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King Abdullah: Zardari is rotten

Shame on those who is supporting Saudis against the President of Pakistan. Zardari is a simple man but not so corrupt often he accused for. Saudi king is a rotten tomato so he thinks like this against Zardari.
Shame on those who is supporting Saudis against the President of Pakistan. Zardari is a simple man but not so corrupt often he accused for. Saudi king is a rotten tomato so he thinks like this against Zardari.

simple man Zardari? :rofl: are u sure?
Why this idiot is supporting Saudi king against Pakistan? :angry:

Just because Zardari is our president it dont give him immunity from criticism. The day we drop this attitude of letting him get away with murder because he is the President (or any one else in that position) it will be the day of our salvation. And also by that token u dont have any right to call some one names cause he is asking questions of the guy whose paycheck he pays with his hard earned money.
What do know about him? Read about his life. He is very simple and respectable person. After murder of BB he is now the real hero of Pakistan.

self delete my mistake
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I know more then you I lived in London I seen his son bilwal too and read his daughters book fatima bhutto. As for being simple his helicopter trip to see his palace in France did not look very simple to me.

Dont even tell the women in the picture that she is Zardaris daughter she will probably kill u, Zardari is thought to be and blamed by her to be her dads murderer. Her name is Fatima Bhutto.


PS did u really read the book by her.
Shame on those who is supporting Saudis against the President of Pakistan. Zardari is a simple man but not so corrupt often he accused for. Saudi king is a rotten tomato so he thinks like this against Zardari.

LOL what the hell did i just read!

Fantastic comedy! MOAR!!!! :yahoo:
Dont even tell the women in the picture that she is Zardaris daughter she will probably kill u, Zardari is thought to be and blamed by her to be her dads murderer. Her name is Fatima Bhutto.


PS did u really read the book by her.

i know yar i read her book i respect her and her views but she even blamed her aunt that they used to be close but after her fathers death things changed in a way she was not blaming her aunt but she said she could have done more to answer questions why her father was gunned down.
i know yar i read her book i respect her and her views but she even blamed her aunt that they used to be close but after her fathers death things changed in a way she was not blaming her aunt but she said she could have done more to answer questions why her father was gunned down.

The reason I asked was that the way it looked to me was that you had called her zardaris daughter. thats all. No issues.
The reason I asked was that the way it looked to me was that you had called her zardaris daughter. thats all. No issues.

I made mistake benazir was her aunty but her book is very intresting she is quite a deep person but she says her and bilwal are not on speaking terms anymore which is quite strange considering both lost loved ones they have much in common.
How will it affect the KSA-Pakistan relations ?

What is the reaction of PPP and PPP members to this ?

P.s.:Its my personal opinion that no matter how bad Zardari be,it does not warrant a third country to comment on this.Pakistanis have all the right in the world to abuse him , But Saudis --NO.

Wikileaks report on Pak-Saudi relations ‘misleading’: FO

Pakistan has termed extremely negative reports carried on Pakistan-Saudi relations attributed to Wikileaks as ‘misleading’ and ‘contrary to facts’.
Foreign office spokesman Abdul Basit responding to excerpts from documents brought to public light by Wikileaks said these documents reportedly pertain to official communications within the US government system. US had alerted us to the unauthorized leaks. Since these leaks are in the public domain, we would obviously look at these closely with a view to ensuring that Pakistan’s national interest are not compromised in any manner. However, we are not in the position to comment on the veracity of US internal documents.
“We consider the extremely negative reports carried on Pakistan-Saudi relations attributed to Wikileaks as misleading and contrary to facts. Pakistan enjoys a very special and unique relationship with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Pakistani leadership, government and the people of Pakistan hold the leadership and the people of Saudi Arabia not only in very high esteem but as true friends and brothers. Saudi Arabia, His Majesty King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz, the Royal family and the people of Saudi Arabia have always stood by Pakistan. It is quite evident that these mischievous reports reveal the utter inadequacy of the author to grasp the essence of the Pakistan-Saudi relationship”, he said.
Spokesman said Pakistan is an advanced nuclear technology state. No one can touch Pakistan’s nuclear facilities and assets. Reports concerning Pakistan’s experimental nuclear reactor acknowledge that Pakistan did not allow any transfer of the fuel from the experimental reactor. This experimental reactor was installed in the mid-60s with the support of the US which also initially provided the fuel for this facility. The US suggestion to have the fuel transferred was plainly refused by Pakistan. The suggestion that the reactor is producing HEU is completely incorrect.

Wikileaks report on Pak-Saudi relations ‘misleading’: FO | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Even though I do not like Zardari but as a subject of a country where he is President and other relations, we have to stand up for him when another 'rotten head' accuses our president of being rotten.

Its a classic case of pot calling the kettle black, the 'adventures' of Saud family are well known to many and their rule is a hindrance for Muslim unity.

Do remember that Zardari is a democratically appointed head of state. An insult to a Pakistani head of state is an insult to all of us.
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