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Kite flying by RAW?

Ananda Bazar Patrika is known RAW den targeting BD.


  • Subir Bhaumik is the BBC's Eastern India Correspondent based in Calcutta. He was a Queen Elizabeth House Fellow at Oxford University (1989-90) and is author of "Insurgent Crossfire", a definitive investigation on "proxy wars" of South Asia. He has worked for Time and Reuters, and before that for the Press Trust of India and the Calcutta-based Ananda Bazar Patrika. Subir has covered India's troubled North East and written extensively on Burma , Bhutan and Bangladesh. Many of his articles have been published in books edited by leading scholars and he has presented papers at seminars in India and abroad. He has just completed a book on North East India -- The Troubled Periphery - to be published by Penguin.

    63C,Ibrahimpur Road,
    Calcutta, 700 032
    Email: sbhaucalcutta@indiatimes.com ; sbhau@yahoo.com
Ananda Bazar Patrika is known RAW den targeting BD.


  • Subir Bhaumik is the BBC's Eastern India Correspondent based in Calcutta. He was a Queen Elizabeth House Fellow at Oxford University (1989-90) and is author of "Insurgent Crossfire", a definitive investigation on "proxy wars" of South Asia. He has worked for Time and Reuters, and before that for the Press Trust of India and the Calcutta-based Ananda Bazar Patrika. Subir has covered India's troubled North East and written extensively on Burma , Bhutan and Bangladesh. Many of his articles have been published in books edited by leading scholars and he has presented papers at seminars in India and abroad. He has just completed a book on North East India -- The Troubled Periphery - to be published by Penguin.

    63C,Ibrahimpur Road,
    Calcutta, 700 032
    Email: sbhaucalcutta@indiatimes.com ; sbhau@yahoo.com

Looks like he has good credentials and you want to portray him in bad light.
BBC journalist is a RAW agent? lolz
and bangladesh is RAW's biggest overseas station? I would like to think its pakistan, bangladesh is already more or less friendly country and not much threat emanates from there.

Media never be termed anyone's full time agent but Media is one of the lethal tools used by these agents . 
Looks like he has good credentials and you want to portray him in bad light.

A person who had been talent to understand proxies can be of good use to spread media perception about another practical proxy .

Its not portraying in bad light but throwing light on his role as tool
Media never be termed anyone's full time agent but Media is one of the lethal tools used by these agents .
the primary job of intelligence agencies is to gather intelligence. Rest like influencing public opinion, or involving in covert action are extra.
Individual journalists have their own opinions and way of thinking. RAW paying an Indian national based in India is absurd, the same amount is better spent elsewhere.
I have yet to find any Indian journalist who is considered ISI agent or CIA agent or BD secret service (if they got one) agent. They are accused of political affiliation mostly (pro congress or pro bjp).
Our Pay Hike is Proportional to DALALI hike, More DALALI More PAY :tup: :D

And what about shifting their control office of Dalals of BD in big one?
The idiot is over selling fictitious migrant issue, but following my lead, he is calling the main landmass of India West of Chicken neck, "mainland" India.:tup:

It was always called mainland since the time of partition because the east was isolated and connected by narrow siliguri corridor. Just like Hawaii and Alaska refer to 48 contiguous states of united states as mainland.
BBC journalist is a RAW agent? lolz
and bangladesh is RAW's biggest overseas station? I would like to think its pakistan, bangladesh is already more or less friendly country and not much threat emanates from there.

Looks like BNP/Jamaat members are getting desperate and spouting their BS propaganda to counter AL.
Best way to do it RAW/Indian dalal nexus. Anything new guys???

Looks like he has good credentials and you want to portray him in bad light.

Did U read the article by that bigot of a journalist. He lied through his teeth about BD's political scenario targeting global audience. Here it is:
Bangladesh is in a violent phase and India must do all it can to see a friendly regime return to power - Times Of India

He is a Indian sitting in BD concocting and fabricating facts to suit his Country's agenda. He is appealing to the global audience with concocted filth made in South Block. The article in this thread is one of the numerous counters by pro-BD journalist exposing his and his country's filthy mindset and propaganda & lies known to all BDs for too long now. Not only this, but most of your media such as anandabazar is head over heels on BD elections finding mythical "islamic extremist" and malinging BD's islamic banks/institutions- they always has been such shameless low lives but this time they are crossing all limits. Calling for military intervention? Talk about the devious mindset of babus in Delhi.

which bit are anti muslim / anti bd?

