice of inmates without being hindered.

“Upon receiving intelligence information on July 28, all concerned – including army officials who visited the premises – expressed satisfaction over the security measures taken to protect the prison,” shared one home department authority. The inner and outer cordons comprised of police while the outermost cordons, which were to be filled by the army, remained vacant during the attack, he added. “Yes, we will not spare anyone; this is not Peshawar’s responsibility, it is Dera’s. We were told after the July 28 visit everything was up to the mark,” said the official. If things had been up to the mark, could militants have breached three layers of security, he questioned. “The inquiry committee will fix responsibility and will not let anyone go unquestioned.”

DI Khan jailbreak: Investigation team summons 12 senior officials – The Express Tribune

@nuclearpak @balixd @Slav Defence @Areesh
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@haviZsultan, you can not just get up and say that you offer to kill Taliban with your bare hands. Neither can you manage to get rid of them without addressing their mind-set, and the narrative that informs their world-view.

I seriously doubt you can actually do any of the above. Platitudes accomplish nothing.

In case you wish to see how anything can be accomplished, study how the Anarchists were handled at the cusp of 19th & 20th century. My view is that secular liberals can not even address this problem, much less actually solve it.
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The above article is a classic example how someone can try to fool people with construed information and presenting distorted facts. I will try to answer these questions and hope that we get some facts straight

Q:Where is the anti-terrorism policy we all have been talking about? IK asked for a meeting with PM and army chief to get full understanding of the ground situation in order to formulate policy based on the the most current information. Instead he was ridiculed that he is stepping out of his shoes and trying to get undue importance. The said policy has to be made by central govt and KPK govt will be part of it. You cannot have 2 different policies by center , KP govt and this policy cannot be formed without input form ISI, MI and other agencies. Army has to be part and parcel of such policy since terrorism cannot be fought by police and FC alone.

Q2:A rep of PTI was seen yesterday telling us on live TV that the Police is not supposed to fight back in case of a terrorist attack. Right, so why not we just hand over every prison, bank, government offices etc to the Army? I ma not sure if the writer knows about the condition of KPK police, their resources and types of weapons they have. We certainly need Army/ coo

How much budget did government of KPK allocate to equip its LEAs? Alternatively, did it ask for more if it was short on it?
I do not the exact figures but this has to com from police force. In present case police/army thought they were well equipped to combat the attackers. So this question is not pertinent in this case but certainly over a long term police needs ot be equipped better and finances need to be ensured for this.

Is even terrorism on Imran Khan’s top agendas? This is a needless question reflects writer's bias towards PTI/IK. IK has been talking about this for past 10 years consistently.

What directions/policy, if any, did Imran Khan and his party give to its LEAs to fight terrorism? I have answered this above. We need a central policy where federal govt, provincial govt and all agencies are on same page.

Lastly I have a few question from the writer: What specific steps CM KPK should have taken to prevent this attack especially when police/army inspected the jail and the same day and were satisfied with their preparations?
When army has multiple check posts in and around that area how come these people can enter DI Khan unnoticed?

We do need a policy and it has to be made quickly. Instead of beating the dead horse of APC and performing Umrahs and running around the world the leadership should work on this. IK has asked for a meeting but was never reciprocated and instead was ridiculed by thugs like Fazal ur Rehman and Altaf.
I am looking at Imran Khan so that he starts criticizing these attacks as the barbarity they are. I don't want PTI to have a soft corner for militants who burn, kill and destroy everything in their path. The Taliban should be utterly eliminated and I would support PTI if it developed a plan to ensure this. Pakistan is badly losing in the war on terror and now the entire nation is a complete mess.

So much so that I offer to fight the Taliban myself with my bare hands. The militants are animals who have no human emotions and are the biggest evil in the world. We have tried enough times to talk peace to the Taliban but barbarians do not know the meaning of peace. Lets give them war and eradicate them from the face of the planet.

