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KJ-500- medum size AEW/C

Any idea where this is?

Looks like the hangars at the homebase of the 26th Special Mission Division but heavily expanded.
other than USA there
In that case, what countries are China planning to use the J-20 against? I am -- based on personal experience -- %100 confident that the US know how to detect low radar observable bodies long before China built the experimental J-20. So going by your logic, it would be useless to use the J-20 against US and our allies, which pretty much surrounds China.

You are gullible enough to believe that press release, but lay that aside for now.
are many other countries against which stealth technology can be used, especially Taiwan. USA will not use nuclear weapons against Russia and China becoz they will return in same coin and destroy USA but still USA is developing conventional technology , why ? Just to intimidate weaker countries like syria, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Iraq etc
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