Just read this article. Going on and on about "radical Islamist extremist". The same old bogeyman of "islamic radicals" with inherent bigotry towards muslims is getting pretty overused & boring don't U think. It would be better if babus in Delhi simply comes to accept the fact that this is a majority muslim country where Islam will always be the major driving force in BD's politics and social fabric. Trying to come up with concocted fairy tales to attack our country & society would naturally hover around anti-islamic bigotry as exemplified by RAW and GOI propaganda.

If NE worries U so much look intothe mirror rather than putting the blame on some one else. NE or any other of your region is your problem only. Learn to deal with facts. Coming up with mythical bogeymen will only exaggerate your already dire situation in NE.
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Did U read the article by that bigot of a journalist. He lied through his teeth about BD's political scenario targeting global audience. Here it is:
Bangladesh is in a violent phase and India must do all it can to see a friendly regime return to power - Times Of India

He is a Indian sitting in BD concocting and fabricating facts to suit his Country's agenda. He is appealing to the global audience with concocted filth made in South Block. The article in the thread is one of the numerous counters by pro-BD journalist exposing his and his country's filthy mindset and propaganda & lies known to all BDs for too long now. Not only this, but most of your media such as anandabazar is head over heels on BD elections finding mythical "islamic extremist" and malinging BD's islamic banks/institutions- they always has been such shameless low lives but this time they are crossing all limits. Calling for military intervention? Talk about the devious mindset of babus in Delhi.

Just read this article. Going on and on about "radical Islamist extremist". The same old bogeyman of "islamic radicals" with inherent bigotry towards muslims is getting pretty overused & boring don't U think. It would be better if babus in Delhi simply comes to accept the fact that this is a majority muslim country where Islam will always be the major driving force in BD's politics and social fabric. Trying to come up with concocted fairy tales to attack our country & society would naturally hover around anti-islamic bigotry as exemplified by RAW and GOI propaganda.
well, it will be fair to criticize him as biased journalist, but calling him RAW agent takes away credibility of your own journalist.
It could be his own view.
There are left wing journalists in India, should we call them chinese agents? 
It was always called mainland since the time of partition because the east was isolated and connected by narrow siliguri corridor. Just like Hawaii and Alaska refer to 48 contiguous states of united states as mainland.
no, kalu mian said it first and others copied it. lolz.
Media never be termed anyone's full time agent but Media is one of the lethal tools used by these agents . 

Indian media always goes berserk on the eve of BD election in favour of BAL. This time though they are not hiding their love affair with BAL even calling for "all means" necessary to save their stooges. The indian home minister Sushilkumar Shinde recently said- India would repay Hasina gov for the 4 years of growing bilateral relations. While their former ambassadors have been arranging round table discussions in delhi with awami dalal "intellectuals" calling for ensuring the victory of "secular" forces in BD. Notice the provocative actions they are taking. This is a first in BD's history- never before had India this much audacity. Not to mention their diplomatic whining. They are the only country now backing BAL's facist ambitions. They have gone desperate.
well, it will be fair to criticize him as biased journalist, but calling him RAW agent takes away credibility of your own journalist.
It could be his own view.
There are left wing journalists in India, should we call them chinese agents?

Oh really? This is not the only case of Indian whining. Forget about the recent anadabazar fairy tales about islamic banking and ISI link with BNP? The point is , he along with all the Indian media would naturally follow the dictates of the security establishment of GOI which revolves around similar propaganda . And this is what they are doing. They are writing articles filled with nothing but concoctions and fairy tales. Obviously journalism that goes into this much naked concoctions and lies have hidden agenda targeting western audience. And we are talking about all indian news outlets uttering the same crap over the last 20 years & with new found vigor over the past 4 years. RAW have a free run in BD thanks to 4 years of open access given by BAL and that's why your security establishment is this desperate.

And rather than calling it his "own" views it would be better to call it the perception that GOI and Indians wants the world to have about BD.
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