DI Khan jailbreak: Investigation team summons 12 senior officials – The Express Tribune

D I Khan jailbreak: Police arrests suspected ?Punjabi Taliban? commander - DAWN.COM

Rs19.8m for fortifying KPK jails

Four policemen arrested due to negligence in DI Khan jail attack – The Express Tribune

atleast KPK govt is trying to fix the loose end on its side... however the question remains, who will put a check on criminal negligence or compliance of military personnel with the Taliban or un-documented deals they do with these terrorists at their own?? koe pochnay wala nahi hai inko kiya??
The above article is a classic example how someone can try to fool people with construed information and presenting distorted facts. I will try to answer these questions and hope that we get some facts straight

Q:Where is the anti-terrorism policy we all have been talking about? IK asked for a meeting with PM and army chief to get full understanding of the ground situation in order to formulate policy based on the the most current information. Instead he was ridiculed that he is stepping out of his shoes and trying to get undue importance. The said policy has to be made by central govt and KPK govt will be part of it. You cannot have 2 different policies by center , KP govt and this policy cannot be formed without input form ISI, MI and other agencies. Army has to be part and parcel of such policy since terrorism cannot be fought by police and FC alone.

Q2:A rep of PTI was seen yesterday telling us on live TV that the Police is not supposed to fight back in case of a terrorist attack. Right, so why not we just hand over every prison, bank, government offices etc to the Army? I ma not sure if the writer knows about the condition of KPK police, their resources and types of weapons they have. We certainly need Army/ coo

How much budget did government of KPK allocate to equip its LEAs? Alternatively, did it ask for more if it was short on it?
I do not the exact figures but this has to com from police force. In present case police/army thought they were well equipped to combat the attackers. So this question is not pertinent in this case but certainly over a long term police needs ot be equipped better and finances need to be ensured for this.

Is even terrorism on Imran Khan’s top agendas? This is a needless question reflects writer's bias towards PTI/IK. IK has been talking about this for past 10 years consistently.

What directions/policy, if any, did Imran Khan and his party give to its LEAs to fight terrorism? I have answered this above. We need a central policy where federal govt, provincial govt and all agencies are on same page.

Lastly I have a few question from the writer: What specific steps CM KPK should have taken to prevent this attack especially when police/army inspected the jail and the same day and were satisfied with their preparations?
When army has multiple check posts in and around that area how come these people can enter DI Khan unnoticed?

We do need a policy and it has to be made quickly. Instead of beating the dead horse of APC and performing Umrahs and running around the world the leadership should work on this. IK has asked for a meeting but was never reciprocated and instead was ridiculed by thugs like Fazal ur Rehman and Altaf.

Army was supposed to guarding outer perimeter, where were khaakis at time of attack?
and I have to quote @F.O.X here too and all the army appologists who trying to absolve holy army from all sins

@nuclearpak @balixd @Slav Defence @Areesh

exactly who will bring them to be questioned for their negligence? oh they have apologists who distort facts and try to put the blame on civilian govt?

As a lot of people said, the Police assured the Army that it won't be needed and their elite force will handle the job...

come on yar, bhai tum fikar na karo bhai mein sanbhal lunga bhai, tum ja ker soo jao aram say mien ker longa bhai... this is what You are believing?

this is how we coordinate with each other?

and above all what about the check posts?
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when immy doesnt want to fight the terrorist, instead bed with them, then no police guy will risk his life to fight talibans
come on yar, bhai tum fikar na karo bhai mein sanbhal lunga bhai, tum ja ker soo jao aram say mien ker longa bhai... this is what You are believing?

this is how we coordinate with each other?

and above all what about the check posts?

Yes that is what I expect. The intel report comes to a Major, he forwards it, the senior officer contacts jail admin, they coordinate, they review arrangements, Police say that they have enough 'nafri' to take care of the jail and the Army relaxes. Remember, police will then have to do some paperwork and maybe also pay something.. @Xeric can clear this issue of Police-Army liaison better than me.

As for the check post thing, do you really think they came and went in one big convoy all together on the main highway with lights on?
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